Wanderer Saves Traveler while Traveler rests on Nilou’s Lap, clip take from “Until the End of the World” from the Summertide Scales and Tales Part 3 Event
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wanderer cutscene, wanderer saves traveler, traveler sleeping on nilou’s lap, traveler on nilou’s lap, traveler and nilou, traveler x nilou, wanderer and traveler cutscene, summertide scales and tales, until the end of the world, simulanka map, summertide scales and tales part 3, 4.8 limited map, , simulanka map,4.8 summer time event, alice genshin impact, durin genshin impact, nilou skin, version 4.8 trailer genshin impact, 4.8 story quest, genshin impact 4.8
Wanderer Befriends Durin (Cutscene) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66sgT8rE33w
Alice Meets Durin (Cutscene) https://youtu.be/8bDjTr_Hy74?si=-z84djIwtmhHiJQa
Nilou’s afraid she might get assasinated by Ayaya
Aether busy getting a lap pillow from Nilou instead of looking for Lumine😭
He's as insufferable as ever. I love him sm
"Once Again The Traveler Was Saved By The Anemo Boys"🗿
This is wanderers wingman moment 😅
6:21 I love this man so much 😭😭
Nilou is so ready to marry Aether in this thumbnail
Thanks Venti, for making anemo boys as the savior of the day.
“May the wind protect you” is such a blessing from him that works everywhere.
Yo. YO. YO YO YO. “Sunshine” God the theory of a emo harem is real broo
Traveler got to sleep on Nilou's lap, Wanderer was the wing man there, then again i think Navia's would be better but i won't complain
"Morning little Sunshine 🤗"
Tf happended to Wanderer?😭(That is kinda cute lmao)
Them calling him hat guy is so funny 😭😭😭
i have a feeling those this is gonna spark something from the fanbase, adding more fuel to the "harem archon" aether
i don't even care about nilou lap pillow when wanderer called us sunshine and adorable I started hyperventilating
that "Morning sunshine" sounded way more pleasant than the "Wake up slacker" i got in the french text translation lol
Not wanderer being a Nilou x traveler shipper
*sets Traveler on Nilou's lap*
*calls Traveler adorable*
*doesn't elaborate*
I can't tell if Wanderer is being a great wingman for Nilou or flirting with the Traveller himself lmaoooo
I'm literally wanderer just with social anxiety
Wanderer literally escalated this whole quest! Damn with those comments and all, like morning sunshine, and nice dream the traveler having… woaaahhh! Halt wanderer, you are just shiping nilou and traveler together! I get it bro!
Characters Development for wanderer wasnt what i expected
It sucks that its locked behind a limited event
Wanderer is the real hero of simulanka though
Man they really went out to put lap scene like they did in wuthering waves 😂
Anemo bois being chummy with traveller always a treat
Nobody mention Navia playing with traveller's face. Naughty girl as always XD
6:30 oh my god he said what I want to say when I simply see paimon🔥
wait- it's kinda nice scara caught us tho- no?
so precious ;-; nahida taught him well
Petition for Kendrick Lamar to voice Wanderor in Genshin anime.
Short king ✅️
Generational hater ✅️
Painful insults ✅️