What Defines Power In Genshin Impact

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36 thoughts on “What Defines Power In Genshin Impact”

  1. Seeing some mental illness in the comments, so let me make this crystal clear for those with 0 Media literacy.

    This video isn't made to disprove Jello's video, Like i said, i didn't watch it, trying to do that would be stupid. This video only exists because I saw a lot of people fighting in MY COMMENTS about if Nahida was good or not and a lot of them reference jello. Whether I watched his video is 100% irrelevant to every major point I made, the fact that people where arguing about his video in the comments of my video was the point to establish this videos premises.

    I only brought him up because It was the most recent example of me seeing people argue over meta, which happened the same day I recorded this Audio. Which i say at 0:28 and repeat again at 1:35

    To all the people in my comments trying to claim this video is me trying to debunking Jello because I brought up their video for 30 seconds of a 10 minute video, this time stamp is for you 1:16

  2. For me, the true definition of power (in Genshin) is versatility. Neuvillete and Arlechinno are strong because they do a lot of damage and are easy to use. Xingqiu, Xiangling, and Fischl are strong because they can apply off-field elemental damage. Furina, Kazuha, Xilonen and Bennet are strong because they buff stats/damage.
    I think I can safely say that the strongest character archetype would be the buffer/debuffer, especially when restrictions are very low or non-existent. Furina requires health up/down (healing), Xilonen/Kazuha shred res and boost damage (skills and venerer/cinder city sets), Bennet buffs attack (only inside the circle), Zhongli gives shield and res shred, etc; most of them are "splashable" in any teams (with or without reactions).
    Personally, I think Bennet is the most versatile character in the game: 4* character, shop character, 12s duration with 15s cd, healing, buff any attack scaler, easy to build, splashable. It's not for nothing that it's still playable since 1.0

  3. neuvillette deal more dps in single target than mualani(100k at c0 with all team buff,mualani with team deal only 90k at c0), the only thing that she is better than him is nuking and as a result of it speedruning

  4. Pure damage numbers, ease of use, viable team mates. Of course this slightly changes between supports and damage dealers but a support still gets extra points if they can support every damage dealer AND deal damage themselves while not really demanding much support (Furina)

  5. For me the real OP characters are the enablers, sure it's nice to see a DPS like Nauvi but I prefer Fischl, XQ, Bennett, Furina, Xilonen, Faruzan, Chev, Nahida, Kazuha, Xianyun, et all

    Characters than enable others to do more damage or allow a new play style for old characters is what I judge as power.

    Diluc dates back to the game launch and yet it's now viable and very strong thanks to Xianyun, all characters that attack off field like XQ, Yelan, Raiden, Fish et all, and every character that can boost a specific element or in general, I helps F2P that aren't pulling for every new DPS.

  6. I personally define power in 4 categories as a small meta CC.
    1-flexibility(the point you mentioned,how universal is X character? How many teams do they work in? How many of said teams are META or are at least high damage?)
    2- comfort/QOL(how easy are they to use? Do they have some clunky or hard gameplay?? Is their skill expression essential to their damage or is it an extra?)
    3- uniqueness/irreplaceablity(if you dont have said unit,how much damage do you lose? How bad is it to NOT have that unit on certain teams?)
    4- damage(how much damage they do,this is the least important metric in my eyes cause the DPS checks arent too bad except for this current abyss,but it's still a thing to consider)

  7. I judge a unit's strength by how easy it is to build a team, flexibility and performance at c0. For example I dont consider c0 eula a strong character but yelan definitely is. Unit's that feel clunky or require certain supports to function are labor of love units not bad but you know you gotta put in extra work to achieve or attempt to rival strong units.

  8. I think the strongest characters are felixable and decent at lowish investment (c0 c1 maybe their signature if you love them). And by flexible I mean can be used against groups and single targets, played in quickswap or hypercarry, and or has extremely good utility for supporting teams.

    Also in the Jello video I think his consensus wasn't that Nahida was bad now. But her best teams haven't really changed. She's still amazing but if all you're using her for is Dendro application there are other characters (such as Alhaitham and Emilie) who do Dendro application very well. In Burning, Burn-Melt and Burn-Overload teams my Emilie is signficantly stronger than my Nahida. But Nahida is still better in Bloom, Hyperbloom and Burgeon teams.

  9. Artificial/alternate difficulty is very common in genshin in the form of elemental shields and resistances so I hold the belief that targeting the strongest units and trying to make them even stronger is simply the wrong play having more team options is better than having better teams

  10. yeah jello also number 1 glazer of raiden and clorinde, nothing is wrong with that i guess.., but of course he will be biased towards them, he even put raiden/clorinde above alhaitham, what define power? it depends, f2p, dolphin, whale, had different opinions and view..

    edit: this is what make the game good i guess, so much diversity in gameplay, so much team to use, unlike star rail.
    another w vid from mr leech

  11. jinjinx and tuners brand of getting data is krmmo based as in they field test the character and not just run the numbers
    That's why their data was so hard to go againts It's not just numbers it has field variables included from piloting ease to how the content is supposed to be done (i think in 1 stream when zhongli was released they said you dont outlast the abyss content to do them you kill it)
    god i miss them

  12. i'm a 1.0 player so I've seen the highs and lows. As someone who didn't have the archons at their heights of meta usage, it's amusing seeing people saying in comments that you should only pull Raiden if you're going all the way to c2 because she's worthless otherwise. And now I'm starting to see the same thing with Nahida. Genshin has planned obsolescence and some people really fall for the trap.
    Example: Everyone jokes that cryo is locked in the basement. Part of that problem is because it didn't work with dendro. But after almost 2 years of dominating abyss, cryo needed a break. It also ensured dendro meta wouldn't carry into 6.0. Two problems solved at the same time.

