Why EVERYONE Plays: Kokomi | Genshin Impact

From Why NO ONE Plays to Why EVERYONE Plays, we’re gonna be going over Kokomi one last time and solidifying exactly what …


31 thoughts on “Why EVERYONE Plays: Kokomi | Genshin Impact”

  1. I was actually trying to pull for either Ayaka or Raiden but ended up getting Kokomi instead. I didn't mind getting her and I've been using her ever since. Not every character on your team has to be a all crit dps. Different characters have different roles to play and I build them according to their roles. She's now my main healer and she's also kind of a sub dps. I'm currently running with her, Keqing, Yanfae, and Collie. Yanfae is lvl 70 and the other 3 are lvl 60 atm while I'm at AR45 WR5… And I love my little mermaid! She's awesome!

  2. Her biggest weakness is that she only heals in one location. So in any fight that you have to move around or enemies respawn far away (like a lot of abyss) she is less useful. She's still excellent as one of the few characters that can heal on her skill rather than her ult. Keeps you topped up nice.

  3. honestly imo everything in the beginning of genshin was hoyo's fault and of their own making. Every content they pushed up until a point was literally just pure dps checks with dreaded timers making healing pointless heck even to some extent shielders. So if you arent killing fast enough it was seen as useless as if they werent adding dps too they were a loss. Yes they have changed that around where they made timers optional in a lot of events making healers and shielders more useful plus all the new elemental reaction that gave new life to old characters thanks to dendro and the elemental buffs.

  4. Back more then a year ago, before sumeru was even a thing and before her 2nd run, in co-op i showed to some friends the potential she had, even at level 70. soloing azdaha after the rest of the party died and azdaha still having 75% health left.
    With some nice dodges, tanking hits like a boss and timed healing, i brought azdaha to his knees as if he was nothing.

    Its still a fond memory to reminisse on.

  5. I remember how disapointed I was when I got my Kokomi (I was stacking my pulls for the next banner), so I decided to build her out of anger hahahah, and that was when I realized how good of a character she is, one of my personal favorites since then

  6. I'm happy that Kokomi is receiving so much love now. I remember I pulled for her during her first banner just for fun and I got her in my first 10 pulls. This was back when she was receiving so much backlash and saying that she's a useless 5-star. I eventually started using her when I realized that her heals are so good and she constantly wet her opponents and started using her for freeze teams and she became so important that she's always in my party.

  7. Content creators ruined her as well as "meta slaves" who dont even play the game that much but rely on numbers and formulas. She was a reliable tank and I also use her with Dehya in Floor 12 but people are quick to neg on teams or builds they dont see everyday. It's a party-heavy reaction-based RPG… I never play hypercarry/single dps except for my Raiden and Sara combo.
    If Qiqi has an eternal freeze mechanic she wouldnt be so bad as a support but yeah

  8. I only pulled for kokomi after dendro’s release cause for kokomi to work in good teams u need many other 5 stars who are more valuable, so i pulled for all the other more important characters before kokomi thats all.

  9. I pulled on her very first banner and not regret it. why? when i saw gameplay leaks of her and saw that she can do backflips i was like "holy fuck thats sick" and then dedicated myself to save for her banner

  10. I remember when you first came out with her Why No One Plays. So happy to see it's turned around for her 🩵

    One thing about her too is that her attacks track the best and the farthest out of all the catalysts imo. I remember when I first got miko and was so disappointed her NA only went straight forward and for a short distance, because I was used to how easy Kokomi was

  11. I'm happy to be one of those who recognized her strength at release. Yes, I was also a bit skeptical about the -100% crit, but it was so obvious she was cracked on everything else even before dendro came out that it just seemed like a fair trade off (and it is).

  12. As a sloppy player, Kokomi with R5 Sacrificial Fragments is the dream for me. She successfully replaced my Mona/Qiqi combo and if I don't get perfect timing with her skill being extended by her burst, it's okay because her weapon lets me try again. I wish I had two of her.
    This video also really brought to light the way healers can actually be useful, and scaling is such an interesting piece of the puzzle. I genuinely think if Qiqi had better off-field cryo application she would be WAY more popular, because with her healing scaling on her attack it's really fun to build her out for damage and have her healing still be incredible. BUT it's so hard to have a physical damage dealer taking up a slot when elemental reactions are more fun and generally more effective. I love her to death and will use her as much as I can until the day I stop playing the game.

  13. I got into Genshin a bit late so I wasn't there for the meta paradigm shift that characters like Kazuha and Kokomi ushered in, so maybe that's something that has more influence over my thought process than say a day one player. For a little more context, 2.6 had literally just dropped and the general consensus was that Kazuha was better than many thought he was on his debut, whereas Kokomi was still being treated as a copium-intensive character.

    Whatever the case may be, I believe that the two aforementioned characters are good and bad respectively at breaking the crit focused meta mold.
    That's not to say I disagree with the conclusion that Kokomi is an overall good character and that I think Kazuha was perfectly handled (but that has less to do with his kit and more to do with his C6 having a whole other playstyle locked behind it) but I digress.
    Kazuha has few restrictions in his kit, rather he has incentives for building EM but you aren't really punished by having other options completely cranked to zero like with Kokomi's crit rate or even completely shut off passives if have more than two elements in your party like Nilou.

    My point here is that Hoyo is taking agency away from the player (I know it's crazy to say that about a Gacha game, right?) in how they choose to play a character. Like say I wanted to go all in on Kokomi and really make her a combat healer, well there's already less emphasis on the combat part with this being a Genshin character but even more so without being able to capitalize on vaporize damage. Ain't no whaling that'll make that better.


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