I don’t mean to be a debbie downer (yes I just used that phrase I’m secretly 80 years old), but who actually believes a boycott of any size would lead Hoyoverse to taking not only appropriate action, but the action we want them to take, for this game?
Discord – https://discord.gg/ub9P7SqFen
Biimow’s Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fylF-PU-Rk&t=781s
#genshinimpact #drama #boycott #yelan #wutheringwaves
9:40 "Claim All"
Aye bro, watched the whole thing even tho I knew exactly what you'd say, and ofc u did lol…
I pressed that unsubscribe and dislike button for u! Hope it helps! 😉
Oh ya, never gonna leave the game either. I have my wife in there too u know…
I use her with Yelan btw 😜
I don't want people to stop playing the game. I myself am continuing to play, but I #BoycottGenshin by not spending money. Because I love this game, and want it to improve. But the 3-wish stream was super insulting, so I'm not giving my money during 4.4. Funds will continue at 4.5. And I will continue voicing my critiques and suggestions in Hoyolab, Surveys, and communities I'm in. Is it a small drop in the bucket? Yes, but it's for principles, and to have integrity, rather than have a defeatist attitude. It gets the message across. My wallet is my vote, as it should be.
I am the little kids playing the game and stealing their mums credit card, I will not quit genshin i am busy drooling over motherless evil puppet (scaramouche) TOO BUSY TO CARE ABOUT REWARDS! !!!!”!!!!!
hes not sying stop playing the game he said stop spending money, well i typed 2 fast and its a win win sitaution why not try
The reason why I didn't press "Claim All" when I was collecting my expeditions was because my MUSCLE MEMORY FROM 3 YEARS OF GENSHIN NOT BEING SMART ENOUGH TO IMPLEMENT THIS FUCKING QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGE WAY EARLIER IN THE GAME INSTEAD OF THIS VERY VERSION. So I didn't remember that button was there, ya'll find a way to bully my ass every video ☠☠☠
I wish theyd change. I wish they cared. That aside, thanks for being 100% real with this video
Theyre not getting a PENNY from me
W take. Gotta dive into WuWa from day 1 for me.
This is truly a win win for my "obtaining powerfull women" addiction
You get it, leaving Twitter or Blibli won't help, you need to afffect the bottom line. Either stop playing OR not rolling for a banner.. And as you say it needs to be a huge part of the playerbase.
Damn someone finally talking about the truth about this drama. Tbh hoyo is most likely going to ride out the storm as best as they can just like any other drama when ever the player get angry plus they already have brainwashed enough to be white knights in this community to defend them even though they are a minority. I really think that nothing major is going to happen and they will just give us a couple of pulls on the off chance to put the bandage on the situation.
The thing is, it's still worth trying. Even if it doesn't work, even though it's clearly causing a stir on the CN side, it's still worth a shot because there are cases where this things do work.
Genshin is huge, so even a fraction of players boycotting can cause a dent in their income. Losing a few million dollars is still a few million dollars even if you're making 100+ million for example. That's still a lot of money.
Even then, if enough of a stink is made especially with Wuthering Waves around the corner, it could kick MHY just enough to make them actually make change. Why even give WW a chance to steal players when you could just straighten up your act?
But that's just my opinion on the matter.
Do you know why the reason WHY at this specific moment that talking shit on genshin is hot shit right now ? Wuwa is on the horizon, before this, there is no option to lean back into, But now you can, so I only see this movement as the last resort that genshin CC mostly done it now outside of the hype train or view is to do some final thing before finally decide to have justification to leave the game for WuWa if MiHoyo choose to do nothing. Be it a futile thing to do, but it's a good thing to do it now specifically, don't discourage anyone doing it.
Because they don't give a fuck about players, haters or fans
Nice vid pure facts, 99% sure nothing is gonna change because genshin just dont need that, and the cc just making vids for the views they probably don't even care, i mean if u are actually disappointed or something with this drama thing and even consider to stop playing the game u love or spending ur money in it because some random cc just tell you to do that mate u need to worry about something better, just enjoy it in the way it is, look 4.3 i was boring asf and the rewards was mid and nobody says anything 4.4 looks way better and u are here complaining about a "free" wishes, luv u tao keep making vids
The idealist side of me wishes to believe the playerbase still has a say in how the game should be developed and played, and should rightfully be rewarded by HYV for basically getting them to where they are now.
