What Happened to Dainsleif: The Man of Contradictions [Genshin Impact Theory and Analysis]

#genshinimpact #dainsleif #khaenriah

Welcome to another Genshin Impact Lore Analysis and Theory. Today, we’ll be talking about Dainslief, and why he’s a man of contradictions.

Self Proclaimed Prophet
Mocking Mask – Pierro
Tsurumi Island Murals
1.3 and 1.4 Archon Quest

XENO ARCHIVE For some 1.4 moments!

Kevin MacLeod Snowdrop – Uncopyrighted Music
Undertale OST – 094 – Respite
Portal 2 OST – Vitrification Order
Destiny 2 Original Soundtrack – Track 06 – Lost Light (featuring Kronos Quartet)
Feathers Across the Seasons

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20 thoughts on “What Happened to Dainsleif: The Man of Contradictions [Genshin Impact Theory and Analysis]”

  1. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I distinctly remember in the Tiara artifacts a reference that Celestia itself would help to uplift humanity with even it's envoys walking amongst humans in what seems to be an implied openess about it. If so this means Celestians weren't afraid to mingle with humans in the past.

    Why am I saying this? Because Celestia has decimated countless civilizations before Khaenri'ah… some seem too drastic in the methods, others almost… "just one hit and be done with it" tactics (Refer to Dragonspine since all they did was drop the Needle and that was that)

    If Celestia was once open about being amongst humans (if I am not wrong), then what could have happened to make a rather seemingly benevolent place turn into an authoritarian force? Ultimately when thinking about it, one question comes to mind: "How many civilizations did Celestia help become prosperous ultimately decided to usurp and overthrow the Gods up until Khaenri'ah's time?"

    Perhaps this is why the Heavenly Principals were born… maybe Celestia became cold and cruel, because too many civilizations ultimately turned on them.
    And the reason I consider this and not "they were authoritarian all the time" idea… is because in the same artifacts, it is said that Humanity became proudful and ambitious before they started to question the Gods and to scheme their way into the "Garden of the Gods".

    Also, one thing of note is that so far, every Archon's participation in the Calamity was literally defending their land against the monstrosities of the Abyss. Even Ei seem to have Khaenri'ah in high esteem when she talks about how they thrived. So…. kind of odd that Dain said that the Gods envied Khaenri'ah in one of the quests. I Wonder if Dainslief is too scarred by what happened that he lumps them all together because of Celestia's practices?

    Also, final note: It's heavily implied that Gold experimented a lot with the Abyss with all sorts of creatures. People too. No other decimated nation became monsters after Celestia's attacks… and yet the Gods are blamed for cursing them into such things. A curious little thing… I wonder that if, in the end, there's more happening in the middle of all this than meets the eye between the Abyss and Celestia?

  2. I want to get one of those video segments, like what we get with certain characters like the archons or Ganyu or Guoba, for Dainsleif. I feel then, we would learn what his connection to the Abyss sibling is and how they met. We learned from the ending of the one for Guoba that Mihoyo can do videos like that specific to one sibling. I hope we get Dain back soon and maybe, just maybe, we could learn more about him, the Abyss sibling, and Khaenri'ah.

  3. I'd go one step further than saying that the Eclipse Dynasty was affiliated with Gold. After all, it was the ruler of Khaenri'ah who "tore away the veil of sin," wasn't it? And Gold gave the title of "the Chalk Prince" to Albedo, her creation; who's to say she didn't have a similar one? Like, perhaps, "the Gold Queen"?

  4. I'm a little confused, ( using aether as the traveller here) did lumine come to teyvat first before aether? cause lumine said she already travelled teyvat once, or did she travel after the catalysm?


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