Why Are The Gnoses Shaped Like Chess Pieces? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]

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41 thoughts on “Why Are The Gnoses Shaped Like Chess Pieces? [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]”

  1. This may be a weird thing to ask but… if the king and queen are swapped, why is it accepted that the chess positions are referring to Deep Blue? I know it's a very convenient thing for story reasons and because of the links to Russia. But like… if its not actually in that position, why do we all accept that it… is?

  2. You know what I think about Tsaritsa's goal? My theory is that her plan to steal all Gnoses and combine their power to destroy Celestia/reform Teyvat started from the Abyss twin.

    See, we know our twin has already travelled through Teyvat. What if, on their journey, the Tsaritsa who publicly rules her nation as a monarch, witnessed their ability with elements? This is, of course, based on the fact that our sibling also has harnessed the power of elements before. We don't know if they ever touched a Statue of The Seven. But considering how they have restored their 'light' powers (based on their outfit in cutscenes), while also wielding abyssal power (based on how in the 'We Will Be Reunited' cutscene, Dain, Abyss Herald and our twin can use the portal, but we walk right past through it), it's possible that they combined the power of all seven elements to form one element of light.

    Perhaps the Tsaritsa saw this. Hell, there's probably proof that the Fatui uses abyssal powers, or something similar to it. Childe, a person affected and taught in the Abyss is among their ranks. They adamantly research ruin guards. Scaramouche has been to the Abyss multiple times. During the battle with Osial and during the confrontation in front of the Cathedral, we see Fatui agents use portals not dissimilar to the ones the Abyss Herald uses. Who knows what other connections the Tsaritsa has to the Abyss, maybe even our twin themself?

    We know that the Loom of Fate project consisted of creating a god. Isn't that literally what happened during Sumeru Archon quest? The Dottore literally tested the theory of creating a fake deity with just one Gnosis; Just what can the Fatui do with all the seven?

    And, if the ultimate goal of both the Tsaritsa and the Abyss is to bring down Celestia, then doesn't that make it a mutual goal? And that's completely ignoring how the Archons are silently on board with this. They barely resist, if at all. Venti didn't fight Signora. Zhongli literally traded his Gnosis. Ei didn't even care. Nahida traded the Gnosis better than even Zhongli did.

    Which brings me to the most important question: Just what in the world is going on in Teyvat?

    (A fun sidenote to add. People usually forget that Wanderer knows about the skies of Teyvat, just like Dottore. Venti implies that he can't fly to Celestia, despite being a winged creature, implying that there must be something off about skies in Teyvat. Nahida now knows about this as well. There's a high chance that even our twin knows. Yet, for some odd reason, nobody tells the Traveler just what is up with the sky. Wanderer calls the skies a 'hoax', Dottore calls them 'fake'. But this is well-kept as a secret from the Traveler. Why?)

  3. Imagine if the final boss of genshin isnt the sustainer but instead, GOTHAM CHESS. And his attack is just him a gnosis saying “AND HE SACRIFICES THE ROOOOK”

  4. i've thinked about the superweapon theory a lot lately, specially with the info we got in the new Nahida legendary quest. So basically gnosis are like super elemental power batteries, and in the quest we see Nahida worried about the death of the Dendro dragon beacuse if he died, then all the elemental energy he has would make plants grow out of control and destroy everything, wich means destroying a gnosis would generate the same or even a bigger effect, but thats just 1 gnosis, now imagine the power of 7 of them concentrated into a weapon, probably to destroy celestia floating island, and as the reason why she is collecting all its that, if she were to use her own individual gnosis only, it would wake up the heavenly principles, but if she has all of them, she might have a chance in case the heavenly principles arrive, tho independent of her plan she might fail at the end, cuz i dont think celestia would be stupid enough to give 7 powrfull beings elemental power batteries without any restriction or counter measure in case they turn against them, another reason to believe she doesnt want to destoy everything in the world or massive genocide its beacuse of the fatuis, why would they follow someone who wants massive murder? specially childe, he seems to have big respect and loyalty for her but he also cares about his family, why would he accept that kind of plan.

    Another posibility its that the fatui are releated to the abyss order, we know that they will play an important role at the end, and if the theory of Pierro being from khaenri'ah its true, then what if in the end he tricks the tsaritsa and gives the gnosis to the abyss order, after all i dont think they plan to destroy celestia with just a robotic snake, but a robotic serpent with the power of all gnosis + abyssal energy? thats op, the main reason for this its that one animation where the fatui fight between them and Pierro got all the gnosis, also cuz when they say that some of the fatui harbinger are stronger than archons themselves

  5. I think we can determine the gnosis identities from the og archons ideal or there power that they have nahida and mokoto would have less power because they wouldn’t be that good in a fight the pyro and hydro archon Will be stronger than them because of their loyalty for Celestia and we know knights are loyal to the king and queen as for cryo and geo which is rook I think that’s supposed to symbolize there Powers similarities zhongli can Seal gods away and Ice can in case people like with signora s coffin

