Ultimate Bow Tier List! ALL 27 BOWS RANKED! Genshin Impact 2.6

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This tier list ranks ALL 27 bows currently in Genshin Impact version 2.6! I talk about how well all the bows synergize with all the bow characters!

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50 thoughts on “Ultimate Bow Tier List! ALL 27 BOWS RANKED! Genshin Impact 2.6”

  1. The slingshot is actually my favorite weapon for yoimiya, it genuinely feels very fun to use on her because of how she plays, and it stands actually very close to other 4 star bows with its strength, though niche, very good and fun. I'd quit if i couldnt play yoimiya with the slingshot honestly, it just feels absolutely amazing dodging with this weapon since its not just 'oh no i have to back off' but more like dodging in games like lets say metal gear rising revengeance, or devil may cry even. Since genshin doesnt look very skill expressive (as in if you dont even know why the person is doing 5x your damage with the same characters) it doesnt look like anything special. But when you use the slingshot it just FEELS like youre good at the game. I have a genuine love for this weapon and ive been struggling to make a video about it for over half a year now. But yeah slingshot on yoimiya is very fun i recommend 9/10.

  2. I think you should really take pictures of the weapons at level 90. It's very confusing to compare a level 1 weapon to a level 90. It might take slightly more effort, but would provide in a more clear comparison.

    Some other things to note:
    – I think you confused the Alley Hunter's passive with the Alley Flash's, as many comments have said.
    – Predator was only given out on PlayStation during 2.1 – 2.2.
    – Very suprised you didn't mention Fischl when talking about Stringless.
    – Viridescent Hunt's passive is definitely not underwhelming in my opinion, especially when you don't have a cc on your team. Plus, it can work on a multitude of characters with it's crit rate and passive, even supports, who can just use one or two normal attacks during their rotation.

  3. As someone with a compound bow irl I can confirm that this statement is correct. Arrows don’t catch on fire when I shoot or electrocute targeted. They also don’t produce water.

  4. tbh Ganyu needs a new signature weapon, Amos doesn't fit her playstyle, freeze ganyu relies on her ult, and Amos does nothing to her ult, melt Ganyu needs to fight in close range since Xiangling, so she can't have all the buffs from Amos, plus its just weird that she is using a weapon from mondstadt

  5. Alley Hunter is a good substitute of Favonius or Sac Bow for Gorou that is an off field support. After seeing the Fishl bow in combo with pale flame (and Yun Jin in the team) hitting 35k+ phys dmg i no longer think is that bad, although main DPS Fishl is no longer "meta". 😀

  6. Special tier recommendations

    I think the unpronounceable fischl weapon should be in the special tier because its literally tailor made for her

    Prototype crescent is only really good on ganyu

  7. I like how he put Recurve bow in special tier without specific reason even though we know it's gonna be used for Yelan because of its hp substat. No spoiler "spoiler". ✨✨

  8. it sucks how f2p or slightly gacha type bows just aren't as good in comparison to other 4* weapon types you can get… like my childe just sits around because I have Rust R5 but his cr/cd just sucks… the BP bow is nice, but it just doesn't suffice when you lose so much attack as well the rust ends up being better… then I see people with polar star or skyward harp on their childe and their stats are perfect. A 5 star bow is the best weapon you could pull for if you were to pull for a weapon because of how massive the difference is in comparison to other weapon types comparing 4* to 5*

  9. I can't agree too much on Prototype Crescent when you complain about being cumbersome with other character having to use an aimed shot in a weak spot (granted, some enemies don't even have a weak spot) and dismiss it as something minor when needing to NA>AS with Polar Star.
    But Slingshot is simply a big overlook. While I agree physical archers being pretty bad at the moment, Yoimiya use it to great effect, being not too far from Polar Star.
    Sacrificial Bow for Diona in a freeze comp is great, very nice for Sara as well, but Gorou is stretching too much to find a use for it. For him, while you do need CR, most of the time it's simply better than Sac due having way more ER and needing less field time due only 1 E required in rotation, generating the same energy (since 2 geo particles equals to 6 energy) for geo characters and more for the occasional non-geo member. Also, since CD on the passive is 16s, it usually doesn't fit a Gorou rotation, since his E has only a 8-10s CD and Noelle is pretty much free to swap out anytime, while an Itto, specially at C2, probably won't want to wait all that time.
    Also, Amber can fully utilize Amos' as well, not just Ganyu. Not saying that amount to a lot, but since you held Fischl's bow that high just being useful for an off-meta build…

  10. Sara can reliably activate the passive on Elegy because she naturally do it in her rotation, arguably her bis then Harp.
    Also she is better buffer for Yae than Raiden with Elegy because she will buff Yae EM too.

  11. I wished you waited for the bow series because we're gonna get a new one soon, and it looks very universal.. so I'm a bit conflicted if I should pull it or not

  12. I think Slingshot and Sharpshooter’s Oath should not be in F but rather C or Special tier because Slingshot Yoi and Yelan is actually not that bad at all for diffy reasons. Oath is really good for a Charged Shot Amber so I can see that more F tier but I’d say it is easily a top 2/3 weapon for that Amber build.

  13. I guess you must have overlooked the fact that Amos bow increases BOTH normal & charged attacks dmg. So even characters like Yoimiya and Childe will have the 12% increase at R1, as well as some bonus dmg for arrow flying time (for Yoimiya). Also main DPS Amber and Physical Fischl can both take advantage of it and utilize its passive.


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