The cynical side of me knows that, should Genshin's bottomline go down, the corporate suits are going to punish everyone by giving even less. Theyd make the game more pay2win, increase the rate they pump out low-value skins for the same price and pretty much start milking the whales because theyre the only consumer base they care about without improving the game whatsoever. For context, thats what happened to TOF.
If they make the same amount of content but with less quality, that would recoup their losses. Thats how theyll see it.
i was waiting for the yelan part of the video
never fails to disappoint thank u tao
Honestly super excited to play WW when it comes out, probably gonna play it along side Genshin when I have downtime in terms of content in the game :0
i mean… if hoyo stans call genshin and HSR the most generous gachas ever.
then yeah to them it's the truth. but we know that genshin has the worst gacha systems ever made
in the history of gacha games(lock character power behind dupes unlike most other gacha where dupes add a small increase to ult damage ''many of them don't even function without dupes'', again… locked skill level to the dupe system, RNG heavy gear grind that epic seven got cooked for but somehow its ok in hoyo games, garbage banner rates, weapon, LC banner that never happen in any other gacha which make it even worse, i can go for more)
Bro, i discovered your channel yesterday and binged every video, actually thought you had like 100k subs from the quality. Bruh really good content, subscribed!
Oh boy towers of fantasy man I remember playing that game in the first thing I did is delete the game off my iPad because it was not worth it. The game is not as fun and I did not know about controversy in that game so we just hope that wing waves. (I’m spelling the title, right) will be actually very good but since I have played tower of fantasy, I’m not going to get my hopes too high and if it’s available on Apple, I might give it a try, but I got to say goodbye to my storage though.
(Sorry if you see spelling mistakes)
I won't stop playing the game, I just will stop buying items. I will be a F2P from now on.
9:40 wtf dude use the claim all button
I don't really care for the rewards, but hoyo really need to improve their game.
The most majority care about this, the CN fanbase is the proof of that. And also your video is proof, bc you and others (unlike before, that's a diference) are express their feelings, not only for the views. Before, not even for visits all of you did it because the toxic part of Genshin came to cut your jugular vein. So… Let's see what happens in the future.
Let's be honest, for people who will C6 Alonchino, they don't care about free 10 pulls
No one fucking tells me what to do, I’m already subscribed so I’ll just turn the bell on then, even if bro got no subscribers he’s still gonna have 1 now just to fuck up his plans,
Incredibly based video
That is the dumbest statement you could ever take 😂 man if you stop feeding someone it will react ina way or another thats just a matter of fact. If people boycott thz game by not spending much mihoyo will take actions.
Maybe we should implement what cai haoyu said one time:
If you like the game, play it. If not, scram
By the way, Biimow had active misinformation on one of his videos about this.
The problem is that "Genshin competition" is never competing with what makes Genshin so successful. Wuthering Waves is too hardcore to compete.
Fuck the boycot just give me your graphics settings you play on. I have never seen genshin this beautiful anywhere on youtube
This waifu salesman is just uncontested, bro probably would jump from the plane without parachute if thats the only way to get her constellation
simple reason man, most common players never see or use twitter or dont care at all, just like in movies and anime, no one really care about twitter opinion, Hollywood did that mistake they think twitter voice is the majority voice. and looks how they sink harder than the billionaire's submarine that implodes
twitter voice is very small loud minority
In the video it says nothing about stop playing the game. The boycott is hitting their wallet and their sponsors. If those two get hit mihoyo will have to get their money back and will be forced to give the rewards. Also you don’t even need a substantial amount to do this. Even losing ~ 15% – 40% of revenue would still give massive changes. So it’s not convincing the majority but mainly convincing those with deep pockets.
Also it simply goes to show videos like this is exactly why we don’t have change. The mentality is “We’re NA they don’t listen. So why bother, we’ll just have a laissez-faire attitude and let is slide on by and keep getting shat on constantly.” But whenever an issue is actually big enough it makes change possible. The biggest example is staff of homeless. It got so big as a public outrage that it went to cn and cn players agreed. So instead of videos like this we should instead be doing the same thing as back then.
A lot of people are putting the blame of that Cai Haoyu, but to be completely honest I still put all the blame on the playerbase. If there had been room for constructive criticism in this community the game's problems would have already been solved. But no, the community is full of stans that defend the game no matter what, otherwise Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun and Furina will not marry and have seggs with them… ☠️