C0 Xianyun + Mona Vaporize & C0 Nahida Burgeon – Spiral Abyss 4.4 – Genshin Impact

#xianyun #nahida #genshinimpact
Spiral Abyss 4.4 Floor 12 9 stars Genshin Impact
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Nahida Burgeon Team : Nahida, Thoma, Yelan, Xingqiu,
Xianyun Mona Vaporize Team : Xianyun, Xiangling, Mona, Bennett,

00:00 Floor 12-1 First Half
00:44 Floor 12-1 Second Half
01:40 Floor 12-2 First Half
02:39 Floor 12-2 Second Half
03:52 Floor 12-3 First Half
04:45 Floor 12-3 Second Half
05:45 Build Nahida Burgeon Team
07:23 Build Mona Vaporize Team

#GenshinImpact #spiralabyss #hoyocreators #hoyoverse #genshin #Xianyun #Mona #Nahida


9 thoughts on “C0 Xianyun + Mona Vaporize & C0 Nahida Burgeon – Spiral Abyss 4.4 – Genshin Impact”

  1. Que bonito run 🎉

    Nunca había visto Mona como tal 😮
    Xianyun es como Furina a su manera, me habría gustado tenerla pero no me alcanza los protos 😢

  2. Plz tell me how you did it with Mona step on me team lol
    I wonder how
    I have everything you have only the mona weapon and the shogan weapon
    So is it possible to do it with wisdeath
    And the catch ?
    However great great video
    Edited ( It worked!!!!!!! omg Mona boom boom team!!!!!) Thank u so much!


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