If you want to see me build and test EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER please consider subscribing, it really helps out 🙂
Thank you SO MUCH to the patrons:
Opi8, kdz, Jay and Bryan for buying me dinner,
Matt, Paweł, Potemkin for buying me lunch,
And Artentus, Caitlin, chamchamtrigger,
David, David M, herzbube, and SuilongV3 for buying me coffee
You guys are amazing~~~ https://patreon.com/JelloImpact?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Discord: https://discord.gg/3dHkuMsgGU
A good chunk of my music is done by @tnbee https://www.youtube.com/@tnbee/videos they make awesome covers of hoyoverse music! check them out!
A lot of information in general I learn from theorycrafters and creators such as Zajef77 https://www.youtube.com/@Zajef77, The Genshin Scientist https://www.youtube.com/@TheGenshinScientist, Jamie https://www.youtube.com/@jamiekb9v, Jstern25 https://www.youtube.com/@jstern25, Flip https://www.youtube.com/@FliponYT KQM https://keqingmains.com/ . If I ever directly lift any specific info from any of them specificially I will additionally credit with a shoutout in the video or first part of description. I always do my own extensive testing of course, but often these guys create a baseline that every creator starts at, and most of us wouldn’t be able to do what we do to the level we do it without these guys creating a foundation. If you think anyone else should be credited here, let me know and I’d love to add them.
Where did you get your figures?
– Keqing is the official one, you can get it from many sites. expensive.
All the others are from ali express. They were around $40-$80 Canadian dollars including shipping, pretty reasonable.
– Nilou is amazing, highly recommended
Shenhe Nahida Zhongli childe are quite good
ayaka is solid
yoimiya is minimally acceptable
raiden is BAD do not get that one. Hu Tao is also very bad. They’re not displayed becasue of how bad they are.
For business inquiries, collabs, sponsors, or if you need to reach me for something, my email is [email protected]
#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #fontaine #genshinguide #spiralabyss #showcase #genshin #guide #instructional #genshintrailer #genshinimpact
See the WRITTEN version here on Tacter! Viewing and liking really helps out~ https://www.tacter.com/genshin/guides/things-you-must-know-before-wishing-in-genshin-impact-50-natlan-wishing-guide-8f8e4cd1
I started playing the game about 2 weeks ago and wasted 95 pulls in kazuha banner and unable to get kazuha . after which i started visiting youtube for some tips. please help me to know for whom i need to target . i request you please. i have made many mistakes and reached level 35 without any good build i rushed over only for exp and now unable to clear domains please help me
And here POOR ME …..building DPS "Barbara" .
I wanted chev cons and got kinich at 30 pulls was saving for geo lady and i dont want to use kinichðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
The main characters I am waiting for now are Neuvillette(C1), Mavuika and Xilonen. Might also try and get Nahida and Zhongli(and potentially Raiden)
I already have Kazuha and Furina
To be honest, if mavuika is an off field support then I am skipping her. Surely diluc will be better as main dps Pyro on field and dehya is there as off field Pyro. I wish we get news about columbina to confirm if she is going to be released in Natlan I am mainly looking for her. Yet I have saved 210 intertwined fate.
chasca look worth to pull but still we need to know her kit.
4:14 can you shut up. Stop downplaying Lyney, lord. "You better not be attempting to pla, him with a controller" WHY?! I play him with a controller and he feels amazing to play. If you're just going to trash on characters like this maybe you should just stop making Genshin guides because you're doing a terrible job
I’m AR 57 still don’t have fischl😢
do new players exist?
And then there's me who pulled raiden for hyperbloom. Now she outperforms my C6 Gaming team at lvl 70 and a lvl 50 weapon (dragon's bane)
klee on "good pull" is diabolical
Jello got a new outro. Nice.
"Dont pull for meta pull for who you like" and you like keqing and barbara, what do we do now?
In favour of Arlecchino , unlike Neuvi ,her best teams have a lot of 4 stars , Bennett, sucrose (stronger in single target than Kazuha) , Xingqiu, fischl , chevruse.. and she don't even care bout Furina
That kitty is definitely Xilonen. Jell-O leaks everything
Why does that Neuvilette team need a Geo character btw?
My problem with many of the meta argument is they dont define what meta is, this makes everyone base line different and some people dont understand where you stand, are we talking about fastest clear? Highest dmg? Best comfort? Cause we know every character in genshin can clear the abyss, and by definition we can also say that EVERY character in genshin have their own meta team which I believe is abetter way to define instead of mixing everything cause a lot of character have their own place
Why is this guy so against kazuha and yelan
Bro just pull which character you like the game is easy
This is exactly my playstyle, I want to have my favorite characters but my main problem is that almost non of my favorite characters go together, so it's really hard trying to get what you want and need at the same time😂
I don't see Genshin as having relevant power creep in terms of characters. The floor is so low in the game that even if a directly power creep version of a character comes out, the original will still work. The new one will just result in you succeeding better and/or faster. Your favorites will still get you through years down the line. Especially as new supports come out.
