What happens if you claim domain rewards after daily reset? – Genshin Impact


44 thoughts on “What happens if you claim domain rewards after daily reset? – Genshin Impact”

  1. well i mean theyre seperste domains it's not like it doesn't make sense
    on the weekends all 3 are present, therefore they're different

    you still get resistance books from the resistance domain when you press continue, when you leave and join, you're in a separate domain so of course it 'fixes itself'

  2. so, what you're telling me, right,

    that Mihoyo just has the room instance on a game manager have a certain enum value, that enum determines what the floor drop will be based on a parameter passed from the stage selection screen.

    not really a crazy thing, don't think it's even a bug, either. Once you log off the game anyways, you'll get kicked out of the instance.
    If anything, it makes sense that Mihoyo wouldn't want to penalize you for just wanting to continue farming a certain item especially if it's on a limited time scale
    I'd imagine it was probably done for people in other parts of the world on other servers

    :/ I'm just guessing, with my limited knowledge on unity development, but yeah. not a big deal, imo

    it's just a GameObject.dontdestroyonload() method call where it just so happens that GameObject has a variable as mentioned above that determines the reward on completion, that's it. 😛

  3. Different talent books actually have separate domain room even though the enemies are the same. That's why you can still get Resistance books, because you're just repeating the Resistance domain. Once you leave, you will enter a different domain, that is the Ballad one. That's also why on Sunday there are 3 different domain to choose.

  4. the thing is, they are different domains in the code, so when you enter the resistance domain, you will keep getting resistance books until you switch to the other domains

  5. It gives you resistance books for a reason. The rewards are tied to the domain itself, and there are three separate domains for three separate types of books. Because you never left the resistance domain, you get resistance books. Daily reset only changes what domains you can access from outside the domain.

  6. I’ve known about this for a while now bcuz I have a tendency to use my resin not too long b4 reset. If u start a domain b4 the day resets it treats all the repetitive runs a# tho they were on the same day as u started.

  7. I think this was intended to happen. Makes more sense to me! I'd be upset if I entered the domain and got different books than expected just because I didn't realize the server reset.

  8. Theoretically I think you could just leave your system on for a a day or two and once your resin refreshes just farm it again. I also wonder if MiHoYo would call this "exploiting" and would punish players for abusing this.


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