    I’d also like to know that none of The Archon‘s are meant to be king A lot of people thought that raiden would be king but let’s be honest people only thought that because at that time she was the only archon that we know who was ruling her nation since zhongli pretty much retired and venti not ruling his nation for a very long time
    And I know people thought that the Cryo archon would be king but I think people forget that she’s not the original archon that’s mostly the problem with determining the archons gnosis people Forget that the electro Dendro Pyro hydro and cryo archons have been replaced The current archons actions aren’t going to change the gnosis at all they were given to the original and are supposed to represent the original as well so The other icons aren’t going to be King pyro and hydro is knight electro and Dendro Bishop and cryo rook

  6. I know this might seem very far-fetched but what if the cryo archon is gathering the gnosis' to defeat Celestia by making a puppet to hold this power, as you said the gnosis is unable to give new power but instead enhance it. So far we know descenders are not under teyvats law and may be able to use all elements as shown by the traveller. I believe the traveler's sibling could be this puppet although not a descender as they have been "intertwined" into teyvats fate but may possess similar abilities as the traveller. If you consider the traveller's sibling is fake this could suggest that either one of the two scenarios happened :
    the traveller's sibling is based upon the travelers description of the traveller's sibling when the traveller awakened for the first time then fell once again into a coma (got this theory of ventis voiceline saying "ah Traveler, We Meet Again!"
    the traveller's sibling is undercover possibly as another harbinger as stated in another one of your videos as the fake (the one which has memories recorded) is a decoy for Celestia
    and the reason why the sibling is not recorded by the fatui as a descender is for utmost secrecy

    I believe that once all the gnosis are collected this will be the end of Celestia as the traveller's sibling has what I'm presuming a distrust and hate due to everything that has happened

    ps this is a theory I just come up with that links some of the point, and I may be completely wrong just adding some though by all means criticise or add extra points I forgot

  7. It is just a guess but I think the dendro and cryo gnoses are the horses, and the pyro or hydro gnoses will be the other rook (and bishop) and which ever nations has the other rook will have a square shaped vision like the Liuye one

  8. This is probably the wrong video to put this under, but could you explain (or maybe do a short/video) on how many archons have come before each current one?
    Venti and Zhongli are the first and the current of their nations and are called such. But, what about the others? Ei isnt the first Archon, but isn't Makoto? Arent they twins? Technically, wouldnt she have ruled (although not officially, but with her sister) just as long as Venti/Zhongli? Or is Makoto not even the first either? Nahida, i already know is new and doesnt have any memories of before. What about the Cryo, Pyro and Hydro archons? What number are they? But most importantly (to me) isnt Ei just as old technically?

  9. If we go by the slime theory, we can deduce that that the dendro gnosis is a bishop, the hydro and pyro gnosis are knights, and the cryo gnosis is a rook.

  10. The easiest way to know the confirmed pieces is to wait for the Dendro Gnosis' piece to be leaked and if it's indeed Bishop then the theory of that game loading screen might be highkey true

  11. We DO know when the Gnoses were created. Or at least a rough estimate. And they were created after the human game, because humans were around when they were created.

    The Archon war happened somewhere between 6 and 2 thousand years ago. Zhongli was around as a regular Adeptus (illuminated beast) before the Archon war. And an Archon is just a god or otherwise powerful being that has been given a Gnosis to act on behalf of the primordial one in exchange for receiving a good amount of power.

    Also we know from Before Sun and Moon that humans have been around ever since the primordial one first created the world, as he did what he did to keep humans happy. The second who came arrived after that, likely heralding the Archon war in the process. So humans were around for a long time before the archon war even began, meaning the gnoses were likely shaped after human-invented chess pieces.

    Also the 7 chess pieces are interesting. I’ve come to the conclusion that the primordial one themselves or Celestia have an 8th gnosis.

    There are only 6 unique chess pieces. King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, and Pawn. If these were all the gnoses there would only be 6. What’s more likely is that there isn’t any pawn, and that there are 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, and a Queen. Totaling 7 pieces. The pawns are probably vision bearers. And the King is likely the Primordial one. As for why Venti got the Queen gnosis despite being arguably the weakest of the archons before gaining a Gnosis; it probably has something to do with his connection to Istaroth, who was herself a shade of the primordial one, who is also heavily connected to Venti.

  12. random add on: a reason why queens and rooks would be 'major' while knights and bishops are 'minor' might have to do with what those two can do: the queen can go anywhere [basically] and the rook can be used to 'castle', a strategic move that immediately shoves the king into the corner away from an enemy. as such they could be major pieces because they can be some of the most instrumental in both offense and defense where as a knight or bishop are just pieces that 'move weirdly' in comparison
    Also: it's possible that the tsaritsa/fatui aren't actually able to take on celestia right now [whether due to not actually being able to summon them or because they can't survive the fight] and as such if the chess game only represents the current gnosis retrieval rather then the entirety of their plans [I've seen this somewhere, it was pointed out that if you include the previous AI then you get 7 games] then the game wouldn't end at check or check mate because that's not that games goal, each games goal is some random [except not random] piece on the board

  13. I'm pretty sure the goal of the fatui is truth against celestias' lies. The world is a lie. The sky is false.

    The only way so many highly powerful people would agree to work together on a project.

