Genshin Creators are Killing the Game, Here's why…

With Genshin impact 4.4 Drama coming to a close, we have to talk about why it left the game in a worse state, mainly because we could have used this as on opportunity for change but the egos of Genshin Content Creators were just too large. There was a lot of drama around Tectone, Enviosity, atsu to just name a few. It is crazy to see just how derailed the situation got from the initial genshin impact anniversary drama. We started out trying to boycott Genshin but the genshin impact 4.4 drama ended up being about CCs. Luckily the CN side of the community is a lot more steadfast and don’t fight between themselves and we follow their lead instead of what we are doing currently.

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30 thoughts on “Genshin Creators are Killing the Game, Here's why…”

  1. TLDR: Genshin CCs turned the entire situation to better the game into a giant infight bcus their egos are just too large and dont care about making actual change and protecting their public image.

    Made this video on 30+ hrs no sleep, was a bit tired lol

  2. I checked out one of tectone’s videos and he made a great point about the people in the genshin thinking the boycott is failing because they want instant gratification. They expect change to happen immediately and if it doesn’t they lose moral. This is where I wish more content creators would step up and stand on business for once. I had a feeling that some of the cc being funded by Hoyo purposely tried to keep the drama alive to deflect from the boycott and my assumptions seem to be right cause now a lot of them are back to doing business as usual. Also good luck with your phd! 🎉

  3. Fun fact I actually quit genshin because I was a mobile player (RIP MY PHONE 😂) But now I got a new ps5 and due to all the drama and the LITERAL 3 FATES FOR 3 YEARS being a HUGE slap in the face for the genshin community I’m not returning. I’ve instead have been playing honkai star rail and it seems that everything we wanted in Genshin is in Honkai. 💀

    Edit: If I was them I would treat Genshin players the same as Honkai: Star rail players. Also, I’m boycotting mostly because our fav voice actors/actress are getting replaced with ai 😭❤️‍🔥

  4. Bro , genshin YouTube/twitch cc’s are so irrelevant for most players , they are not ruin anything but their Own reputation . If anything they gave us something laugh about in the perfect window Olof the week before lantern rite and HSR 2.0 , we could not care less they have no affect about the game .

  5. Why do i get feeling this whole drama is set up like they re pretending to on each other's throat? Last i remember this got a long well then they become bitter enemies overnight something about this whole thing is off to me.

  6. I wanna shout out another CC that makes actual content – Soluna! He has multiple accounts with different challenges/restrictions, and I like that he walks the audience through his thought process for why he wants to try certain team comps and strats.

  7. Genshin CC's have been killing the game since day 1. All of them are fake and have no lives. They rot their minds playing the game and making content for a company that treats everyone like shit; CC's, consumers, and players alike. Why are we still supporting this game?

  8. Imagine defending a multi billion dollar company and attacking other people about a video game that goes on for 3 years and the CCP of all fucking things has to step in and be like "Hey retards do better."

    Absolutely wild if you ask me.

  9. imagine there's company with 2 division. there's 1 person who employee of the first division, he think there's no problem working there at first but after few time he think something wrong. he decided transfer to 2nd division and he finally realized that how the company treat employee at 1st division is not that healthy. because of it he try to speak up,he want employee at 1st division just getting better treatment and asking them to speak up too for the better change. but he labelled as enemy by them.

  10. Lil bro wants to be in Baldy's podcast so bad 😂

    Imagine calling out every Genshin content creators out there minding their own business, tryna make a living, but ignores all the dvmbsht Baldy says on stream and twitter, calling people "s*x offenders, fake, spineless" just for playing and making content out of the game.
    Mind you, that guy hasn't touched Genshin in AGES , comes out of nowhere and starts calling for boycott and everyone thinks he's the messiah. Boycotting is a personal decision content creators have to make, you don't shove it down their throats. The world doesn't revolve around Baldy.
    Y'all really think he cares if Genshin gets fixed or not? If Genshin shuts down tomorrow, he'd be just fine.
    All he cares about is starting drama, reacting, and getting his sweet sweet ad revenue, let's be fkn for real now bruh.

  11. What if you started a Beef with Tectone, then just didn't stop poking him, I'm sure it would be possible to keep the boycott in the minds of others for quite a while. If anything we should get CC's to post their earnings from the Drama.

  12. If someone told me that 4 months later I would have 46 characters I wanna level up which includes weapons, artifacts and talents but the game is gatekeeping you at 160 resin per day I would have never started playing.


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