Where is the War in Natlan? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore and Theory)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #nilou

same desc as yesterday its sunday and im lazy. just talking about a rough general outline about the reason for the conflict in Natlanim ngl I completly forgot the genshin impact 4.8 live stream and trailer was happening. was locked into hexenzirkel stuff. but it did happen and we got two new trailers, the official Version 4.8 “Summertide Scales and Tales” Trailer and the Natlan Preview Teaser “Need a Hand”. as much as I wanna say I did a breakdown of the trailer and picked out lore and made theories, lmao none of that happened. in too good of a mood following winning the 50/50 for Ellen Joe in zenless zone zero. now we wait for jade in hsr to see if we can string two in a row together.

music: massobeats

0:00 Intro
0:10 Natlan vs Natlan
1:10 Other Side to Natlan
3:50 Who is Natlan Fighting?
5:25 Why is Natlan Fighting?

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #nilou


40 thoughts on “Where is the War in Natlan? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore and Theory)”

  1. maybe there is war in specific region(s) or it could be in secret u could say as not many in natlan may know about war ravaging across the nation as it hasn't hit them? Not sure how hoyo will plan it out but I hope its good and does have some darkness to it! Cant wait for the teaser to drop and see Pyro archon

  2. To be honest, I feel like people are complaining about not seeing anything catastrophic yet, because I feel like we will see some crazy war, we will see something crazy, just not right now, until it's fully released. I feel like after they release to question everything that's when we are actually gonna see something when we are actually going to meet them and be able to witness something probably terrible like a war, just because things look peaceful now, it doesn't mean things are gonna stay peaceful not to mention these characters are probably far away from the war that's going on right now, like they could be in a different area right now, then from where that war is actually taking place in the trailer, so I think we should give it more time to judge and then see if it actually failed in portraying the war and things

  3. No nation is presented as the "nation of war" It's possible that we see the aftermath of the war and please not a spirit realm war. I want a Spartanic nation I want the story of Venessa as a slave and the revelation how she came to be in Mondstadt of all places. I do think we are getting unexpected lore in Natlan possibly even Venti stuff. The archons do not talk about this region it's almost like it's denied to exist or they at least feel like it should not exist.

  4. Pyro Arcon sees a buch of fatui in black cloaks, running towards her. She sees Capitano in a white cloak. Big, tall, muscular, evilass mf running at her…

  5. Genshin just released a "TEASER". Do you think they're gonna show what's happening inside a "TEASER"? Maybe try waiting the 5.0 trailer and then you can judge it from then.
    You d-mbfcks taking too much idea of "WAR" in Natlan literally lmao. Note that there's a lot of twist happening in every nation. Hoyo's writing conveys metaphorical ideas. They don't tell the story literally! It's been fckin 4 years and y'all still haven't learn a thing? Anyway, can't blame you though if y'all thinking about is the SKIP BUTTON.

  6. Or maybe it is like what a saying goes by
    Calm before the storm
    Meaning that hoyo might show the peaceful part of natlin and after that maybe the volcano war and fight part might be added
    Think 💬 it might go from 😃to😈💀
    From peaceful to vengeance and war

    Hope Pyro traveler is better then hydro traveler I mean come on hydro traveler was such a disappointment 😥 (for me not for other people it is from my view dendro is the best hope Pyro can out shine dendro traveler)

  7. OK. i do not want to be super harsh about it, and i can understand where people are coming from..but nowhere..nothing has implied that "current Natlan" is a flaming warzone.

    1- We have only ever heard about Natlan so little and just imagine that war just potrays death and destruction..and it might be happening, but not "all over natlan"..ya know. If there is a civil war, they cant just nuke the entire nation..where will the winning party go ? Someone just said that Inazuma felt more like nation of war..well..yea..there was an ongoing war happening..BUT in the battle field of Nazuchi beach. People of Narukami island were still going on about their business.

    2- War has "pauses" too. War does not means 24/7 constant fire raining on each other. And people still have to live, go about their daily lives..and find reasons to have some joy. Even during wartime, morale and cheer is needed.

    3- Not all wars are unjust. A war for rebellion against tyranny and evil is justified and celebrated as well. A war fought for independence and self defense is honorable too.

    4- Not all wars are bloody and brutal. Cold wars exist.

    5- Murata was a war loving goddess..however she was most likely the first pyro archon who has been replaced(other than Zhongli and Venti, all the other archons are second holders of that seat), maybe the new archon has a different less bloody view of war.

    6- The NPC at bayda harbour and the guy from that last event(who wanted to befriend/tame giant monsters) mention Natlan as a place with sweet memories, beautiful colors, grafitti, lovely people, kids wearing fashionable trinkets and showing them off, etc. Read your dialogs ya'll.

    7- The events of talking stick are from 500 years ago..heck at that time entire world was burning and facing the consequence of the cataclysm.

