Klee or Kazuha, who should you pull. Who holds more value? Both in terms of in the moment and long term investments. Watch this video to answer your questions regarding these two units. Klee VS Kazuha comparison.

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Thumbnail Sauce:
Kazuha: https://twitter.com/artofjuu/status/1350438876821655552/photo/2
Klee: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85726039


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  1. C0 Kazuha is barely a sidegrade to C0 Sucrose and is a strict downgrade to C6 Sucrose in most teams. You need C2 Kazuha to actually compete with Sucrose's support in most teams, especially Melt/Vape.
    Not to mention the extremely dangerous precedent set by his current C6, which is basically a slight downgrade of Xiao's Burst with 100% uptime and no life drain demerit (Anemo Infusion + 0.2% DMG buff per point of EM, easily reaching Lv.13 Xiao burst's ~109% at 545 EM with only a single EM main with a CRIT weapon or no EM mains with an EM weapon); it turns him from a probably weaker Jean type split Phys/Anemo sub-DPS (weaker bc no fall DMG exploitation) to a Xiao type pure Anemo carry. It's an absolutely gross amount of power to lock behind such a massive paywall.

  2. The only character that is worth to pull is the one you like (maybe just Zhongli is the worthiest of all). I have 10 5* and I don't use the most of them…the game is so easy that can be done with 4* Characters with 3* weapon, don't listen to the streamers who say that this is better than that…the character you like and that make you enjoy your game is the best one.

  3. personally, i think i will go for kazuha as i barely have any anemo units or someone like venti in my team ^_^ i do have sucrose but shes only c0 which makes me feel like im not getting the most out of her. klee is also someone i would love to have but my lack of catalyst weapons and primos say otherwise LOL

  4. After getting yanfei I really don’t see the need for Klee just yet. SMH I’m still trying to farm a decent lavawalker or crimson flame set from that atrocious domain and that character was released how long ago now lol

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again plain and simple the game is a mobile game adapted for the pc and PlayStation not a PC and PS game adapted for mobile. Until Mihiyo address their re$in system I can see a lot of people leaving even before inazuma…..

  5. I fail to see how he fits into team comps. I think most people have Xinqui, Zhongli, Benett as 3/6 support characters. Then personally have Albedo/Venti so I'm seeing a hard time seeing him fit.

  6. hey, to me overlaping is nice because if I don't like how one unit looks (kaeya for example) I can skip it in order to get the one I enjoy (Rosaria, this example would work better with 5* heh)

    electro archon when

  7. I really think this is one of those roll if you love one of the characters otherwise it's a skip. Klee has Yanfei who can do similar things just not as good and Kazuha has Venti, Sucrose and Jean. So these are both characters with cheaper options to do similar things (Yanfei and Sucrose). Obviously if Klee or Kazuha is a character you want for design, personality or lore then go for it but from an optimal stand point both seem like skips for me. Childe isn't an optimal pull but I pulled for him and I'm glad I did, he's fun as heck. So don't let meta stop you but if your on the fence I think it's a skip

  8. Can someone tell me, in term of strength, as an individualy, without any other support, the stongest stand alone character? No matter what what kind of weapon user and tpes of vision? Theoretically speaking though

  9. I've saved over 64 fates for kazuha ever since 1.6 came out and got diluc while pulling for zhongli, so I am ready for farming chests and events in 1.6! Everyone saving for kazuha, good luck on his banner!!! ❤️‍🩹

  10. Not pulling for the next 4-ish banner I would say. Klee, Kazuha, and the two next 5-stars aren't interesting for me. The Electro Archon is lurking around and I'm pretty sure she will be a Support that will on par compared to Venti and Zhongli. After all, Supports don't get power creeped, only main DPS do. I have all character beside Klee, sooo I have enough character to play (to level up and max out ) with before our dear Baal comes out. And if I'm lucky enough, I might save enough primo for Baal's constellation.

  11. Hello as much as I love this vid, I still need HeLp if I should roll for Klee or Kazuha, lemme explain :’))

    So I’m an F2P mobile player and on AR45, so I basically don’t have that much primogems to get both :’)). I have 4 pyro characters (Bennette, Yanfei, Xianging, and Amber) and 2 anemo characters excluding the traveler (Jean and Sucrose). But tbh my I feel like my anemo characters are much better than my pyro ones. I wanted to roll for a Klee becus she’s a cute badass gorl af and I’ve always wanted her since I first played GI. On the other hand I wanted to roll for Kazuha becus of his amazing skills, especially his elemental burst. Sooooo..who do you think I should roll for??


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