did HoYoverse just leaked the whole Genshin Impact plot?

Genshin Impact lore just too complicated! anyway, Tsaritsa for lyfe!

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39 thoughts on “did HoYoverse just leaked the whole Genshin Impact plot?”

  1. My wild theory: Celestia is Lucifer who hijacked the Arc (Hebrew: Teyvat) and wants to access Heaven with it.

    The 7 Archons, once under Lucifer, loves humanity and wants to undermine Lucifer in secret.

    Perhaps the method to access Heaven is like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

  2. I like to think that after Celestia is defeated and also the god that placed the travelers in teyvat we can finally see the door and go through other worlds (like a Honkai crossover event where they give us a character)

  3. If the old world is the world with 7 sovereigners, than it's weird considering that right now they are none of them we can see in the game. I think what she meant was 7 archons, because archons can take multiple forms including the dragon form, like the one zhongli used. It would make more sense for them to say "the entirety of 'the old world' " this way

  4. NOT MY THEORY: griseo from honkai is the primordial one, and in honkai impacts project ark they sent griseo out with the ark and a copy of the human genome library in order to find a new 'planet' to continue civilization in. griseo ended up in a bubble universe as we already know that honkai and genshin are inter-linked and that they most likely on the same 'branch' on the imaginary tree. griseo is a MANTIS, her power is to create anything up to no limit using her paintbrush. this makes sense because that then means that griseo defeated the 4 dragon kings then 'created' celestia and teyvat. it would also give us and answer to why scara said 'the sky is fake.' he meant is literally. also in a honkai event journey of painting stars, griseo travels around with 4 'familiars' sort of, they could represent the 4 copy's the primordial one created of themselves. albedo is similar to griseo in some essence as he creates things using alchemy and he also likes the paint but that could just be a coincidence.

  5. Spoiler alert:

    I wonder why would out of all words she said "burn away". It might hold greater meaning considering that in the sumeru archon quest number 2 lesser lord kusanali's hypothesis was that there was never history to begin with. There is no tomorrow and no past, just the present moment that repeats itself. We saw that the infinite subzeruz festival wasn't really infinite which might suggest her theory wrong, but if you have no memories of past and experience of the future, than you might as well stuck in a loop, which is already happening. We can see dreams of people "burning away" by something very bright that resembles the sun. We all know that the moon and the sun were highly emphasised in sumeru, and they are very crucial to understanding something, which i think is difference between "real" and "fake". If to sum it up tsaritsa's words sound more like : " shed the light of truth on the fake world" which really holds because celestia and archons are "fake", so by shedding the light of truth on them meaning breaking through the infinite loop, the infinite subzeruz festival. Maybe that is why the last chapter of teyvat will be "kh'aenriah", because kh'aenriah is the place without gods, you could say a very "real" land. Maybe when every god including tsaritsa and the celestia, will get obliterated, we might be able to see the "truth" our twin was talking about. But we ofc need to be able to travel back to "fake" teyvat with its fake skies and fake everything to farm artifacts for dainsleif. That means that yes, there are multiple dimensions with multiple teyvats. Which is uh… Too much to take even for me

  6. My main theory is that the tsaritsa is taking the gnosis so that she can power herself and every other being in teyvat to the point they can face Celestia's gods, and her taking the gnoses is to free them from fate, as the gnoses are tools Celestia uses as beacons to control the fate of everything tied to a nation.

    Edit: I also believe that the names of the archons and that of Celestia's rulers are meant to diametrically oppose each other and reflect irony. So the archons are named for demons, but Celestia's rulers are named for angels, yet the archons are good guys but the angels of the divine are the evil ones, and use fate to control the outcomes of every being's lives. They use it to punish beings who learn too much, and when khaenriah grew too strong, they punished all of humanity. And seeing this devastation, the tsaritsa swore vengeance on the divine for their actions.

    And in the end, when dainsleif said,"the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave", it probably does mean that the traveler will be the one to decide the fate of all, once he understand the likely existential themes genshin impact is conveying subtly throughout the journey.

  7. This is just my speculation so i dont think it actually related much, "Old World" i think the meaning behind it is that, when (or should i say if) Tsaritsa and her subordinate able to change the world on the future by destroying the system that the celestia created, they will consider it as "A New World", so "Old World" was suppose to be the current time in which she die before Tsaritsa able to accomplish her goal. Well that just speculation, I just reminiscing of One Piece…. considering it almost the same, trying to recreate the world, enter the new world, and also a bit of Death Note. When Light said "I will become the god of this new world" hence it the same as Tsarista ambition to destroy Celestia and create (maybe) new world. I think that how it is. Idk if you guy understand what i mean tho.

  8. honestly i have been speculating that the archons were meant to disappear at the end of the story.
    it has been hinted many times that the current time where we play as traveler is the "era of humanity" rather than gods.

    mondstadt, venti had left the authority to the people to defend themselves.

    liyue, zhongli said himself that he gives up the archon role as the era of gods and monsters have been long done.

    inazuma, raiden ei has chosen to put the authority to the tri-commission, which are handled by people.

    for sumeru, still yet unknown but we can surely tell that nahida will not be an entity of authority in sumeru.

  9. Pretty interesting theory but hoyoverse might just do something stupid they always do that just like when ppl make theories like these for Honkai hoyo always do something shitty

  10. I expected like the last archon would be missing and it turn out it was Paimon all along the archon (not evil but good but forgot memories) but yeah it would be sad if the foreshadowing paimon turns out to be true at almost in the end of genshin…

  11. Well your theory was readt ontyl the thing withe all the archons are going to desapeare is something thats not going to happen, but thing you could say withe there will be no archons anymore because the genosis are going to sacrifist to defeat the fake gods and making the archons normal persons withe visions, also even if the archons lose there powers the visions will still exist because visions are something the archon give them witch is not powerd by there power , this also means there is going to be a secaond cheapter of teyvat
    witch we are trying to free the people of khnria h from there sofering and reunit withe our twin (Aether or lumine)

  12. I think getting to Kahnria will be hard, but this would be a cool detail, Touching the blocks harm your character, and soonly take their powers (this Dosent work on traveler, venti, Zhongli, or ei/Raiden.) and the only way to get them back is to leave kahnria.


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