    Genshin has an abundance of 5 star hydro units and some of them will face a hard wall to sell the new meta. As it was pointed out, Spiral Abyss has always been about selling the banner and it's harder to do that if you can solo a side with long existing mono hydro characters. Doesn't mean Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha, Yelan isn't a stupid strong team with individually stupid strong characters. Honestly, I think that's why Mualani and Neuvillette are catalyst users, to make them kind of unusable in Snezhnaya.

    Here's what I imagined as an enemy as a Not Game Dev: Enemy XYZ gains cryo shield if hit by hydro. Enemies shield strength based on a players total HP.
    That makes +40k HP hydro characters practically unusable and incentivized burning, overload, and melt meta. It mays seem ridiculous, but Ayaka's birthday is Genshin's anniversary, and it didn't stop them from shelving cryo. Zhongli's is the Archon of the region based on China, and they introduced rift hounds to stop his dominance and sell healers. As much as Hoyo love their characters, they love selling the new ones more. 😀

    Yeah, so that's why you should play who you want.

  13. Best message you gave towards the end that these pitiful elitist meta trash players are too inept to understand. To be clear again with what I said, "elitist" meta players, not all meta players as a whole. The ones specifically that are more stubborn, arrogant and pathetic to the point where they "have" to follow the meta and will belittle and call out anyone who uses non-meta characters for fun or don't have them maximized in doing godly damage numbers are the biggest problem in any community.

  14. true… take mualani, for exemple… she's the only char that can deal 4 million damage in 1 hit, yet as said in the video, neuvillete is still considered the best.

    some say navia is better then noelle. i say noeele is better because she can heal and have a shield along with her high dps.

    some say kirara is shit. yet i spam her burst along with keqing's doing great in abyss.

    from my point of view, strength in genshin ain't about who clear the abyss the fastest. there's too much luck involved for that. winning at lottery isn't "hard". it's luck based. getting a crit is luck based… not hard. getting good sub stat is luck based. not hard. upgrading the right sub stat is luck based. not hard. boosting the right character's constellation is also based on luck. al these criteria makes fast abyss clears, not based on strenght, but on luck, more then otherwise.

    sure. a neuvillete can deal more damage then a nilou easily, but in one of my first imaginarium clear, i remember that the "ending screen" said that my nilou dealt the most damage. not my friend's neuvillete, which used neuvillete's own weapon, had talents at 10-10-10 and c1. meanwhile, my nilou was at 9-9-9, c0 and her sword was the forgeable sword of fontaine (r5).

    then, there's the matter of players themselves. look at it this way… put a guy who never drove in his life in a marvel of technology of a racing car and a ace race pilot in a rusty old car about to break… one is well equiped (whale), but will he crash in the first turn? the other is experienced, but will his crappy car be able to cross the finish line? put the best char in a begginers hands and he may be much less dangerous for the ennemies then a vet player with a candace, anemo traveler, dori and lisa. then again, that vet player will only be more dangerous until the characters die.

    for exemple, how many alhaytham players can do "this". if they can't, it doesn't mean alhaytham is a shitty character, but if their alhaytham can't do what a mere geo lumine can, the problem ain't about the character. it may be the luck or the lack of upgrades or… the player controling him.


  15. To me : Simplicity and/straightforward to play.

    Arlle double Geo. Mualani Hypercarry, Clorinde Aggravate personally feels so strong to me because it's so easy to pilot. No need to swirl just build my character with the right stats, picking right teammates and play simple yet effective rotation.

  16. Just get the strongest supports/sub-dps with a few constellations
    Nahida C2
    Furina C2 to C6 if you can (best vertical investment you can make in the game)
    Kazuha C1 to C2 (for some reason I like doing his E 3 times with Sac Sword)
    Xilonen C0-C2 R1
    Then any characters you play with them will be good enough to clear abyss with ease.

    The other characters I like are the ones that do automatic E skill damage. Yae Miko ,Emilie,Deyha at C2…

    People playing Childe international are really coping and telling everyone else they have skill issues. I have him benched permanently from day 1.

  17. Great points. Meta players will downplay all flexible units value unless they are the best at damage in this one Niche. Ayato example, super flexible does everything just not heals. Yet the doom posting and shit talk because he doesn't have Nuv damage. You can put him in litteraly any team that cares about hydro and he'll do work.

  18. for me what's THE BEST are those that allow you to clear content FAST and with MINIMAL effort.. cuz at the end of the day what matters is you clear it early without having to think too hard or have to memorize a long combo..

    like why bother? LOL

  19. 2:58 Saw a floor 12 top half 30s total speedrun where Xinyan's only purpose was to apply pyro to let Mualani one shot with a vape. Xinyan was only level 70, irrelevant unleveled weapon, Archaic Petra to give damage bonus off of Xilonen's hydro crystalize, C4, no talents leveled… XINYAN WAS S TIER ALL ALONG BABY MOST BUSTED UNIT IN THE GAME


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