First of all the primos are better in Sumeru and Fontaine, Fontaine looks sooo much better due to you don’t have to deal with lightning until you do quests and you can go underwater which is amazing, I loved Sumeru because it looked alive unlike most of Inazuma where it looks like how Ei treated the people
Welcome to İnazuma; The water kills The air kills The lighting strikes so kills The enemy kills(hard for beginners) The Archon kills The "Archon" kills Your mental stability? Haha İTS GONE
(Not me glitching the first time we fight with Ei and gets stuck in there-) So yeah I disagree but that's your opinion
Dragonspine is probably the most generously area by far, the primo rewards are similar to inazuma's and not monstadt's and you get big chest for simply killing enemies
Im agreeing on this one inazuma is the reason why i got my girl furina from defeating raiden shogun in the archon qeust in a 1 pull and my 1st 5 star character at ar 32
let me guess you’re an autako and you’re in love with something called japan
Monstadt > inazuma
Liyue > inazuma
Sumeru > inazuma
Fontaine > inazuma
I just hate inazuma it’s so boreing
“Most generous” beating a whole 204839927474 enemy team and get a common chest
My favourite Nation even after Fontain came out it's still inazuma.
fontaine better tbh
after a few months or something i would prob say the same but for now:

Inazuma’s the worst ngl
Team sumeru
Most generous? All the chest there are common chests
First of all the primos are better in Sumeru and Fontaine, Fontaine looks sooo much better due to you don’t have to deal with lightning until you do quests and you can go underwater which is amazing, I loved Sumeru because it looked alive unlike most of Inazuma where it looks like how Ei treated the people
The only good things about Inazuma are the male characters and the World Quests…. Everything else sucked. Mondstadt

Nahhh Sumeru is better
Don't tell them about the fishing.
Worst exploration..too many puzzles and very little combat.. overall it's a weird nation
The worst archon
hard disagree
Thoma as
had me rolling
it was the worst for me. glad i dont have to go back
"all chest gives primos"
me watching tsurumi with the green chest that don't give primos:
honestly liyue has my heart
"First Nation to traumatize us"
If it wasn't for the lightning, the awful electrogranum puzzle, and the fact that Ei destroyed almost the entirety of the country, it could have been.
Irazuma; character build check.
Players with broken builds; you'll be just fine.
Players with great character build; you'll be okay.
Players with good builds; your cutting it but you'll do okay..
Players with decent builds; okay. Fix your builds before you end up like the last one.
Players with bad builds; struggling for their lives just to complete the side quests alone.
Welcome to İnazuma;
The water kills
The air kills
The lighting strikes so kills
The enemy kills(hard for beginners)
The Archon kills
The "Archon" kills
Your mental stability? Haha İTS GONE
(Not me glitching the first time we fight with Ei and gets stuck in there-
) So yeah I disagree but that's your opinion 
The sarcasm
Hell nah, generous? Never heard that description when talking about inazuma before. The only thing it's good at is aesthetics and nothing else
Dragonspine is probably the most generously area by far, the primo rewards are similar to inazuma's and not monstadt's and you get big chest for simply killing enemies
Im agreeing on this one inazuma is the reason why i got my girl furina from defeating raiden shogun in the archon qeust in a 1 pull and my 1st 5 star character at ar 32
Monstad will always be my home
Inazuma and their freaking 2 primogem common chest
You can point at every beautiful spot of every nation, in the end Mondstadt still feels like home
i call thoma “wai toma toma”
Why am I so late
Nahhh waifus is liyue
mondstadt has best husbandos, best story, best children, best ost, best everything?
Nah bro is saying inazuma is the most generous while im out here killing 2927372 samurai's and still getting 4 hanguards
inazuma was heck to explore though