Why EVERYONE Plays: Zhongli | Genshin Impact

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20 thoughts on “Why EVERYONE Plays: Zhongli | Genshin Impact”

  1. I got zhongli on has banner day one and thought he was underrated, now honestly zhongli is by far the most overate character in game. His value to a team is so… mid if you can play well. If you aren't monkey brain then zhongli just a downgrade compared to most good buffers sadly, . His shield is nice but like you almost never need a shield in this game, his ability to only give a small res shred and a rather poor nuke just makes him a qol comfort pick at best yet people worship him.

  2. They buffed him bc he was the god of liyue(china). It sure did feel like Mihoyo listens to the players. But they didn't fix the issue of raiden's burst to work with beidou. Mihoyo sure shows some favouritism.

  3. Why I play him(aside from husbando) is because of the sheer utility of his kit. He can effortlessly solo most content and it makes me feel badass and very safe when I play him. If I feel the game is getting too easy, I just bench him for a while and take Diona or no shields.

    I do think the problem that he's versatile can be solved with content that works directly against his kit. Like imagine an enemy that dual wields Pyro and electro for a tonne of overload. Or if in corrosion, shields that scale with HP lose their strength when you are affected. Or the stronger your shield, the less damage you do. Or you have a health link to the enemy so if you nuke them your health goes down along with it, forcing you to take a healer and do damage slowly.

    I think Mihoyo are just hesitant to nerf him completely because people saving can be solved by putting his banner between equally valuable characters like Kazuha-Zhongli-Ganyu. And they might also accidentally buff another OP character like Bennet if they don't consider all the possibilities.

  4. I honestly don't think he should be nerfed. Other characters should get buffed. Or idk artifact rng should get nerfed and get some consistency.
    Geo daddy is very useful and brings comfort to the game but if your other characters are underbuilt you still won't be able to get through the endgame content (means Spiral Abyss).

  5. Great videos, have you considered doing a series about the boses in genshing, I find some fun and engaging and others just a drag (looking at you hypostases) while difficulty is certainly not really high the game mechanics can be interesting

  6. Back in early version of Genshin, im using Razor as main DPS, but the dmg number always falls down especially in abyss cause non stop evade and that time the only one who can provide shield is just Noelle but not enough.

    And Zhongli comes out, the first limited banner character i pulled, till now im using Xiao and never kick him from the party. Osmanthus Wine taste is still the same….

  7. I am never gonna be able to remove him from my team, and therefore I will never be able to 36 star abyss πŸ˜‚ anyway, even in a corrosion filled domain, he is uber useful for anti flinch. I tried doing 3 kenki with 0 shielders and I just… Tried for 1 hour and gave up πŸ˜‚


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