why NATLAN and Pyro archon is a GAME CHANGER in LORE | Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “why NATLAN and Pyro archon is a GAME CHANGER in LORE | Genshin Impact”

  1. Haha yes very well, the Archon of Pyro. An intriguing concept the Pheonix, oddly non related to such a title but perhaps it will be in game. I have doubt but it may be represented differently. The idea of the Pheonix is less the bird and more the multi purpose extent of the Fire. The cleansing or purifying nature is ancient but to us its destructive. It's ritualistic, ceremonial, to be revered- respected and feared. Fire is an element of nature with little taming. Ashing itself though, it's reserved for specific instances as those who have been ashed cannot simply be revived. It is seen as the loser's punishment for over stepping bounds. War is not always through words but truths seen in combat. As for old genshin lore no clue how any will line up, I'd imagine you got it mostly Allright for speculation.

  2. There's another thing everyone is not mentioning. The fatui harbingers are loosely (very, very loosely) counterparts of the archtypes in italian comedy opera, or "Commedia dell'arte". Capitano, as described in the opera, is a spanish so called conquistador (If Natlan = Aztec culture, that raised some questions) who presumes to be a strong, fenomenal warrior but it's all a lie, it's all bravado, he's a weak, coward cheater, a liar and a scoundrel.
    I don't think that's exactly the case, but Capitano may cheat (Fatui NEVER play fair, none of them have) to win a death match against the archon and we resurect her to do a rematch and she ends up killing capitano, granting us the gnosis and a way to travel to Schent… Schenzt… Rusia.

  3. I really hope they keep Natlan characters Tan , like in the manga. I’m a little scared they’ll make Murata and Venessa white, similar to their counter part in Honkai. We really don’t have good brown characters in Genshin * cough * Dheya * cough * Cyano * cough *

  4. I have a question and a theory:

    1) We are good friends with Neuvillette, a dragon sovereign. Could we not just. Talk to him about the other dragon sovereigns, and get information about the archon this way?

    2) My theory is that Murata has been in a continual war to find her successor. She doesn’t want the title anymore, she is tired and wants to give up the archon title much like Zhongli wanted to sign a contract to end all contracts. But, she believes in the rules of war and wants to maintain her integrity as the Archon of War. She doesn’t want just anyone to be her successor, she wants someone whose heart blazes with the warmth of a fair, hard-fought battle.

    In line with this, perhaps she called for a contest of sorts that prevented the people of Natlan from wanting to leave. Perhaps she he believes the people of Natlan to be the strongest there is. Almost as if she’s thinking “if my people can’t defeat me, no one can.” “Archon status” as the ultimate prize in a nation that cares a great deal about war and most likely the spoils that come from victory?? I would want to stay, and make it my life’s mission to train my way to fight my leader if I were a Natlan inhabitant.

    So when Capitano comes waltzing in, mucking up all her subordinates and wreaking havoc on the competitor, Murata must be so excited but maybe melancholy. This would depend on if Capitano is originally from Natlan or not (I’m not sure about this one). But I get the feeling that when the traveler comes knocking on Murata’s door looking to enter the competition, that’s going to stir up some drama… especially if we defeat her 🤯

  5. I predict that Natlan will be about an upcoming war between Celestia against Fontaine for having violated the heavenly principles and also against Zeshnaia for plotting against Celestia, Celestia will try to reclute and send pyro dragons to vaporize the Hydro Dragon in Fontaine and melt the Zariza in Zeshnaia.

  6. Well, we know Venti and Zhongli are the only original archons left. Buuuuut, nobody else knows that. Everyone but the descenders think Nahida was also an original archon. Including Nahida herself, she just "doesn't remember" it. But the other Archons remember "her" as she was.

  7. ok but can we talk abt the tsaritsa? her title given by her people already gives a giant lore bomb. tsaritsa (meaning woman married to a czar or a widow) meaning she HAD or HAS a husband.

  8. Dragon ppl (tribe) vs phoenix ppl (aka “the small bit of muratans” left that probably exceeds 200) . What if its like final fantasy. Two different fire entities fighting , (the children on the dragon sovereign “ifrit” vs the children of “the phoenix Murata”, all for one thing “ifrits gnosis back”. Its a stretch but thats a theory I just came up with. 😅

  9. If murata can come back to life then I think it would be great if we see the captain kill her over and over again but she just won’t stay down

    Also if she is a Phoenix same as how venti is a wind spirit, morax is an adepti ext then she better have a passive where she can be revived in gameplay

    Possibility via a character using there burst?

  10. Pretty interesting for sure. That its why agter 4.6 banner im goona start saving for the pyro archon and her constellations. Im sure she will be insanely good /like all archons are YES INCLUDING VENTI his amazing if u know how to play him


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