Who Do I Regret Summoning in Genshin Impact?

Today in Genshin Impact we’re talking about all the 5-star units, which ones I regret summoning, and which ones I don’t.
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0:00 Intro
1:45 Who I Would Regret Not Summoning
5:46 Middle Feeling Units
9:24 Who I Regret Summoning


28 thoughts on “Who Do I Regret Summoning in Genshin Impact?”

  1. The only characther i regret pulling for is Nilou, i got in love for her and kinda forgot about her playstyle so I just benched her, i wish i could go back and pull for albedo instead 😫

  2. As a Miko main, if you want to see her do really good damage, you 100% need to invest in her. She needs very specific stats and, dare I say, she needs her signature weapon to be at her full potential. But once you get everything she needs, she does amazing damage. My mikos totem poles do 22k dmg each and her burst usually does anywhere from 45k – 75k.

  3. I honestly have the same option you have with Kazuha, only with zhongil instead. I often forget to keep up his shield, and with how many healers I have built I’d much rather just out heal the damage

  4. Keqing got a banner because they needed a filler banner between Xiao and Hu Tao and Keqing was the most popular waifu in the game before Ganyu and Hu Tao came out. Then meta and power creep and a number of limited 5 star waifus made her fall off.

  5. Nilou is actually my biggest regret for characters I didn't pull. I saw her gameplay and thought "that's kinda boring and niche" and I was mostly right.
    The problem was, I didn't foresee how absolutely busted her damage would be with a very cheap team. She's like a niche, hydro version of Nahida, with how much value you can get from her with a very low budget build (Nahida being more flexible in general)
    The one good thing is that me not pulling for her means I had enough to pull Nahida and Scara, both of whom I'll never regret pulling. I'm definitely pulling for her on her rerun.

  6. One character I regret wishing is Xiao and Ayaka, I love Xiao character but his plays style is to much for him, I raised him to be 80 and 6-6-8 until I realized I didn’t like playing him. Ayaka just boring and she was an accident that cost me Yelan 🥲

    I character I don’t regret not getting is Venti, Kokomi, Shenhe, and Cyno. They all are just boring to me and I personally find some of their kits useless. I might pull for Kokomi soon because I love Bloom comps but honestly I could live without her.

    Characters I regret not getting is Eula and Yelan. I love love love how Eula plays and Yelan to. I really wish I went for them harder but I thought they could get reruns sooner 🥲

  7. i dont regret pulling for any char except hutao. i got her while aiming for rosaria or yanfei, and tbh i like her as a character nd thought itd be fun to play with her but… her playstyle isnt for me 🙂 ive build and friendship lvl10ed her but.. ill probably not be touching her again LOL

  8. Feel sad when someone says they don't like Ayaka. But I liked the fact that you placed Yoi and Itto in the first half. They aren't the most popular characters and they need some love.

  9. Units I regret pulling: Baal, Yae, Ayato, and Hu Tao. Sad thing is I was once excited for these units, waiting ages for their releases, but I honestly don't use them anymore. I'm kind of over summoning nowadays, truthfully.

  10. I have a slight regret on pulling for Ayato instead of waiting for Yelan. Although tbf, I got early Ayato after losing 50/50 (just 1 multi) but I kinda hope I waited for her.
    Not really a big regret tho since he is still a balanced character.


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