Genshin Impact VS Wuthering Waves Part 1 (Weapon)

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30 thoughts on “Genshin Impact VS Wuthering Waves Part 1 (Weapon)”

  1. This comparison is just make we approved tht ww have better in-game animation than GI. But u know what, do so much animation in the beginning just make it boring when time passes.

  2. What doesnt make sense to me is that the combat system in Genshin revovles around elemtns and mixing such elements, it molds well into the "fantasy" genre its portraying as well as the "vision" arc. Wuwa haa a more dystopian setup to it, its got guns and computers but still somehow relies on a magic type of battle effect. Id rather see characters eith bazzokas and suitcases that turn into gatling guns in the world wuwa is in, not mythical dragons… which i feel is already overplayed at this point.

  3. wuwa has better banner system. good 40pulls with guarantee random 5stars. also a selector firsttime 80pulls in standard banner. genshin? what did u do? dont pretend like u dont remember. i remember everything! u give me shit on noelle banner. and a stupid weapon banner that u might fail 65pulls 65pulls and u must do 65 again for epitome. yea total of fxkin almost 200pulls. cmon . 3years of genshin with 3fate as gift i cant forget that.

    wuwa can have male beard characters( yuanwu) but all you have is a sexy wagner that itto cant compared with. noodle arm vs. sexy npc . lazy company with greedy mindset. oh also stingy. #wuwawins

  4. Some toxic genshin player have the audacity to talk shit, bro i am a genshin player since beta and I tell you playing both is fine, and ww is new, it has room to grow unlike genshin rhat has been out for more than 3 years

  5. after palying for about 6 hour and compared it to GI when it first release with 1-10 scale

    graphic: WW 6 # GI 8

    character design W 6 # GI 7,5 ( the character design in WW is so generic nothing special)

    music+SFX WW 5 # GI 8 (WW music is nothing special)

    JPdub WW 5 # GI 8 (well you better play WW in english it sound better compared to it JP dub)

    combat WW 8,5 # GI 7,5 ( well in this aspect WW doing it better than genshin i like WW combat style more than GI)

    QOL WW 8 # GI 5 ( well WW have better QOL than genshin and genshin is so Shit with their QOL when it release)

    gacha system WW 8 # GI 6,5 ( at least in WW you will never lose on weapon baner unlike genshin where weapon baner is a dogshit)

    STORY WW 5,5 # GI 7,5 (well WW initial story when it first release isnt that good it lack something that make me interest i play till ch2 (will play story untill finish for more accurate judgement)

    OVERAL and verdic WW: 6,3 and GI:7.2 yeah genshin still better but WW is not bad either if you are player that love action and fun combat mechanic with the ability to skip boring world quest more friendly QOL and gacha system WW is your way to go . compared to a game that they called a genshin killer back then WW is so much better it may lose to genshin right now in some aspect but with a future update maybe it will get better


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