Who Suffered More.. Egeria, Focalor or Furina? | Genshin Impact Lore

The fontaine prophecy has been averted though everything leading it to it has caused a tremendous amount of suffering most of which went to the hydro archon. Egeria died without knowing what would happen to her people, Focalor was burdened with a task that lead to her death and Furina was functionally mentally tortured. But if we compare their troubles, did egeria, focalor or furina suffered more?

Some part of this video comes from the actual lore while others may be speculation as we currently do not know the full story. As such take it with a grain of salt as the point of this video is just a deeper dive into genshin impact lore.

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17 thoughts on “Who Suffered More.. Egeria, Focalor or Furina? | Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. In game it say egeria created human with primodial sea without permission may be this is mean she can created human but their is rule she must follow and one of the maybe she cannot created human with Primodial sea / water

  2. I can't decide because each of them suffer a lot in their own way

    Egeria : She tried to beg Celestia for mercy but it was futile and all Oceanid that born from her will be wipe out in the future, just think that you're the head of the big one clan but god said you committed the most sinful crime so all your kids and your descendants in the future will be execute without discriminated, then tried to find the way to prevent it but fail in her lifetime, died with all the regret

    Focalor : inherit all the problems and find the solution of it all, choose to live in a 'prison' from the start knowing full well that she will die in the end if her plan succeed or imprison and weebing for eternity if fail because no one left behind (even everything succeed she can't witness it. the joy, the life that she save she didn't have a chance to see it all with her own eyes)

    Furina : A literally human who have to walk on the rope 24/7 her entire life, don't know that when or how all of this plan will end, can't afford to fail no matter what because all live in her nation was on her shoulder alone, these past 500 years of stress&suffer need a mental of titanium to pull it off and she finally did it(no surprise that after everything was done she didn't waste a sec to left the palace

    Anyway what bugged me was if what Egeria did deem guilty why wait for the prophecy to bring punishment instead of wipeout fontaine instantly in the first place, this make me believed in a Samsara theory that Teyvat is in a loop and every event set to happen like a 'script' but the existent of Traveler change all of this (maybe if there's no Traveler involved Furina might have confess everything at the court and all Focalor plan would have fail, the moment when traveler told Furina she can tell us about her secret but she refuse, I believed this help strengthen her resolve a lot before facing the trial at the end)

    Maybe main plot of Genshin is to break free from this Samsara in the first place, then who cause this Samsara…. Maybe Primodial one or the second who came try to find a way to 'truly win' the war by repeating the cycle, or maybe Ishtaroth the god of time cause all this loop and try to solve something in her own way

  3. id say furina had it worse, atleast the other two had some kind of real authority and the possible means to do something as well as a semblance of a path towards their goal and their end was concrete. whereas furina had no control or an end in sight whatsoever, not even hydro powers. furina had to doubt every move and every decision she made for centuries, imagine having to be given a role you have no idea how to enact for centuries and not be given updates or a second chance, with the only feedback being either everyone dissolves in the end or… wait what was the plan? my reflection never told me, did she lie? did she trick me? did she fail? did i fail? is that why she hasnt said anything? its been centuries. the waters are rising, have i already failed? people have been dissolving, was this all useless? and so on.

  4. I know most people will say Furina suffered most because we see her the most but I say Focalor suffered more like think about it. Focalor gave up her dream of being human to Furina, have to think of a way to save every one and waiting to die, at least Furina have a chance to live a free human life

  5. Furina suffered by playing a role for 500 years but Focalors' sacrifice was greater by offering her life to end Furina's suffering and end the curse of every Fontainian. Neuvilette is still suffering coz he now carries the burden and responsibilities that Focalors left behind.

  6. Fur in a wasn't an Oceanid turned Human. FURINA IS FOCALORS. I am really disappointed at you. Lmao

    You should really read between the lines.
    Even Paimon understood it at the end of the Archon quest.
    “She died as a god, and suffered all those years as a human…”

    Even every Archon lines addresses Furina as Focalors.

  7. In absolute terms Focalors had it worst, but if we consider the relative capabilities of each archon, then Furina had it worse. For example, if Focalor's suffering is rated at 100, but as god she has a resilience rating of 200. Furina's suffering is rated at 90, but as a human her resilience is only 100.

  8. Furina had it worse, because her role was an act that had to fool EVERYONE, she had to perform a monumental task with the weight of the whole operation on her shoulders. Yes Focalors had to live with the "hope Furina succeeds", Furina had to live with "holy shit after these hundreds of years, I almost fucked it all up".

  9. definitely they all suffered but furinas suffering had deeper emotinal and mental damage
    bc yiu guys should remember furina is a mortal human with human needs like socializing and she couldn't do that for 500 years in fear of messing up she had to see her people grow old and die not to mention being a human she 100% suffered and will suffer from erosion since even gods can't comprehend it just look at dain and other khanrian survivors

  10. I think Furina/Focalors beat Egeria by miles. Focalors split her divinity from her body and spirit essentially trapping her divinity in the Oratrice (like you said). One could say that she "suffered" in having to watch Furina (Her body and spirit) living her dream. Y'know, like "Oh she's me but it's also not me because that body doesn't have MY consciousness" etc. And while it was necessary to fool the principles, it sucks. In other words, suffering through envy. (And of course the points you made in the video, too. But she seemed rather relaxed about it. Maybe that's just how divinity works, no actual strong emotions.

    As for Furina, she wasn't informed at all about the plan. She was just told "Hey, physical me, pretend to be me lol" with no context other than it'll take long and that she "may" suffer. So again like you said, Furina had to live for 5 centuries with the fear of failure and getting all the people killed by the prophecy. Again it was necessary like her Divinity said "To deceive the heavenly principles you must first deceive yourself".
    Ultimately though I think Furina suffers the most. Most Fontainians still see her as the Hydro Archon Focalors (whether in a good or bad light) who did nothing in the face of the prophecy (AHEM AHEM Poisson AHEM AHEM)
    so she's essentially facing the backlash of that, too. And not to mention all the trauma and mental strain and anguish that comes with having to play such an unstable role. It's like having to improvise your entire life pretending to be someone else. At least Egeria and her Divinity had the privilege of being themselves. Furina's whole identity and personality permanently changed from pretending to be her divine counterpart.


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