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Ayaka was one of the most beloved characters in Genshin Impact during the early days. But with how much the game has changed in recent years, specifically not in favor of Cryo, has she lost her time in the spotlight or is she still a fan favorite? Today we’ll find out in What Happened To Ayaka.
Genshin impact What Happened To? Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLppnSxCFrfuWdH_niXxWHUWl00NePPfmg
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#GenshinImpact #Ayaka #Genshin
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Ayaka is still pretty good imo, but with Dendro having so much easy value and with how much reactions it gets, cryo characters in general does kind of suffer, and with the lack of freeze is quite average. I still really like her sheer dmg output.
I wish they do with the supposed new endgame content in 4.7 the same they do with some combat events, where each trial is focused on a certain reaction or team, so Freeze teams,can be made useful, not having to rely on what banner is on.
For me, no longer use ayaka because.. kinda a pain to manage her burst. gather energy, cc the enemy, hope to god they all freezed in place, then release burst…Or I could just use a dendro team.. or neuvilette team, and now arlecchino team. don't have to worry about ult or energy, not worrying anything to miss either, its just so much comfier. 1 neuvilette charge atk is as strong as ayaka burst, and he can redirect and spam it
TIL that hu tao is more of a driver than a true hypercarry.
Incredible take mr. vars
Maybe they'll make cryo relevant again in Snezhnaya. 🤔
Just wait until natlan releases
Waiting for the cryo archon to arrive and place cryo on the forefront again. Hoyo nerfed the element so hard that it's delegated to a more of a support rather than the main source of damage.
I will build a god level ayaka mark my words
I would also add that the advent of Hyperbloom supplanted Freeze teams as the top reaction in the game for a myriad of reasons:
– Boss friendly
– Low investment (only EM main stat artifacts required)
– Elementally diverse (for shield breaking)
– Harder to miss (I.e. still works on teleporting enemies)
– 4-star friendly (team comp can scale all the way from F2P, from Collei to Nahida, and from Fischl to Raiden)
Ultimately, it boils down to Ayaka being effectively locked into Freeze, and lacking the versatility to build Reverse Melt. Ganyu and Wriothesley can both be built for either, with Wriothesley in particular having exceptional flexibility due to his charged attack Shattering, making Blizzard Strayer less worthwhile than his normal Marechausee Hunter build and thus eliminating the need for multiple artifact sets, dramatically reducing investment time. And since Natlan is upcoming, and will likely feature multiple new Pyro units, it's entirely possible that Reverse Melt will become much easier to enable- whether through additional viable off-field Pyro units other than just Xiangling, or through a shift in power to make Burning more viable as a way of enabling Pyro aura- and push her even farther out of the meta, since most other Cryo damage dealers are better suited for Reverse Melt than Ayaka.
Also, people have started to realize that Kaeya is a lot stronger than commonly thought, and while his damage is lower, it's still by no means weak, especially at C6- which is much more accessible, after he was featured on the Chronicled Wish banner- and his added utility/versatility can make up for his lower damage ceiling in the eyes of many, especially considering that he has much less danger of missing his burst than Ayaka does.
This gameolay burning my eyes as an ayaka main ( no offense to the context tho )
Is that Final Fantasy Brave Exvius main menu song?
Most of the abyss enemies cant freeze ..co cryo fell off
Hoyo nerf her by adding resistent cryo, so we pull hydro dps. But later on snezh probably cryo got buff again and hoyo rerun her 3 times or 6 months banner
Its not only they make ayaka being mid or borderline useless, but they also make shenhe completely forgotten, I think the last time i use her is before getting nahida and bloom in 3.1 or something
I remember everyone was freaking out about abyss 3.7, then there's me who cleared it in 12runs because of ayaka vs those consecrated beasts
Kinda sad that she kinda fell off because dendro powercreept everything and more unfreezable enemies are now prominent in the abyss
ayaka forever
Everyone: Oh no! Ayaka can’t freeze the boss 😢
Me: Haha Ayaka Burn Melt go brrrr
ayaka was the character i won my very first 50/50 on, but it sucks that i cant really use her in abyss much, especially now that i have better supports for her then i had when i got her. since abyss doesnt like being nice to freeze, i only get to use ayaka and shenhe in the overworld or domains 🙁
@Vars, at 1:36, what is the shop in Japan you visited that had the Honkai Star rail merchandise, pins, etc. Planning to visit this week and would like to visit that shop in your video.
While I’m not sure how it’ll be in versions 5.X, I do know cryo will be getting some form of buff in 6.X, so we just have to wait until then
I still ayaka she is one of my favorite characters but hope I have mistsplitter for her, teams I use for her
She also needs very specific characters like Kazuha or Sucrose(i don't have either) ,Rosaria or Shenhe or Charlotte, Kokomi or Furina.
I lost on kazuha again last month I've been playing since 3.6.
Thankfully I got c1 Arlecchino in very next wish after getting Arlecchino which was guaranteed.
Once I get Kazuha she'll be complete with Furina and Charlotte.
Haha, when the Weenut first appeared Ayaka hard curried me through that. The highest most reliable front loaded burst at the time
Just wait for snezhnaya
Cryo in general hasn’t seen any buffs. Mika and freminet are a joke and wriotheseley is a dps. Pyro subdpses yet to be released to enable rev melt teams better and enemies have all been immune/resistant to cryo for some reason. Snezhnaya waiting room
she fell off
part of me feels that hoyo isnt focusing on her anymore and is indirectly nerfing her due to the outrage of the 240 day banner because so many players were ANGRY, and complained for months afterwards
I quit just before inazuma came out, so I'm not sure. But I thought Hu Tao was the super mega popular character for the longest time more than Ayaka. Am I mistaken?
She will make a comeback. Hoyo just wants freeze and cryo related stuff to feel fresh again once we hit schneznya. They are obviously purposely benching cryo rn but the land of the eternal freeze is coming – soon to be just a year away. Hoyo is thinking ahead imo too. I’m excited to see where they take us.
the freeze meta will be back when shneznaya gets released
"She deserves a well earned retirement?" DID I SPEND MONEY TO SEE A CHARACTER GET BENCHED and be USELESS? And thats a good thing now? F** weirdo