The only power creep that will actually matter for the game is the challenges themselves. If they ever start introducing regular spikes in difficulty then it's gonna matter that your character is dated, but as is the floor doesn't rise fast enough that many characters become obsolete.
As a 1.0 veteran player who collects and tests almost every character, I have this to say about Alhaitham. If you like him, his vertical investment potential is absolutely insane. I'm not a huge fan of his character, so I'm a little sad to admit it, but he blows my Arlecchino and Mualani out of the water. It's specifically because of his quickbloom team with Furina, Nahida, and Kuki. As you get constellations for him, Furina, and Nahida, he just spikes exponentially with every step. His weapon is niche but insane on him. It's easy to get to a point in combat where your Alhaitham has 2k+ attack, 1k em, and 250% Crit Damage. With his split scaling and spreads AND Furina's buff, he just becomes a monster.
And again, this character annoys me, so I'm not just supporting him. He is just genuinely cracked if you like him enough to vertically invest in this team.
For my account i was missing chevy. Pulled on raiden banner cause she would also improve my neuvi team. Got raiden in 30 pulls and got scared i wouldnt get chevy. I ended up getting her the 10 pull after. I have 170+ pulls left over. I plan on pulling xianyun for XXFF. After that i mainly want capitano cause i dont have a cryo 5 star (i try and get a 5 star of each element)
leave the new players alone. they now quit after seeing the full map.
How have I never noticed your all time low record in the bg before ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
As a new-ish player that started around 4.2 and been clearing everything for several months, gonna share what worked for me: Get 5 stars Nahinda, Furina, Raiden, Kazuha – best supports, Neuvillete and Arlecchino – best dps. 4 stars: bennet, xingui, kuki shinobu, fischl, xiangling, noelle. And you are good to go. It might seem a lot, but i gradually collected/built them over last year and it started working pretty early. Started with budget hyperbloom + raiden national and worked through to build better teams. At first floor 12 seemed completely impossible but i kept trying, then i got 30 stars, then 33 and after trying harder – i cleared with 36 star once, and kept with it ever since. My current best teams are Neuvillete archon hyperbloom + Arlecchino XQ Kazuha bennet. Sometimes i tech switch like putting noelle to break geo shields, or putting an archer, or putting in XL to break cryo shield. But in general these 2 teams never failed me once i got them. If these teams start to fall of – worst case scenario it will be 33 stars instead of 36.
I’m very curious to know if Eula C0 with SoBP R1 is still viable today… she seems to be in a very weird position since she doesn’t play elemental reactions unless Superconduct
Pulled C1R0 Raiden last rerun and C2 this one. No regrets, she hits like a truck and i love her.
I'll go for Xilonen and Mavuika after her, but right now, no regrets. Luckily Genshin isn't as piwercreep heavy and she still absolutely kills it
Thats why I'm an Ayato main. You can never get bored with the number of comps Ayato can drive 😂😂
And ofc since mine is C6 and top 10 build he also hits hard as fk
4:45 laughs in kbm on console
Going to disagree on this one. Kazuha is pretty much a must pull..without grouping, the game really gets to be a PITA. NO ONE groups like Kazuha groups. He literally changed my entire account. He also makes up many of the best teams in the game.
"If another Geo character."
You mean Xilonen lmao.
Also, my Hu Tao mogs that ugly Arlechomo. 💅✨
But yes, the BEST team is FURINA, Neuvillette, for sure.
Neuvillette still stands above all Dps for several reasons. Screenshot doesn't equal best
mualani does not belong in top tier
I'd still advise new players to pull for kazuha even if he's not the best-in-slot for a lot of things anymore. He's still super flexible and easy to slot into random team. Easy grouping makes life way better and helps a ton with early traversal around the map.
My quality of life shot of significantly both in and out of combat after I got him.
Think the biggest thing is enjoying the playstyle. I pulled for arlecchino but didn't use her for the longest time cause I guess I didn't know how to build her? Ironic cause I usually just watch build guides. Then tried it and loved the playstyle. Flip side I know Baizhu and Alhaitham are great characters and I have both but I A. don't know how to use them properly and/or B. hate the way they play lol
Ok so what should I do if I already won in genshin impact?🤔🤔
Pulling for who you like is the best advice.
I wasn't gonna pull for mualani initially but she has goofy ahh animations so i could not resist