Why Isn't This an Actual Mechanic | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Beidou

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32 thoughts on “Why Isn't This an Actual Mechanic | Genshin Impact”

  1. I want this mechanic to be for Traveler only, maybe more people will use them then… their NA not that weak like in this event, my Aether deals 4-5k with Gladiator set and 8-10k with Physical goblet…

  2. As a veteran Beidou main who use to like properly main her back in the early AR days i can tell u for a fact that the enemy AI in it's current state just wouldn't really make it work well from my experience .

  3. Just kinda thinking off the top of my head but a character with a parry skill one use with low cool down and each successful parry builds stacks (max 3) and after gaining max stacks causes charge attacks to cost 0 stamina and deal extra damage (from a passive) for a certain amount of time. Their burst grants an attack speed boost + coordinated attacks (similar to oz) + decreased/no character swap cooldown to them and nearby party members allowing for quick swap for a certain amount of time or something like that idk

  4. they do use a lot of these mini games to gauge the reaction of the playerbase before adding the functions to the game permanently so perhaps there is something later with it

  5. Cant wait for perfect dodge mechanics lol but prolly too op unless enemies like honkai impact
    Doggo had me raging tho XD was trying to get under 1:15 for time
    But you should try honkai impact too for that kind of combat that you said you wanted dodge mechanics also weave into auto attack combos not just time pause but also changes the combo of auto attack based off of perfect dodge or the way you press the auto attack mixed with ult as a B button which honkai has
    I dunno if they'll add it to genshin like they did honkai impact

  6. Pros: new mechanic that makes gameplay feel fresh and interesting

    Cons: might potentially feel weird when combined with the current gameplay, potential cause for Genshin's version of Monsoon

  7. I would prefer they make parrying a regular mechanic in the game like dodging instead of solely relying upon dodging which wastes stamina and a perfect dodge mechanic that does damage like for example with klee a perfect dodge could leave behind some exploding sparks and with amber it leaves a baron bunny down same etc. I also would love some swap in attacks that when you change characters in it does an attack to keep momentum. I just want parrying/blocking to be a non beidou exclusive but something you can do on any and all characters.

  8. Parry is hell for me with my 150 ping.

    Yes, I’ve longed for a Eula type character with a parry. How about a character that cannot dodge but brings up a shield instead.

  9. If they ever add this then artifacts would be rendered useless since there is no scaling for parrying and mhy want players to keep farming artifacts so the game would keep going

  10. I think this would be sick. Know what they could do? Tie the ability to parry to a new weapon type. Every weapon has its specific thing. Polearms have very fast attack with light damage. Swords are moderately fast with moderate damage. Claymores are slow, hit hard, and break ores. Bows have elemental ranged charge attacks and lock on autos. Catalysts are elemental auto attack lock on. Something like a gauntlet weapon or dagger+shield combo could be perfect. It would be melee range of course, and not hit as hard as claymores or quite as fast as swords, but would have a parry option. Imagine.

  11. I feel like the problem with a dedicated parry character would be they would have to be used for single target very situational fights such as these event fight rather mobs which Beidou and Yun Jin are a great at.

  12. Parrying is so similar to Evasions in Honkai. I know Genshin can do it, they just haven't considered it to be much of a great addition to the nature of the game and it also takes a lot of deliberations which might affect a lot of normal attack characters.

  13. I never was good with reactions, so this part of event was really annoying for me. I'm glad a lot of people enjoyed it, but i was frustrated af. So no, i don't want this feature to be permanent, Beidou alone is enough. She is slow and that helps a lot. It's easier to play with her. More faster character at least for me would be an issue. Though of course i simply wouldn't pull for such character, but if it's a 4* that would mean that eventually i would get him and i would need to build him, at least that's what i do with all my characters lately. Egh…..

  14. Right now every character feel really limit to the thing that they can do in game. As right now there is no air basic attack combo and most character can't even block/parry attack. Also some character should be able to transform. But they can't do it. Looking at Childe and Raiden by the way.

  15. That's why I love Beidou ever since her first release and Yunjin too, sadly the game is more into quick swap mechanic and active action style

    I am sure this will keep locked behind an event, but hands down this has to be one of my favorites event!!

  16. in honkai they have an dogde mechanic where you slow time and you gain different stuff depending of the character you use, altough its quite simple, sometimes annoying, its not used as much or always, but still would be cool to have it in genshin

  17. I think they want to test out the parry mechanic with this event and eventually bring it in the game later. And yea with Fontaine (like fencing gameplay) it would be a good opportunity…


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