In today’s video we talk about the buffs and nerfs that happened to Nilou, Candace, and Cyno. I try to make helpful and entertaining content for people to enjoy. If you wanna support the channel follow my socials and consider subscribing, I’d love to have you.
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19 thoughts on “VERSION 3.1 CHARACTER BUFFS + NERFS! | Genshin Impact |”

  1. They’ve limited her to dendro teams & already nerfed her (also rumored Candace is for Cyno & won’t be on her banner).
    I’m already starting to understand what someone else meant when they said Mihoyo’s doing Nilou dirty compared to Cyno. They also sandwiched her in between Cyno & the Dendro Archon.

  2. to be fair, nilou did get compensated with a buff to her passive that gives everyone the 60 elemental mastery instead of just the character hit by the dendro attack. Plus, idc how much she gets nerfed or buffed, she's still the best character and nothing will stop me from pulling her because im a real nilou wanter.

  3. As a Cyno wanter i absolutly love this buff. Now that i know I'm guaranted to get him even if i pulled Tighnara (because i won 2 welkin on a giveaway) I'm even more hyped. I can't wait for his release. Cyno will probably be s monster with dendro reaction even more with those buff.
    And btw i will be able to do a dog team with Cyno / Gorou / Tighnari and Razor for the doggo power.

  4. know that every chara in sumeru has a strong relation with dendro ,specialy nilou based on her crazy talents bloom factory. surely would be broken if she didnt got a lot of nerf when she comes up.
    If not so , pull her is a must
    Also the fun factor of bloom reaction

  5. They better release an Hp scaler artifact set that’s not just dendro oriented. It would really suck if there set only buffed dendro. I hope it like improved normal atks. It would suck for hu tao cus she wouldn’t get the buff but I think it would at the very least make ur lab Candace and nilou better.

  6. Honestly, I think Nilou is getting the Kokomi treatment. I feel that right now, since she doesn't have any 4-pieces best in slot, she will get one just like how Kokomi got her clam set. Hopes for Nilou are still up!!!!

  7. A little bit late but I hope Mihoyo reworks Nilous first passive.
    Instead of needing the WHOLE team to be only hydro and dendro, you only need to trigger bloom reaction to be able to make Bountiful cores instead, or Nilous existence will convert dendro cores to Bountiful Cores.
    Im mostly talking for co-op performance, but also for the people who need to slot in another elemental character like Kazuha or a shielder. It sucks that her passive will be deactivated if any other elemental chracter is preset in the team.
    Golden Chalice Bounty should also give other buffs like, increases hydro dmg for every hydro in the team, and increases em for every dendro in the team. That way, people will still be encouraged to run a hydro and dendro only team for Nilou.


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