    8- Dainsleif in travail trailer only talks about the rule of war..that is victor survives and the loser must perish. You don't have to take it literally. He is just saying "History is written by the victors" and is just being dramatic about it. And damn if it was rewritten using Irminsul, then we have no idea how many times Teyvat's memories have been wiped lol.

    9- Just because the Archon's principle is "War", the land is called "land of war" does not directly signify that there is an active war going on there. these are just epithets, you don't become un-aging in inazuma, you do not get automatically bound by random contracts in Liyue, you do not get automatically wise when you go to sumeru, you do not become honorable and a humanitarian in Fontaine and you do not become "free" in Mond..similarly you don't just wage war just because you are in land of war. These are just the ruling principles of the archons – Venti chose to give his people the freedom to choose how they wish to live, Morax was not the brightest so he chose the path of "X is the rule, if you follow you get a treat, if not, you get punishment of the rock" as he wanted something simple but effective to rule(remember that Guizhong was the smart one..not morax. It took morax a long time to be able to run human administration), Ei's version at least was that she vowed to eternally protect Inazuma as its guardian and leader(while Makoto's was related to power of eternal dreams and hopes of humanity), Rukkhadevata's was to rule with wisdom and Egeria went with Justice(its like a culmination of Contract and wisdom)…
    Otherwise if this "land of X" thing was true, all Snezhnayas would be in love. That would be the last nation to wage a war on Celestia lol. War aka parties fighting over a prize is Murata's chosen way to rule. Most likey it correlates to "If you have objections, fight me and i ll yield", "Oh? you two cant come to an agreement? On to the fighting Arena", "You want to contest my gnosis Capitano? Very well, face me in battle and win."

  8. My theory: Natlan's war used to be war, nowadays, it has changed to sports competition, and that's why the three playable characters shown last teaser are designed like that (clothing and movement skills) and why the martial arts guy mentions the shadow boxing.
    Its the Olympics. Just that.
    Some mf will try to bring back war tho. And I bet it won't be Capitano.

  9. My question is, is every person that can fight /really/ have an interest in war? Surely there are outliers, cus it can't be every single person that wants to fight unless everyone is braincovered or smt

  10. People really need to use a Braincell. Firstly, we were teased essentially the entrance to Natlan. The first regions. Like Sumeru, the war torn regions will be released in later patches.

    Secondly, every war torn nation can have beautiful and peaceful areas. Look at literal real life countries lmao. Honestly ppl are just hating for the sake of hating now. If you don't like hoyo or genshin anymore then leave. Goodness.

  11. I think whats possible is that we imagine war as full on soldiers fighting, but dont forget that irl we had conflicts like the cold war (literally war in the name) or the conflict between denmark and canada (called the whisky war) which essentially consisted on each nation putting up their flag on an island and removing that of the other, so in natlan its been mentioned theres been war for centuries, so why do they not resolve it? Would they really battle forever? Also the teyvat nations are probably in size not comparable to any european nation. Theres most likely less people than in the state of bavaria. You couldnt possibly have a forever war when you keep losing your people and eventually the mortality rate outdoes the birth rate.

    Unless….its not a full on war. There are tribes in natlan, and theyre probably at odds with each other even till this day. But what if they decided that bloodshed is not a good way to deal with this. They gotta settle their passionate hatred in another way. Maybe they have tournaments. I could imagine that. Maybe they use the dragons for their battles instead of people.

    Basically theyre having a war in the same vein as the whisky war was a war. Idk if this actually classifies as a war, im no expert, but we call it one, so the genshin npcs could also call the wars in natlan a war even if we are having the lobster war (my favourite war) going on.

  12. I'm personally going with the belief that the other three tribes not yet revealed have a whole lot more in show for the main quest. Doubt it's simply butterflies and rainbows in the first half, and then bloodshed and chaos in the second.

  13. For almost 4 years we've had NPCs tell us Natlan is a tourist destination due to the hot springs and welcoming to visitors. Anyone who was expecting all out war corner to corner wasn't paying attention.

    War has probably evolved the same way Furina turned Justice into a spectacle.

  14. Im gonna cope that Naltan is facing a similar thing like The Chasm where major things are happening underground so only the nation's leaders are fighting each other to find some hidden power or something important underneath the ground. And maybe Capitano just came to sort it out so he can find a way to curry the Pyro archon's favor and eventually her Gnosis

  15. We don’t know what does it mean “war” in Natlan. Maybe dance war between 2 clan
    When I think about war is airplanes and bombs but in genshin war can anything

  16. Maybe they pretend to be at war with the dragons, so that Celestia won't send a nail to destroy them?
    I mean, Celestia doesn't seem to really like dragons, so I think it would make sense a bit?

  17. Well to be honest the foreign threat to Natlan could very well be colonization an exploitation of resources by other countries (as it happened with the real life countries natlan was inspired by) but I doubt hoyo would have the self awareness and nuance to address that 😅


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