We Will Fight Raiden Shogun Again (Theory) Genshin Impact

The character story 5 of Raiden Shogun has some interesting details. I hope your enjoy the video 😀

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34 thoughts on “We Will Fight Raiden Shogun Again (Theory) Genshin Impact”

  1. If you are confused, I am theorizing that we will fight the PUPPET Raiden Shogun in future, NOT Ei.

    So no, the puppet can't seal our powers. The battle should be much easier since the puppet is not an archon.

  2. Ei: Prove to me if you are worthy to have my precious friend.

    I won't just let you take her away from me without a fight.

    Yae: Good luck, you two.

    Finally, another good material for my next novel.

    Ayato x Thoma and Itto x Gorou will have to wait.

    Even if it was already paid for by Ayaka and Kokomi.

  3. I mean, mihoyo telling us that scaramouch have the electro gnosis while revealing he is actually one of the failed prototype of ei raiden puppet and that he is missing that even the fatui send childe to find him is already a really really big pointed hint tbh

  4. I'm thinking, Kazuha might help us here thinking he actually manage to counter Raiden Shogun's attack against the traveler. If so, then Ei could get his help on fighting against the Shogun

  5. My theory is I think Ei or traveler somehow managed to find scaramouche then they might fight him, Then they help him to remove the gnosis from his heart after fighting I think since the gnosis is full of "Brimming with Selfishness, Hypocracy , Cunning and Curses" so maybe we have to fight him then we have to remove gnosis from his heart then we have to talk him to be archon , and then we have to fight Raiden shogun and then Scaramouche will be archon, I think this is how it goes like but it's just a theory

  6. How did she come out into the world for her story quest? Was she possessing the puppet? Also if the puppet really is pursuing eternity, then why did it allow all those life-threatening ecological disasters to happen? For example, the violent sakura trees that became a huge problem and needed to be cleansed, and the shrines that needed the rituals asap or else inazuma would be ruined, or the mikage furnace disaster, or orobashi making an island uninhabitable, actually two counting mikage disaster. Unless the way to eternity is through doing nothing to upkeep your nation.. especially when no one else knows how to do those shrine rituals. I honestly got the impression that the puppet is barely sentient, or does not have the capacity to deal with complex situations. If it does, then that will be frustrating since the inazuma story did not feel very cohesive to begin with. Introducing a competent puppet shogun will make it feel even less believable. I mean how else would she be manipulated by both fatui and tenryou commissions?

  7. This is most DEFINITELY my hatred for her speaking but I'm glad that Ei and her 'perfect' puppet may have a showdown in the future. Personally, I still felt that the Inazuma Archon quest was left at a cliff hanger regarding Ei and her philosophy and how it affected the people of Inazuma. I know that the Traveler has beaten her with the power of ambition and all that jazz, but the fact that the Shukoku decree is still in place is literal, physical proof that she hasn't REPENTED fully for her lifetime mistake.
    Hell, should this be a future quest, you can be sure of this: JUDGEMENT WILL STRIKE HER AND I'M GONNA LOVE IT

  8. shes probably gonna be added as a weekly boss huh…its to be expected since her boss music is so good and letting it be a one time thing would be a waste and also with this the chances of raiden re run are high


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