First of all, before we talk about the version 4.5 character banners, donโt forget to claim the 300 Primogems codes from the version 4.5 special program livestream, because it will expire in a few hours.
During the livestream that was broadcast a few hours ago, the game developer made the official announcement regarding the Version 4.5 character banners, including the introduction of a new banner Chronicled Wish.
In this video, we will not be discussing the new banner as it was previously covered in the previous video, Instead, we will focus on the usual double banners in version 4.5.
so, as we already know from the livestream, Chiori and Arataki Itto will be in the first phase banners, while Kazuha and Neuvillette will be in the second phase banners.
However, the game developer has not yet announced the epitome invocation banners or the weapon banners and the 4-star characters that will be featured in the version 4.5 banners.
According to reliable sources, Xingqiu, Gorou, and Yun Jin are expected to be featured in the first phase of version 4.5 banners.
This information may be accurate, considering Xingqiu recently received a new outfit in the phase one of version 4.4, additionally, Gorou has only been featured in Arataki Ittoโs banner so far.
Lastly, Yun Jin has not been featured in a character banner for a long time, with her last appearance in the first phase of version 3.7 banners.
and for the 4-star characters in the second phase of version 4.5 banners, we currently donโt have any information about it, however, given that the main event of version 4.5 will take place in the Mondstadt region.
Razor and Mika highly likely will be featured in the second phase banners, Additionally, it is likely that Layla will be the third 4-star character featured in the second phase.
These characters have not been included in the character banner for quite some time, It is only logical to assume that these characters are highly likely to be featured in the upcoming banners.
Lastly, regarding the epitome invocation banners, in the first phase highly likely will be Uraku Misugiri Sword, Redhorn Stonethresher Claymore, The Bell Claymore, The Alley Flash Sword, Dragonโs Bane Polearm, Alley Hunter Bo, and Favonius Codex Catalyst.
and for the epitome invocation banner in the second phase highly likely will be Freedom-Sworn Sword, Tome of the Eternal Flow Catalyst, Favonius Greatsword Claymore, The Flute Sword, Favonius Lance Polearm, Favonius Warbo, and Wine and Song Catalyst.
So, what do you think about the version 4.5 banners, are you going to pull the banners or save it for the upcoming version 4.6 banners, comment below
tags: Genshin Impact, Genshin New Banner, Genshin Leaks, Genshin Rerun Banners, Free 4-Stars, Free Skin, Free Outfit, Lantern Rite Festival, 4-Star Outfit Selector, Cloud Retainer, Xianyun, Gaming, Shenhe, Ganyu, Xingqiu, Redeem Codes, Redemption Codes, Freemogems, Primogems, 4.5, Chiori, Kazuha, Arataki Itto, Lyney, Albedo, neuvillette, Triple Banner, 3rd Phase Banner
#genshinimpact #cloudretainer #genshin #xianyun #ๅ็ฅ #leaks #genshinleaks #lanternrite
Genshin Impact
I think 4.5 is the worst patch we've ever got
no heizou??? IM QUITTING
this phase two banner will be hard coz u cant pull without knowing if the knave will be in Phase 1 or phase 2 of 4.6
I skip 4.5 ๐ฅ
Kaezah here I come
Finally redhorn will comehome
waiting for liyue/inazuma chronicled banner
and KAVEH?????
Wtf what are those second phase 4 stars they are trash
the phase 2 four stars are making me not wanna pull, I originally wanted both kazuha and neuvi but I might just pull kazuha now
Itto banner no Kuki?
Neuvilette + Kazuha with the worst possible 4* Characters/weapons.
At this point, Hoyo is laughing at us.
I'm kinda relieved becouse I really want both Lyney and Lynette cons so it would be great to have both on the same banner, so I really hope Lynette is not featured in 4.5
i am gona save for 4.6 specialy for Arlechino
Both Kazuha and Neuvilette are gonna come to my squad… I've saved up 36k primos for them๐๐
wtf is that 4 star 2nd phase no heizou ???? fk that
Blue Fanovious Weapons are gonna pull Regardless get 5 star weapon limited
layla is fine. razor is not. but one thing is for sure. there is gonna be heizou in the kazuha banner
Genshin could never
farming for kazuha because i love kazuha till now 3000 primogems farmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going for Neuvillette. Although I did hope Xingqiu would be in 2nd phase since I want dupes of him.
Using all my primos on Eula C1
Unpopular Opinion: I think arlechino design is ugly and till I see the kit Iโm not pulling
Great content, always watching your entertaining and informative videos.
I want both but i would be able to save like 120 interwined fate and its still less for me to even get 1 banner character my past experience:
Nahida 90 pulls-QIQI
Yae miko 110 pulls-JEAN(its on going i dont think i can save 50 more in 8 days)
I hv never won a 50/50 in my life๐ญ๐ญ
noooo they put xingqiu there to apply hydro so that itto create mud ุ๐ they looked and looked and looked for the worst place to put xingqiu in so no one would get him and even if they do they don't use him cause the people pulling have geo teams. genshin is such f u ยข e r๐
I have Layla (good) and Mika (his voice sucks and he has peak NPC vibe, hate him ๐). I don't have Razor (Electro is my least fav element and I don't care much for his character). Why are the second phase characters like this! ๐คง๐คง
Dont know if I want a C1 Kazuha, a C0 Nuvelette, or save for 4.6.