When You Realize These Characters Will Die In Future Updates – Genshin Impact

Genshin characters who are likely to die in the progression of the game’s storyline.


41 thoughts on “When You Realize These Characters Will Die In Future Updates – Genshin Impact”

  1. Childe's "death flags" are very debatable. if he is actually dying, that would be at the final chapters of the game, mihoyo wouldnt kill such an important and an extremely overpowered character in early game

  2. Dude…this better not be real- if it is then Genshin Impact won’t feel the same as I remember. (Why did that sound like Zhongli’s line?) Without the 3 of them in Genshin Impact idk if I could still carry on in Genshin Impact ;-; (although Lisa’s part was understandable, BUT STILL!)

  3. actually i dontr really think the playable character will die its more probably that we are going to get back to life signora with her mask and some magic considering the overall story until now

  4. Just from signora attire she didn't look playable other playable characters either has their hair parted or a flowy light weight costume or piece of fabric to move along when walking sprinting or running but based on her looks she had this thick long costume covering her back making it hiding her entirely (if you get what i mean) if she's to come back them i'm most certain that her costume would change

  5. But the thing is if they kill playable characters and make them unplayable a lot of the player base will get extremely mad because people could have devoted hundreds of dollars and tons of resources into the character

  6. I doubt they'd kill Childe before we got to Snezhynaya simply because of the story setup to see his homeland alongside him (and his family). If they do, I'll be genuinely surprised at such a ballsy play. Also Lisa literally has the hairstyle of death


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