Which 4-Stars Are Coming On Kazuha/Alhaitham Banner? | Genshin Impact 3.7 Predictions

Which 4-Stars Are Coming On Kazuha/Alhaitham Banner?

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Which 4-Stars Are Coming On Kazuha/Alhaitham Banner?


43 thoughts on “Which 4-Stars Are Coming On Kazuha/Alhaitham Banner? | Genshin Impact 3.7 Predictions”

  1. I have Razor C1 at lvl 85 and I'd love having more of his cons since I really like Razor 😁
    Same thing with Heizou
    But most importantly I want Kazuha so this banner might just be the best banner for me personally 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

    Edit: I saw a leak and unfortunately razor isn't on the banner 😕 at least I can finally get Yao yao C6 since I was stuck with C5 for a while so still not bad

  2. The characters are already leaked. From the same leaker that predicted all 5* banner order and first phase 4* character and weapons we already know that second phase is Xiangling Yaoyao and Heizou.

  3. sigh no love for my girl Noelle man… I can't wait for her to return to a banner, I wanna finally C6 her. I was hoping it'd be to a banner with 5 star characters I'd actually care about tho…

  4. I want the 4 stars on the banner (i have xiangling c5, yao yao c1?, and heizou c2) but i already have kazuha and alhaitham and i will be pulling for eula. I do want to spend a bit on the weapon banner as i am close to pity and would like either of their swords or literally any 5 star weapon other than skyward spine. But i will probably wait until the end of the banner to see what my savings are at

  5. I wish phase 1's 4 stars were on phase 2. I have none, but want all of them. But I want Kazu, not Yao/Yoi, and can't risk at high pity.
    Phase 2 I'd hope for Rosaria and Yanfei for cons maybe. Touma/Faruzan would also be welcome.

  6. The leaks were right: Xiangling, Heizou and Yaoyao.

    Also, two of the 4-stars on the weapon banner were pretty obvious.

    Whenever Hoyoverse features a limited 4-star weapon set, they almost always split the members between the two banner cycles of the same content patch. Since the Watatsumi claymore is first featured by itself, it's safe to assume that the other Watatsumi weapons will appear in the second half of 3.7.
    Here's another key pattern/unwritten rule. No 4-star weapon is ever featured back-to-back. The most frequent it can appear is every other banner cycle.


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