Why Curse them with IMMORTALITY? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]

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✘ Title: Phantasm
✘ Music: Kevin MacLeod
✘ License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR)

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21 thoughts on “Why Curse them with IMMORTALITY? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]”

  1. Immortality, is it a curse or blessing? depends on the person. I will try different things if i ever become one. Like jumping off the highest building just to test it then i will use this ability to protect people.

  2. If you read the text on "mourning flower" (found in 3.6 area) via the archive it has an interesting story that talks about beings being BARRED from samsara (the cycle) because they were tainted by the invasion war from the abyss. Which sounds eerily familiar to what happened when the curse was laid down on BOTH types of khaenria'ns. Also given that the celestial nails TRANSFORM forbidden knowledge into other forms it's possibly a nail WAS used to transform the forbidden knowledge tainted non-full blood khaenrians and in doing so changed them from human to hillichurl.

  3. I think immortality is the lesser of the punishment just like how not all criminals are not given the death sentence but imprisonment, it could be that Celestia is taking the moral ground by saying "reflect in your actions"

    As for the curse of wilderness is quite worse because it's the punishment humans received after betraying their Gods, being turned into a monster left to be killed by humans or the Gods they betrayed

    As for why Celestia decided to make such an odd choice instead of going for the Extermination i can think of two reasons

    1. Either they're confident that no matter who comes for revenge there's nothing they can do to harm Celestia's rule

    2. It was a rushed decision by whoever came down from Celestia to dish out the punishments because there's no one incharge up there ☝️

  4. Interesting.. I think you are on to something! I think Celestia didn't kill them because they had no way to seal away so much abyssal influence.
    They are quick to drop a nail on early civilizations that tap into abyssal energy (forbidden knowledge), but in each case we can see that the nail only suppresses the encroaching darkness but can NOT eradicate it. Each and every nail we have found was still accompanied by a presence of abyssal energy.
    Khaenri'ah was one of the most developed and advanced civilizations that worshiped no god while hidden deep underground they had surpassed what Celestia expected and that made it too late for just a nail to suppress the abyssal contamination. Hence why Khaenri'ah had to be destroyed manually (as we see in the cut scene at the beginning of the game). That destruction was done by "the 7" and NOT by Celestia.
    But Celestia did the curses, and that was to prevent the spread of Abyssal contamination reaching Irminsul. My question is how did Celestia force "the 7" to do that destruction? Was it some string connected to the gnosis or was it the same method they used to force all the gods to fight in the earlier war to see who would be the 7? Do they just threaten each god that they will throw a nail in their area of dominion and kill all their people if they don't do as told?

    Anyway I talk to much, good video!

  5. After the sumeru chapter, if nothing changes too much (like, that khaenriah actually returns in the present) what we are gonna do in the khaenriah chapter is entirely see the abyss sibling's journey in this nation, and from it the title of "the dream yet to be dreamed"

  6. honestly, i always thought as it the gods saw death being too easy of a punishment for the sinners and needed a much heavier one like immortality. maybe they were aware that this could backfire on them. we just maybe havent seen any action taken from them yet

  7. When i reached Sumeru and i learned of the word Samsara, we obtained a new possibility. The cycle of life, death and rebirth. Samsara is a cycle, a loop. And so, what if each person that dies gets reincarnated? Then this curse of immortality would prevent said characters from going through the cycle. For what reason? I don't know.

  8. I also feel like that Khaenri'ahnians do not have a place in the world now. Every nation serves an Archon, and they probably would never live in a nation ruled by an Archon. In addition, remaining unchanging in a city for centuries isn't feasible. Someone is gonna know that something is up. Celestia ultimately took away their place in Teyvat. They are trapped not only in their bodies and minds, but they are also trapped in a world in which they have no place in. Their punishment continues for eternity or until their souls are eroded away. Truly horrific imo.

  9. It seems to me that the reason Celestia cursed them with immortality is the same reason why Greater Lord Rukka needed to be erased: If they die with corruption from forbidden knowledge, that gets written into the Irminsul tree too. We had to literally erase Rukka from the tree to help protect it from the corruption.

    I think that those who were cursed with immortality were done to prevent them from dying and therefore embedding the corruption into the tree. At least until the next samsara reset.


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