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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source:

#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact


49 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #287”

  1. The anti raiden shogun training was easy, i just failed once, there was an error and I left the training area and stayed outside, just dodging far, in the second part i just passed

  2. #GIM
    This is just a tip for the anti-raiden shogun training quest:
    If you run miliseconds after you press start youll end up out of the wall and will be able to dodge easier just dont do this in part two you are needed to be inside

  3. other people waiting for ganyu: dont give me hope
    me: who lost 50/50 on shogun but still happy cus 100% guaranteed prom 5 star limited chracters and got amos bow 5 months ago from standart wish
    btw currently diluc main cus lost 50/50

  4. 🌈🌼 It is to be said that tho, some Hu Tao mains may be toxic. There shall always be the ones who help lower AR's with quests ! ! ! ‹3 🌼🌈

  5. #GIM
    Her: "He's probably thinking about other woman"
    him: "If Stormterror's Lair was originally Khaenri'ah and the Hillichurls and Abyss Mages that are there were originally humans….does that mean we invaded their land and also killed people…"

  6. It is about mortal age I honestly don't find this "funny" because Most of the photos is sexualizing Minors actually Like the childe x lumine Stuff childe is 24 and and lumine is 15 almost 10 years and you ship them This is why the genshin fandom always has a bad name I like honkai i like Mihoyo but the genshin fandom hit different, You are giving the genshin fandom a bad name SHIPPING MINORS.


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