I wonder how many ATK +18% 2 piece sets we’ll have by the end of the year…
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Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice #Ayato #Artifacts #Xiao #Yoimiya


22 thoughts on “VERMILLION & ECHOES | An IN-DEPTH LOOK at the NEW 2.6 ARTIFACTS | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'm torn if I should get Echoes for main dps Aloy. obviously for her normal attacks it's great, but unlike my semi-automatic rifle Fischl, Aloy's burst can do a lot of damage (fully buffed I've had her do 173k) and I don't want to lose that. I'm thinking of going with 2pc Blizzard and 2pc +18% attack. any other Aloy users out here that have some thoughts?

  2. While this set (echoes) might be good I really don't know how much better it will be compared to a 4pc Heart of depth. Also a lot more people have better HoD pieces bc of farming for cryo or other hydro characters. Idk just doesn't seem like a good enough set or domain to use all my resin on.

  3. tbh i dont mind refarming artifacts for xiao- i wasnt happy with my current ratio anyways (70.8/206.2 w/ 2223 atk) what i do mind however is the fact that his set is the purple one and not the green one aksjdla like i get its cause its based off of the electro yaksha but… me drip……. anyways im excited to read the lore behind it !!

  4. All I'm waiting for is a verdict on which is better for DPS Fischl: 4pc Pale Flame or this new set. Sadly, we can't hoard a few condensed resin in preparation for the ser release.

  5. I think this will be the first Domain artifact I won't even farm and will be useless for me at the moment, I have no xiao, yoimiya, ayato, Childe, eula, and even razor 💀

  6. I think with a solid crit rate the echo ayaka as well as eula would benifit greatly from this, evemmn more so if ayaka use the flute rather than the mistsplitter.

  7. the echoes set because it scaling on characters atk, its actually able to be considered talent skill % that has a chance of triggering.
    now one thing i keep seeing people state around is the rate of activation statisticly is 50%ish from statistical chance, but thing that i know the majority of people who say this dont realise is to get that higher trigger % is that you got to get none procs making the ttl amount of damage being a much less amount
    character wise theres 2 criteria id say that actually makes it usable 1:low multis at high frequincy or 2:having instances of damage where it can abuse that .05s of its time active when this is suppose to account for big swings
    yoimiya:personally i see her not being able to use the set on the pure fact her N1 with her E up is doing over 100% and N5 over 300% at lvl 10 talents, even know shimenawa is deminished, the larger hits are probably going to be doing well over twice the % increase echoes could ever provide. there is however a case of C6 increasing the damage output depending on 2 cases 1:sear volume of attacks just getting triggers, but thats RNG on RNG since its 60% rate to trigger or 2:the joint attacks if the one that procs the joint allowing to piggy back off the inital hit because of that .05s window to get 2 hits for no activation cost. even in this second case shimenawa is probably better
    childe:this one i see as a weird one since only normals and riptide flush and burst(charge attack after mark and kills) can actually get buffed, now the 3 hits of flush being 20%x3 at high talent levels could make a case more then likely doubling the damage, but it cant get vap and is only at best just the inital procer, should be intresting since getting lets say 1.5 procs it gets upto 372.86% that is split between normal and charge instead of NC+riptideslash at 457.13% spread across normal charge and elemental skill
    fischl C1:now this is the character i want to test the set out on. like i mentioned with C6 yoimiya, what if fischls inital hit can trigger it and ozs joint attack getting a bonus +70% for a normal some of the time triggering initaly for 140% or just oz getting 70%, which is alot of a increase. the one downside i can see depending how they have it on the programed side vs visual indication is oz joint attack could also land in the dead zone of 0.05s-0.2s, which i then have to ask does that count as a fail to trigger effectivly making all subsiquint attacks at min 56% to proc?
    ningguang:this one took a couple days to even realise, but her normals despite having a chance of hiting independently can sometimes or always if point blank/know exactly how to fire to actually hit at the same time, this one is most likely will allow her to double dip on this part almost all the time
    chongyun C1:a same isntance attack abuse here first 3 normals are just normal chance, but the final hit will probably have the right senario to hit the slam and all 3 baldes that come out with the slam onword being +280%, the thing with this one is a bigger problem of so does a case of if 2nd blade triggers it the 3rd blade get it? or does it need to be the inital slam hit to allow the following hits to get the bonus. and this is all if the blades them self are considered normal attack

  8. Brother can you help me…I've a YouTube channel but I also want to stream in webcam like anime avatar like you guys do…..which app should I use….I've literally no idea???
    Plz help mee!

  9. Could you one day make a "Best in slot artifacts for all characters" vid? It would be really handy, especially for some of the 4 stars you've never made a dedicated video for


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