In this video, I share everything I’ve learned about fishing and convey those learnings to you. HUGE thanks to everyone who let me steal fish from them.
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Interactive Map has been updated with all the fish locations:
Genshin Impact 2.1 Fishing Tutorial
0:00 | Intro
0:26 | Getting Started
1:20 | Bait for Fish
1:50 | Throwing Bait
2:46 | Fish Display Limit Hypothesis
3:40 | Day and Night Spawns
4:11 | Respawn Mechanics
4:27 | What to Catch for The Catch
5:17 | Raimei Angelfish
5:50 | Koi Locations
6:06 | Pufferfish
7:48 | Last bit of Advice
13 worlds worth of pufferfish… If it's a 3 day respawn timer, that's about a month and a bit to get them all… Sitting here hoping it's just a 1 day respawn timer
is that limited time event or not?
tnx for the guide, really helpful
Paimon: excited IS IT ANOTHER PAIMON??!
this will be my precious video…TY so much
I have two accounts, one main one and one non try hard F2P. I dread having to do this twice…
thanks, you are a real master baiter
Thanks for your sacrifice😭
Which one better for xiangling, the dragonsbane the red spear with em or catch
Haha it will take me whole month. Thank goodness I don’t have raiden
Seems like a pain in the ass, if only we can leave it AFK and farmable in teapot….
Ilysm for posting this ☁️😆
Let's do this. I've captured over a thousand great sushi fishes and great whetfishes in monster hunter world just to get enough stock of sushi fish scales, sushi fish scales+, whetfish fins and whetfish fins+! COME AT ME! I'LL CAPTURE EVERY SINGLE ONE A YOUS!
Me fishing after 10 minutes: Sayonara "the catch"
good luck on your future endeavors fellow fishermen!
When I talk to Katherine in mondstant nothing happens can someone tell me what to do
Bro… Are you fine? Tell me if you need a hug, fishing for ten hours straight must be hard
i really like how paimon is checking on us and keep giving positive vibes when fishing
This guide is unbelievable. Damn. Godly work.
The “catch” is don’t fish
Superior content creator ✨🎉
I admire your patience
I love fishing mechanics in games, but "limiting" it is kind of a dick move in my opinion. I won't go in other people's worlds because I prefer to play Singleplayer, and I really wanted to "play properly" with my Raiden Shogun, but I'll have to wait several days to do that. They also couldl've put more fishing spots, because the amount we have right now isn't enough, and I would've liked to fish a little bit more sometimes, but all my spots were refreshing the whole day yesterday. miHoYo surely wants to limit us for everything so we come back to play, don't they? XD
I actually don't hate fishing in this game, which is funny because I'm an avid fish-minigame-hater. It's definitely slow and tedious though…. ugh…
I can't find koi. Got like 4 in 6 hours. Wtf is going on?
This is the tale of legendary angler iwintolose, also pfft the boat a real speed runner uses m9na or ayaka to get in the middle of nowhere
Thank you so much for your video. I was to lazy and waiting for a guide for the catch. Thank you so much.
I pulled for baal. The electro oceanid,fighting signora and now this 😔
Also im literally so shy to join co op for resources
I’m a pro fisher
Also, sayu vs aloy timmie bird killer vid when?
"Hope you like the letter I as you'll be staring at it a lot" Yeah found this all out last night, there is no easy way to know where the fishing locations are in game it's annoying
Is there a time period to get the catch and its refinements if there is then whats the last date?
Is r1 skyward spine better than the catch r5 ?
His not being able to differentiate two types of fishes basically increased his struggle than norm
How can you dislike this vid? He's working so hard….
help me my dumbass didnt read the instruction and I catched the wrong fish
now I cant buy the bait blueprint …
for the youtube algorithm.
Is the catch will be permanent in the shop?
Very, very helpful! I love that to get the catch, you need to catch a lot of hard to catch fish. 😂
Do I need to catch all of his in order for all of them to respawn?
Ty for this, I’m gonna have it go into other peoples worlds tho
It’s sad because I need the catch
I am waiting for the new fishing event hoping I can max refine catch then.
Excellent work!
Accidently crafted 1000 orange bait π_π
Paimon yelling FA-I-TO, FA-I-TO, is the best thing <3 . At least for now. Will pribably get annoying after a few hours xD.
I see why there are so many Co-op requests lately.
I got more baal than koi fish in the first day
I really need this
Guess another eden has a new fish buddy