    A manifesto to tear down reality, to show what's actually real.

    Because what's the point if the world can just be redone, unless you are the one remaking it?

  14. Agreed, it's very interesting that the two original archons happen to have queen and rook, the 'heavy' pieces you'd most want to checkmate the enemy king. Makes sense why the Tsaritsa went after them first. I also like the idea of the Tsaritsa having the other rook because two rooks and a queen gives you Alekhine's gun. Overall I'm just really excited to see where her quest to tear down the divine goes.

  15. Honestly, I'm in the camp of the hydro archon being the rook because the whole law and order idea goes hand in hand with contracts. At the same time, i could see the cryo archon being the rook because ice is a strong/sturdy object in itself.

  16. I think chess pieces are distributed according to opposite ideals.

    1. Pyro and Hydro = knight

    War and Justice. There is never justice in wars.

    2. Dendro and Electro = bishop

    Wisdom and Eternity. Eternity implies abandoning progress, and wisdom makes us look for new knowledge and strive for discoveries and research.

    3. Cryo and Geo = Rook

    Love and Contracts. There is no place for feelings in contracts, only strict compliance with the rules.

    4. Anemo and Celestia = queen and king

    Freedom and Control. I think the king is personified by Celestia, which controls Teyvat, so it can be opposed to Freedom, the ideal of Anemo Archon.

  17. Idk if someone wrote that theory but i saw some theory on Reddit about Aether and lumine being heavenly principles and what i theorise is that they have also the gnosis cuz they can use every element so their gnosis may be shaped as the king and queen

  18. My theory on why is the tsaritsa collecting all the gnoses is this: We know for a fact that the fatui and Dottore in particular can deal with the Gnoses, like with Scaramouche, as Nahida says “a body that capitalyses on the balladeer ‘s original construprion as a mechanical puppet WITH THE GNOSIS SERVING AS A CONSTANT POWER SUPPLY”. So the gnoses can grant elemental power, now, it’s hinted that with the combination of all elements we can obtain the light element, of witch existence is confirmed by the light sigils in the light real AND the namecard:Colors of the Rainbow. Soooo my guess is that the tsaritsa’s ultimate goal is to obtain eighter by herself or with a puppet(like Scaramouche ‘s case) the Light element so that she can deal with the Heavenly Principles. It’s also hinted that Phanes and the Travelers used to have it, at least travelers used to. Tell me what are your thoughts, i’d like to hear your opinions!

  19. Makoto's ideal is also eternity, like Ei. The only difference in between the two is that Makoto's interpretation of eternity is one's capacity to adapt and endure while Ei's is stasis.

  20. Electro gnosis is knight, not bishop. The dendro one is the bishop. Why I conclude to electro gnosis as knight because in the Fatui Harbingers scene, the knight captured the pawn to which represented by Signora as the crimson firefly land on that pawn. Knowing that Raiden is the one who killed Signora, her gnosis must also represent as a knight

    Furthermore, I have a theory about why the archon’s gnosis is derived to their respective chess piece with the theory of their potential chess piece

    Anemo (Queen) — as Venti’s value is Freedom. People can do whatever they want: to be as straightforward as a rook, or to be surrounded by rules and careful like a bishop.

    Geo and Cryo (Rook) — As Zhongli’s values is Contract. Everything must be written and must be in law. Very straightforward just how the rook move. Same with the Tsaritsa’s values: Love (her former value to which I will not include as the information about this is still vague) and Fear (her current values). Her current values is also very straightforward, a tyrant who demands whatever she want must be done like the law in the case of Zhongli.

    Electro and Pyro (Knight) — As Ei’s values is all about Eternity and the knight piece is the most different and obscure piece in chess so as the ideals of the beholder/archon. It is a note to remember when Yae Miko criticizes Ei’s action — locking herself in the Plane of Euthymia — and called it a “voluntarily self-torture” and “adorable”. But of course, as all the pieces goes, they still want something to achieve — which is eternity. Same with Murata’s values which is war and passion. Her main goal is to achieve victory and burn her enemies through the ashes (as per the Story Trail Preview) to which requires a lot of obscure strategies to achieve that single goal.

    Dendro and Hydro (Bishop) — As Nahida’s values is all about wisdom and knowing that the Akademiya has their own law concerning their specialty (the foundation of laws in Akademiya — six cardinal sins). On the other hand, Focalors’ values is all about justice and knowing that the incoming nation — Fontaine — is concerned by laws. Their main goal is to gain their ideals (for the former, gather knowledge and wisdom but avoiding some topics that may interfere or break the cardinal sins of research, and for the latter, create a fair and just society without interfering the law they created) hence a bishop — a diagonal moving piece stuck in the color they were initially placed.

  21. The king might be the omni element that the twins have. I mean the first objectives that we had was to find our twin and gain back our power to move to another world. If we also consider tcg, they established omni element there


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