Both Mualani's/People of the Springs & Chasca's/Flower-Feather Clan tribe got "Special Survival Treatment" in Natlan ( Mualani's for swimming & surfing in the Liquid Phlogiston while Chasca's for flying & gliding in Gaseous Phlogiston. ). Not to mentioned Xilonen's tribe/Children of Echoes too for walking & climbing on Solid Phlogiston which can only be performed by riding Tepetlisaur for other Natlan Tribe & Non-Natlan character.
“Sorry, Amanai. I'm not angry over you right now. I bear no grudge against anyone. It's just that the world feels so, so wonderful now. Throughout Heaven and earth, I alone am the honered one." 🔵➕🔴🟰🟣
Neuvillette after extinguishing Lumine from Fire: (Wheezing)… my Apologies.
Based on the way Lumine shouted and Chasca whistled, we can understand that Chasca did not mention the "danger" of this game 🙂
Lumine's become Scorpions fr 💀
This ending was unexpected but funny 😂
Emang rada² tempat itu 😂😂😂
Poor luminee😢
That NpC lmfao
This girl is on 🔥
„Nah I’d win” ahh moment 🔥
that's how she acquired the pyro resonance 🔥
Girl you're on fire 😅😅😅
"i alond am the honored one." -Natlan's npc 💀
Lumine: Let Me Try This!!!
Meanwhile Lumine burns like CJ in GTA San Andreas
This girl is on fireeee 🎶
Lumine:Heroes never fade
Chasca: "oof" moment 😅😅😅
Lumine: "Aaaahhhhhh!!! ~~ … I will respawn don't worry"😂😂
Both Mualani's/People of the Springs & Chasca's/Flower-Feather Clan tribe got "Special Survival Treatment" in Natlan ( Mualani's for swimming & surfing in the Liquid Phlogiston while Chasca's for flying & gliding in Gaseous Phlogiston. ). Not to mentioned Xilonen's tribe/Children of Echoes too for walking & climbing on Solid Phlogiston which can only be performed by riding Tepetlisaur for other Natlan Tribe & Non-Natlan character.
I was expecting that scream
I'm happy
Lumine become Ghost Rider
"Gomen… Amanai… " ah scene
tfw you just want to collect those crystalflies , you're suddenly red hp
Now the traveler has the Pyro element ta-da
"Throughout celectia and teyvat, i alone am the npc one" – Chadpc
I got that heatwave too …and I was like ….ac/ac/ac…… Anyone.
Throughout heaven and earth I Alone Am The Honoured One 🌌
Iya lagi 🤣
Fire resistance😅
“Sorry, Amanai. I'm not angry over you right now. I bear no grudge against anyone. It's just that the world feels so, so wonderful now.
Throughout Heaven and earth, I alone am the honered one."