My HONEST thoughts about the Hu Tao banner & why you SHOULD skip… | Genshin Impact

Here are some reasons why you should SKIP the Hu Tao banner…



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46 thoughts on “My HONEST thoughts about the Hu Tao banner & why you SHOULD skip… | Genshin Impact”

  1. I gotta correct you on what you said "who can output the most damage in the shortest amount of time.. Who else than Ganyu.."

    you know it really depends on what enemies are you fighting nowadays… Even in a solo run… Heres an example prolly a well built childe can out damage a Ganyu in 10 seconds of field time battling against 2-5 enemies… But the longer the fight Ganyu ofc beats Childe.. Another example is well built Ayaka.. Dash E proc passive then burst.. That 5 seconds of burst can be equivalent to how many Ganyu charged atks.. Like 7-8 Ca's each CA lasting about 1.5-2 seconds…

    Another example Xiao
    Last abyss 12-3 1st half… I bet Xiao can kill the 2 ruin guards faster than Ganyu in both solo runs..

    So your line was not exactly right when you said who can dish out the most damage in the shortest amount of time than Ganyu… It really depends.. Longer team fights Ganyu's dps stays consistent..

  2. Well, if you're like me and have no 5* pyro dps on your account, Hu Tao is an easy pull.
    The fighting event we had a few patches back, Hyakunin Ikki was it? There, when I got to try all of those characters I didn't have, Childe seemed the most fun to me, followed by Xiao. Ganyu was fun for two runs at most (and I have a pretty strong Mona to back her up). Once the freeze duration was over, it was a nightmare.

  3. I have both ganyu and xiao. seriously ganyu is really OP, but xiao is a little complicated, especially in the abyss. you have to get a support first to destroy mobs shield, and you need the a booster like bennett to clap the enemy otherwise you're just here waiting for the ultimate to reload even with my skyward spine
    however with ganyu. you just need a sheild (i use diona) aim and destroy the enemy, it's way faster.

  4. I just love Hu Tao so much and waited for her re run. But… I thought a lot about this and I came to my own conclusion that I'll skip her. If she came like before Childe re run I'd have most probably pulled for her but now no… I need Ganyu seriously she's just that convenient and f2p friendly meanwhile Hu Tao's not that much plus the cursed witches domain and lastly after I started maining Yanfei since Ayaka banner I'm sold to build her to be my best pyro dps.

  5. Walrus gets 3-10K views on an average video. But whenever it comes to these types of topics his videos cross 20K. From anniversary drama to this, this guy knows how to get dirty video clicks 😂😂

  6. bruh this is just a bad take…and that’s coming from someone that’s been saving primos for ganyu since kazuha’s banner. not sure what you were smoking when you made this

  7. I’d heed this more so if there was any inkling she was coming any time soon. Excluding Hu Tao’s banner she’s at least 2 banners away minimum. The leaks I’ve seen haven’t mentioned Xiao at all either.

  8. Not gonna lie, I predicted that this video would end up being about Ganyu. I'm kind of sick of the genshin fandom comparing every character to Ganyu. She's great but I can't help but wish people would shut up about her.

  9. Im hard skipping hu tao because:
    1. I have a fully built diluc with a wgs weapon
    2. Crimson bitch domain sucks!
    3. I hate single target characters. Since spiral abbys mostly needs aoe characters
    4. I already have xiao who is a polearm glasscannon character
    5. I got a c1 with polar star bow childe who could one shot a primo geovishap incase i want a nuking session.

  10. Hu tao is nice but my built characters roster already consists of jean, bennett, kokomi, diona, and sayu which is not ideal for her haha. But goodluck to those who will pull for her.

  11. why are ppl arguing abt dps potential ? when you can 36* the hardest content with 4* team lmao. And if you know Mihoyo they wont release any harder content for sure or even they do then those 4* team will clear it anyway lol I'll give yall some tip " JUST PULL THE CHARACTER THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME "

  12. Ganyu can sometimes be very booring all is to do is aim and shoot…. The game is very booring nowdays as new content comes in month or two so playing her makes me want to not to play the game anymore..but she is a very powerful unit as well as good support … So I may wish everyone gets wat they want . Happy wishing.

  13. I pull amos on standard right before ganyu. But I got impatient and use my pity on the previous banner. I think it was albedo. I kind of regret it, but albedo grew on me.

  14. The way I'm getting my 5 stars are just pulling for the 4 star character in the banner. I got my Yoimiya when pulling for Sayu. I got my Raiden when pulling for Sara. For my next one, I'll be pulling for Thoma. I don't want to get my hopes up. But I'm ok if I get or not get her.


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