Who is Better, Sucrose or Kazuha? | Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “Who is Better, Sucrose or Kazuha? | Genshin Impact”

  1. I use Sucrose for Raiden & Keqing as Electro DMG & EMBuffer because she can also buff 40% Electro DMG with c6 & Hakushin Ring r5 which is basically a Kazuha c2 without Freedom Sworn.
    For Melt Teams I Switch to Dragontales because i don’t have the Sac-Fragments with AR59🤦🏻‍♂️

    Didn't like Saccharose at first, and admittedly only built it because I miss Kazuha, but she has worked its way into my heart.

  2. I think that, even on the reaction side, kazuha still beats sucrose in electro charged and freeze comps. Simply because ec doesn't deal as much dmg compared to the actual units like beidou fischl etc… And freeze because you don't need em in there

  3. Valk

    Why dont you do autocad for genshin buldings a new series i am an engineering student so it would be soo cool just doooo it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There is no content we make our own

  4. Doesnt matter you want both, when Venti doesnt work you can have both on each team for a VV buffer. I dont understand why Kazuha mains cry everytime someone says Sucrose is equal to or better then Kazuha in some cases when abyss consists of 2 teams. Use both and if there is a situation you need 1 team just use the one you like more.

  5. Sucrose
    Sucrose with thrilling tales is better as with sacrificial but keep in mind that sucrose still have less EM with that so no matter how much EM her flower and feather have every sucrose have
    3 x 187 EM = 561

    Lets say with flower and feather her total EM is 700

    Talent lvl 60+
    700 x 0.2 = 140 EM

    Talent lvl 20+
    140 + 50 = 190 EM

    So a thrilling tales sucrose with 700 EM can buff
    190 EM
    48% atk
    to your main dps i dont use the 20% from her C6 here because most of the time the element you use for sucrose Q is the element you use for the reaction e.g.

    Main pyro
    Support cryo

    Sucrose Q will be cryo to melt better with your pyro dps so her C6 is useless for your DPS its only for your support

    Kazuha have 115 base EM and lets say the same artifacts sucrose have so 815 EM but kazuha's weapon is

    Iron sting 165 = 980 EM
    Freedom sworn 198 = 1013 EM

    Talent lvl 60+
    980 x 0.04 = 39.2% element bonus
    1013 x 0.04 = 40.5% element bonus

    Like you see the different in element with ironsting and freedom sworn is not realy big but the point is freedom sworn can buff your team lets use freedom sworn than

    So freedom sworn kazuha with 1013 EM can buff
    40.5% element
    16% normal,charge,plunge atk
    20% atk

    Compare to sucrose this kazuha give your main dps less dmg than her if the team is a melt or vaporize team
    In terms of electro charge the reaction dmg is higher with sucrose BUT
    other than sucrose Q that only works on 1 element with C6 same as trilling tales only works for 1 character
    kazuha's buff can increase every element if you swirl it so e.g. electro and hydro get the 40.5% element bonus at the same time and the dmg differents is not realy there if you keep in mind kazuha have the better team flow + thrilling tales have a cool down so like i say sucrose is only better for melt and vaporize

    And now there is one last thing to compare, that was a

    C6 sucrose + R5 thrilling tails
    C0 kazuha + R1 freedom sworn

    For people like me that pull for some C's keep in mind that kazuha at C2 can buff 200 EM

    Long story short :

    C0 kazuha for everything that is not melt / vaporize

    C2 kazuha for everything

    Btw every C's after C2 is only for you if you want C6 kazuha if that is not the case dont even think about C3
    You play kazuha with C0, C2 or C6 so dont waste your pulls for a 5star you dont even need the 3 extra lvl for his E is only more dmg, dmg that doesnt change much for your team so you better pull something else for that primos

  6. i just use both + venti and then with zhongli and then realize theres nothing to swirl lol but i love them all in exploring so its all in the matter of fun factor for me… but in abyss i tend to go for kazuha and then either of the 2 depending on the current rotation so thats there

  7. Sadly in both scenarios kazuha is better but sucrose is not far behind. the reason why kazuha better is you don't have any artifacts, resonance or buffer who can buff elemental damage other than kazuha while u can increase em by instructor set, increase attack by bennet burst, pyro resonance so overall kazuha give more damage.. but sucrose is very viable for sure. Sucrose is only better in tazer team because you need to continiously proc swirl that make a chain reaction electro charge

  8. They actually combo quite well, not only do they get Anemo synergy but Sucrose can give Kazuha bonus EM which is pretty insane, and also if you add Xiangling or Xingqiu in there, sucrose can trigger VV pyro def shred and Kazuha’s skill and burst can deal absolutely massive damage with pyro or hydro swirl plus Sucrose def shred, while Xiangling/Xingqiu’s off field pyro/hydro damage is also stronger thanks to both Sucrose and Kazuha.

  9. Bennett: atk transfer, ramp up overall dmg except fixed dmg reaction
    Sucrose: EM transfer, ramp up reaction dmg
    Kazuha: elemental dmg transfer, ramp up elemental dmg

    See the difference?


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