ULTIMATE Kokomi Guide – Artifacts and Weapons RANKED! Best Teams and MORE! Genshin Impact

In this video, I go over optimal stat distributions, artifacts and weapons for Kokomi! I also recommend some teams for our favorite military commander.

0:00 | Intro
0:23 | Kit Overview
4:37 | Artifacts and Stats (IMPORTANT)
9:03 | Constellations
9:33 | Weapons Ranked (IMPORTANT)
11:55 | Teammates
17:03 | Closing Statements


34 thoughts on “ULTIMATE Kokomi Guide – Artifacts and Weapons RANKED! Best Teams and MORE! Genshin Impact”

  1. Did anyone think about not ascending Kokomi to Phase 4 and not learning her Flawless Strategy passive? Means she has to stay at level 60, but doesn't get that -100% crit rate, right?!

  2. not sure if IWinToLose will see this, but are you willing to do a damage comparison between Kokomi and say… Diluc and Keqing? She's not at ganyu's or ayaka's level of course, but even in this video her damage is far from negligible…

  3. i really gotta build xingqiu lol. i've had him c6 for a few months now, but i'm a childe main, and the thought of doing the oceanid that many times again is ughhh. kazuha/fischl with her is definitely my favorite combo so far. i wonder how she'd do with xiangling in replacement of fischl?

  4. I am confused how you ranked amber and atlas r1 at same damage, maybe its a sub stats thing my r1 n1 hits maybe 600 harder on average which is more than your r5 is showing even

  5. Pairing with XQ seems… interesting. Personally I rarely use him in my current teams, for various reasons. So having a proper place for him would be kinda nice.

  6. I don't get why mihoyo decided to make her scaling so low. Like those stats are good for things that can crit (because of the crit dmg boost). But not for things that can't. Her dmg matters because that burst forces you to dps with her (just like baal's burst) so she just basically takes the dps window for 10 seconds and provide no damage at all. It is nothing but counter intuitive. Compared to someone like barbara who doesn't take your dps time (instead you just use her burst and you're done). She is, in a literal sense worse than barbara. So what i'm saying is that kokomi's kit catered her to be an on field healer while also providing dmg for that time taken for her to heal. But her scalings are so unbelievably low that she can't dps. For an experiment, let's say that those scalings are at 20% of Max HP and not some joke of 7%. I did some maths for myself and found out that with that 20% hp scaling on her burst, provided that she has: 75% healing bonus, 40k Max HP and 46% hydro dmg bonus. Her hits would be at a whopping 17.5k and above. (talents 6-6-8). Let's assume that for 10 seconds her normal 3 hit cycle would take around 2 seconds to complete which means for 10 seconds she can complete 5 cycles. 17.5k x 3 = 53106 then x5 for a total of 265 530 dmg per burst. That was unexpected tbh. For comparison my xiao usually does around 500k+ in total with his burst (maybe even higher if more crits land). Which means if i switch to kokomi to heal, i won't have that much of a dps downspike anymore. If mihoyo wants to buff this character, the only thing that they have to change are her scalings. When i heard of a character that can dps and heal, my thoughts immediately went into someone like jaye from arknights, a really powerful unit that is pretty much immortal if the enemies aren't bursting + he can actually kill the things he fight. So bringing that into genshin impact just kinda sparked me a lil. But as the reality sets in, i just kinda have to accept that fact. That she is useless. In the end though what really sold kokomi for me is her design like it's so pretty i can't help myself. After pulling her and basically sacrificing a guaranteed hu tao or a ganyu i kinda felt relieved. I finally rolled and got my #1 waifu. Now i'm just forcing her to be with fischl or keqing since electro charged is really fun.

  7. You tell me why i should use Kokomi over Barbara. 17:15
    oh i get it you gotta spread that copium around your community in the vain hope this isn't mihoyos worst banner (yes im counting keqing) before everyone realizes even Qiqi the previous worst 5 star has lost that tittle.


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