7 Reasons Why Inazuma is The Best Nation in Genshin Impact #genshinimpact


40 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why Inazuma is The Best Nation in Genshin Impact #genshinimpact”

  1. First of all the primos are better in Sumeru and Fontaine, Fontaine looks sooo much better due to you don’t have to deal with lightning until you do quests and you can go underwater which is amazing, I loved Sumeru because it looked alive unlike most of Inazuma where it looks like how Ei treated the people

  2. Irazuma; character build check.

    Players with broken builds; you'll be just fine.

    Players with great character build; you'll be okay.

    Players with good builds; your cutting it but you'll do okay..

    Players with decent builds; okay. Fix your builds before you end up like the last one.

    Players with bad builds; struggling for their lives just to complete the side quests alone.

  3. Welcome to İnazuma;
    The water kills
    The air kills
    The lighting strikes so kills
    The enemy kills(hard for beginners)
    The Archon kills
    The "Archon" kills
    Your mental stability? Haha İTS GONE 😊

    (Not me glitching the first time we fight with Ei and gets stuck in there-😢) So yeah I disagree but that's your opinion 🤭


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