What 2 years of Genshin Impact looks like! #shorts #genshinimpact


44 thoughts on “What 2 years of Genshin Impact looks like! #shorts #genshinimpact”

  1. Genshin Impact is about to be 2 years old. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions. How long have you been playing?

    Money spent:
    – Welkin Moon every month since launch
    – Bought and finished every BP since launch (except one)
    – $400 (Genesis Crystals)

    and yes, I only lost 50/50 to Qiqi once in 2 years!

  2. I also have been playing for 2 years but my luck in getting good characters is sooo bad….I only have Jean traveler and ayaka as 5 star…….it is also bcuz I am an f2p player but still that is too bad for a player who has been playing for a long time

  3. Well lumine might be best sibling for you and other bozos in comments saying "aether is overrated" while for me AETHER IS EFFING THE BEST AND THE CUTEST SIBLING IN THE WORLD now change my mind. I stan Aether supremacy.

  4. I mean ig its subjective whether u like Aether or Lumine, personally I'm an Aether (definitely not cuz of his braided hair and crop top) main.

    Not to mention he dons a crop top, its rare to see the male protag wear crop tops in games', and still not look entirely like a girl. Pretty cool that they gave Aether long braided hair and Lumine a cute and short haircut

    Hoyo should give Lumine an equal chance to be featured in official art, but I don't get why ppl who use Lumine shit on ppl who use Aether and vice versa. Can't Aether and Lumine users stop picking fights with each other, arguing who is the superior twin and whatnot?

    Like picking fights with ppl who use Aether won't change Hoyo's mind abt featuring Lumine in official artwork, and picking fights with Lumine users by dissing Lumine won't make Aether "the superior twin" in any way.

    Let's just enjoy playing with our respective traveler instead of picking fights with each other.


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