Ultimate Neuvillette Guide! Best Weapons, Teams, Artifacts, and MORE! Genshin Impact

This guide goes over Neuvillette’s best builds ranging from his Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Constellations, and MORE! I also go …


39 thoughts on “Ultimate Neuvillette Guide! Best Weapons, Teams, Artifacts, and MORE! Genshin Impact”

  1. To be honest i feel like fontaine kinda revolve around dehya.
    -underwater currently dehya is the best character on it.
    -lyney focus on charge atk which makes him kinda easy to interrupt if he doesn't have interrupt resist which makes dehya very great if they plan to bring any anemo character
    -now in neuvillete burgeon currently only dehya works.
    -furina later would probably access dehya as main dps.
    -both new artifact can upgrade dehya potential. One enhance her skill dmg and the other one focus on enhance her crit rate.
    -wriosthesley probably can access dehya as sub dps on triggering melt by using the new artifact that boost skill dmg or using 4 pc witch.

    Now i am looking forward what other fontaine character can do to further unlock dehya potential.

  2. Neuvillette is built like an Archon. Furina's water mimics are cool but they don't have archon level 'force' like Neuvillette's blaster. Furina's Mimics point towards her being some kind of Oceanid I think..

  3. With his c1, ive tried tanking even azhdaha stomping, ramming and even his jumping attack when he switch element. Nothing moves or even staggers me. Basically, his c1 gives perfect resistance to interruption like a shield, minus the protection of course.
    But that can be easily ignored, since his heals are superb

  4. Gone through so many Neuvillette guide videos, not a single one of them talked about Barbara. Barbara is such a great support for Neuv, especially if you have his C1, which allows you to have more flexible teams…
    1. Gives Hydro resonance, increasing Neuv's max HP by 25% (His dmg scales from hp)
    2. Her constellations give Neuv 15% hydro damage bonus.
    3. She is a healer with max skill uptime of 20 secs, which is great for Neuv as he takes up a lot of field time.
    4. Since her skill constantly heals, it not only supports Neuv's BIS artifact set hp increase/decrease mechanics, but, the constant healing from her skill allows Neuv to be constantly at a higher HP during his charged attack, which supports his A5 passive of increased hydro dmg based on remaining HP.
    5. She also helps generate more hydro particles, thus less ER requirements for Neuv, and you can focus on other substats like crit and hp.

  5. This video baited me…
    I saw how long I would have to keep claiming the BP catalyst over and over again while neglecting all the other weapons… bah might as well spend the wishes now

  6. I feel liek the spin to win will be fixed bc if he was meant to be used that way the devs would of shown that style of playing him it’s kinda unfair to people without that type of mouse or even console players that cannot even get close to spinning that fast 😢


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