Unlocking the Perpetual Mechanical Array – Genshin Impact

Farm Perpetual Hearts! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to unlock the Perpetual Mechanical Array and a quick showcase of the fight itself.


39 thoughts on “Unlocking the Perpetual Mechanical Array – Genshin Impact”

  1. i just got my Ass destroyed by that thing and you like flexed its anus open and fisted it …
    do you need an archer to kill the mini robots they didn't care for any of my bursts no damage numbers coming up.

  2. It looks so easy to fight here. I got Ayaka an hour after release in some strange twist of fate, and I had to call in coop reinforcements from higher world levels because I was just running around confused and not knowing why my HP was going down.

  3. I haven't gotten home to test this myself, is there any difficulty in getting the new artifact domain or is it just out in the open? I'm planning on spamming some resin there when I get home.

  4. Why am I so stupid. I took the long way round and did the ghost quest. And damn that quest was absolute hell took me 3 hours to complete. ONLY TO NOW FIND OUT THERE WAS A DAMN PORTAL THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME. FUUUUUUUUU


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