Version 2.3 "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Trailer | Genshin Impact

The biting cold of the frozen land causes many to falter, but the secrets of life slowly grow within…
Follow the shadows that lurk in the snow, and wait for the ashes to sweep away and the dust to settle.

Just for the record, the above has absolutely nothing to do with the founder and leader of the Arataki Gang: Arataki Itto.


40 thoughts on “Version 2.3 "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Trailer | Genshin Impact”

  1. У меня есть догадка что у альбедо есть брат или кто то ещё или может это маги бездны в алхимии нашли какую то штуку и привратились в альбедо или попрыгунья выросла рядом с лабораторией и на неё из за ветра упали всякие штуки и попрыгунья стала альбедо

  2. I am glad they are adding some new events on dragonspine, i dont do anything there since i 100% explore it in april, except fighting against ice cube, its kinda dead region once you explore it, its shame because it has nice music and beautiful enviorment


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