guys guys please help. I have c0 XQ and no Yelan, but I have only 120 wishes and i wanna pull for Zhongli cuz I don have him too. Should I skip Yelan? 😣
Phase to being all claymore 4 stars is gonna hurt since that’s where I’m going to be pulling… I’d love some Noelle cons but am mostly hoping I get off banner characters or even weapons at this point
may everyone win their 50/50s and get the characters they want
Bro lyney is dps or what plz tell me
Me happy that Lynnette is gonna be free
guys guys please help. I have c0 XQ and no Yelan, but I have only 120 wishes and i wanna pull for Zhongli cuz I don have him too. Should I skip Yelan? 😣
I just hope we see the new harbingers in the archon quest 😍
Wish we could actually get a free copy of lynette cus i won't pulling on 4.0
Is it really possible that they put Noelle in 4.0 phase 2 banner even though she's in the banner shop right now?
Almost 2 more months for raiden to save. Hope i get her and her weapon 😅
Finally I can get YELANNNN :3
I hope childe will get a rerun 😭😭😭
Phase to being all claymore 4 stars is gonna hurt since that’s where I’m going to be pulling… I’d love some Noelle cons but am mostly hoping I get off banner characters or even weapons at this point
im not primogemally prepared for 4.0 at all 😭
Iam happy Beidou isn't in the 4 star cause I want her to be with neuvelette or focalors
Yayyyyy!! finally it's really coming my zhongli 🤝🏿
The speculation is there will be no zongli cus his skin is coming so he is coming on 4.4
The real ones are waiting for hydro traveler fr
Lost to kokomi.
Man …can’t wait…
Any 3.9 banner?
So, if Lynnette going to be free that's mean only Inazuma region that don't have free unit lol.
I seriously need someone tell me when they realese redeem codes 😭
I hope the archorn quest makes me happy and we get a hugeeeeeee lore bomb because i simply love the lore of genshin and the archorns
hi guys can i ask what time in the philippines ^^ thnx u
wait there was already the special program
i alr have yelan and my friend wants zhongli so i’m praying she gets zhongli :3
This is a real question, is version 3.9 going to exist?
I don`t think that they will add 3 Claymore four-star users with a 5 star as a bow and polearm user in phase 2
think about it
Oh the things I would do to have Yelan and Xingqiu on the same banner
Sir zhongli will come home i have the blessings of our ARCHON