Why NO ONE Plays: Kaveh | Genshin Impact

They really hate Kaveh don’t they?

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36 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Kaveh | Genshin Impact”

  1. For 2yrs in every survey I've said I want a rework of the paimon shop. It only have launch characters, they seriously need to update it even just adding a 3rd characters every month is a start

  2. Kaveh should have been a geo character focused around construct gameplay. He's an architect, would have made so much more sense and geo constructs are a game mechanic that has so much potential yet they do nothing with.

  3. There's just so much converging on poor Kaveh. IMO one factor not mentioned is bloom core ownership and the "feel" of his playstyle. In Kaveh Bloom, you basically accept that a certain % of the bloom cores you've built the entire team around generating and bursting will not be created by Kaveh and/or won't have full bonuses, which feels awful. You also need massive hydro app.

    It means that even when you invest in Kaveh you'll still be waiting an eon for his 80-cost burst to come up, painfully generating cores one at a time through his slow claymore infusion attacks that "look" like heavy hits but are out-damaged by rainswords, and watching all of your little green nukes appear … while praying to the dendro archon that enemies don't randomly dance away from them, that random pyro or electro attacks don't trigger them before you can, or that your hydro aura didn't expire so the core scaled off of someone else's EM. Then after all of the anxious build-up you're finally ready for the big payoff. You pop the bloomcores… 2/5 of them do 3000 dmg because you forgot to normal attack before Kaveh's burst to apply hydro aura and Xingqiu stole the bloom ownership. 2/5 miss entirely because your claymore knockback pushed the enemy out of the blast radius. 1/5 hits for 17k damage.

    It's so goofy. In overworld combat, enemies are dead 90% of the time before I can even get to popping 3-4 cores because XQ+Yelan+Swirl kills them, meaning Kaveh did basically nothing except under-utilize a set of overkill supports. In harder content there's no justification for using those supports on him.

  4. Two things actually why no one plays Kaveh:
    1. Because he’s never had a rerun, it’s very unlikely, if not nearly impossible, to get him while pulling on banners.
    2. Kaveh had a rep of becoming Genshin’s equivalent of Nanook (Aeon of Destruction). Due to him somehow being able to delete a lot of stuff in the game, people have become afraid of getting him, out of fear their worlds could become deleted. That said the issue has since been fixed.

  5. Check out Soluna's video about Kaveh, in which he plays him with cloud retainer. The team is focused on balancing the down time he has when he is not exploding cores. His C6 would help a lot this play style but, well WE CAN'T GET IT

  6. It's because his Korean VA cheated on his wife with underage fans like OZ's Chinese VA back in the day. That's why there was a period with no Fischl reruns. Similarly, during the China femboy fiasco, Venti took ages to get a rerun. No clue why Heizou is in the same boat though

    It's not the character's fault in any way, just outside circumstances. We're waiting for his voice actor to get recast

  7. as someone who somehow managed to c6 kaveh not really going for him, god damn do i want to use him, but he is so bad. i feel like spread is his more consistent team sometimes due to his infusion nevermind his actual kit.

  8. Man, the reason I LOVE using Kaveh as a driver in a Nilou team is because of his survivability and convenience

    He literally gets HEALED by Nilou, as opposed to the rest of characters, who get nuked in Nilou teams for 3 seconds of field time.

    I've found the best team to be Nilou, Kaveh, Xingqiu and Baizhu (Baizhu being there to heal Nilou and Xingqiu, as well as to provide staggering resistance to Kaveh on top of Xingqiu's and Kaveh's own staggering resistance and proc the dendro artifact set effect)

    In this team, unless you get one-shotted, Kaveh cannot die. Literally. He can take all the damage from any mob, he can have bleeding on him, bond of life, burning status, anything that drains HP rapidly, but the bloom cores explode faster, which heal him and keep him at full health consistently.

    Best part about him is, since bloom cores damage depends more on Nilou's HP, the only thing you really need to build on Kaveh is his energy recharge, as to be able to build your ult for every rotation (I keep it at 170-180). His EM is not really that relevant damage wise, but it gives you healing bonus, so it's worth building a bit on it, he does great at 300-400 EM.

    And while yes, his normal attacks don't have amazing multipliers, because of the nature of his kit and play style (constantly losing HP and healing) he is eligible to use the marechausse artifact set, which means you can build more damage on him as a driver without needing to hyper invest on crit rate, letting you focus on EM, crit dmg and atk (nowhere near to the amount of damage Alhaitham deals on field, really, however Alhaitham kills himself the fastest in Nilou teams) or you could just use favonius on him with this set and not have to rely on ER substats as much

    Also, since he uses a claymore, he's awesome good at wearing down shields that ANY other Nilou electible team member would struggle to break (ie: cryo, geo shields) since hydro has no claymores and Kaveh is the only dendro claymore

    So all things mentioned considered, even though extremely niche, you end up with a Nilou team driver, almost completely unstaggering, borderline immortal that breaks shields with a very straightforward rotation

    Nilou Q (if available) > Nilou E > Baizhu E > Baizhu Q > Xingqiu Q > Xingqiu E > Kaveh Q > Normal ATK > Kaveh E (and repeat)

    This team has genuinely helped me 36* abyss with ease so many times because of its survivability and versatility. You can handle multiple waves and highly mobile mobs unlike Nahida and Traveler respectively. It's biggest weakness being single target and hydro-dendro resistant enemies.

    Edit: I might keep adding more pros to this as I remember more, don't mind me editing it πŸ’€

  9. I'm a pretty casual player but my favorite thing is when i can go into spiral abyss and use Kaveh Nilou Baizu XQ and Alhaitham quicken or hyperbloom as the second team. I know it was mentioned off-handedly in the video but Kaveh's bloom healing is so damn comfortable on floor 12 for a casual player

  10. literally one easy change to make kaveh playable. make it so that when he detonates cores the bloom damage is based off of kavehs EM. Literrally the only thing they needed to do but they couldn't


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