Wanderer (Scaramouche) Weapons Tier List | Genshin Impact 3.3

in this video i will rank the current genshin impact catalysts, for which of them is the best for the wanderer scaramouche , i will include all of the catalysts and explain which are the best ones for scaramouche the wanderer damage including f2p and bis options

0:00 Weapon requirements
0:41 Weapons ranking
10:09 Conclusion


20 thoughts on “Wanderer (Scaramouche) Weapons Tier List | Genshin Impact 3.3”

  1. Glad to know ,with sith is very good because I level it up for radish but she never come home also good take on the video.
    Yes I know I spell it wrong Genshin have big names

  2. I purposely rolled for Sacred lost prayers on some weapon banner hoping for Scaramouche someday. But when I learnt he ascends off from crit rate, I decided for skyward atlas(got this long back from standard banner) and throw all my luck for crit rate-crit dmg ratio balance from artifacts. I just need a better crit dmg circlet for him with a crit rate substat and he is good to go.

  3. I’m glad I can finally use skyward atlas. I got it on the standard like 6 months ago and I had no one to put it on. So when I saw people saying it would be good for wanderer I was really happy. It just felt wrong to leave it at level 1 forever.

  4. Memory dust is pretty good at heizou, and i expect also good at wanderer considering his high base attack, it yield better damage than skyward when on shield, and since layla came, ig u dont need to worry much about crit rate, as his infuse-cryo will give bonus 20% CR


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