Venti Is FINALLY Here, Let's Pull For Him! (Genshin Impact Bows Only)

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48 thoughts on “Venti Is FINALLY Here, Let's Pull For Him! (Genshin Impact Bows Only)”

  1. My five stars so far;
    Traveler – Kazuha, Zhongli, Raiden, Mona, Itto, Xiao, Kokomi, Jean, Keqing, Aloy.
    (Only lost one 50/50 – out of six – to Jean so far while trying to get Koko. Rest I got on standard banner/mail.)

    What do you guys have?

  2. Hello can you please tell me what do i need to be able to play genshin impact?when i try to login into my account the game says something about insaficient storage so how do all these people i see on youtube play genshin impact? Should i be a new phone or what? Somebody reply and dont ignore my question

  3. I know a place you can probably get him cause it worked for me. At the beginning of the game when you see Dvalin and Venti for the first time, go to that tree. He came home very early for me, and I hope that you can get him with this. I hope this helps?

  4. If you're here watching Deelo and reading this and feeling inspired, then keep going grinding away! We are all in the same boat here looking for ways to help all our channels. keep up the good work. Never Give Up!

  5. Don't know if it will work but I have summoning ritual for you.
    1. Go to the fountain in mondstat at night
    2. You should be at the fountain where Anthony is
    3. Bring out Qiqi and stand in the front of the fountain while inside
    4. Open the wishing screen and pull

  6. I really wanted Ganyu and have her bow on Yelan, but didn't get her and lost the 50/50. I was at 4 pity and was planning on saving for Nilou and Nahida and Layla. But I really wanted Candace and/or Kuki, so I did a ten pull and got C1 Venti, but I'm super happy and can't be very upset since he is awesome!!!

    Good luck pulling everyone!


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