Tsaritsa Double Phase Boss Theme (Fan-Made) | Genshin Impact

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the theme! Feel free to read the pinned comment to know more about my thought process behind the theme! Have an absolutely good day everyone!

#genshinimpact #tsaritsa #snezhnaya #music #genshinost #gamemusic #genshin #farabihasan

0:00 Phase 1
4:22 Phase 2

I DO NOT own any of the composition materials of this music, all composition materials belong to HOYO-MIX.

I DO NOT own the artwork used in this video.

Hope you enjoy and subscribe to help me continue making music!

You can hear my other songs here:
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/3JkiCtNs5KIlCufnAiFygB?si=aqx09UIiTeeWCbeVbTAM1Q&dl_branch=1
Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/id/artist/farabi-hasan/1580246405

Connect with me:
HoYoLab : https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=63368370
Discord : Kizi45
Email: [email protected]

Feel free to use my mix as a BGM for your contents, but do please leave credits! HOWEVER, a repost of my mix (except if you leave my channel link and credit me) and/or extending it is prohibited.


27 thoughts on “Tsaritsa Double Phase Boss Theme (Fan-Made) | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed this double phase Tsaritsa boss theme! As some of you may notice, the first phase is the exact same as my previous Tsaritsa boss theme. Initially, I was planning to do some changes to that track but after listening to it again, I’m already happy the way it sounds so I decided not to change anything to it.

    Now, the second phase was quite experimental. I went with an electronic direction with a mix of Trap and DnB drum pattern. I also minimise the use of orchestral elements, focusing more on synthesizers and piano. The reason behind these choices was to give a picture of inhumane powers. I personally do not know how powerful the Tsaritsa is and I am quite sure there isn’t much lore about her power capabilities at the moment. However, I always depict her as a powerful character. Phase 1 was intense and eventful, but phase 2 is where she unleashed her true powers to the traveller. Switching the music from an orchestral dominated track to electronic pictures the shift of power between the Traveller and Tsaritsa. We might have the upper hand on phase 1 but it’s not the same case in phase 2. We’ll be fighting one of the most intense battles as the Traveller.

    And that, was how I imagined this fight would be. I am sure many of you might have different theories/imaginations regarding Tsaritsa’s fight and I would love to read it if you are willing to share your thoughts! At the end of the day, these are fan-made themes so it might not be the most lore accurate, but regardless, I hope you enjoyed! That is all from me, hope you have a great day everyone, take care!

    – Farabi Hasan

  2. Phase 1 (only phase): Queen Mother’s Embrace

    Frozen Skies and Buried Sparks: “You have served me well, Rosalyne… I promise you, daughter- You will be avenged.”

    Wedding bells of final recess: “Will you not kiss the hand of your goddess?”

    Lasting Warmth by Icy Retribution: “You understand, traveler, unlike all here who believe Teyvat is the center of the universe. But like them, you will still learn to know fear of God,”

    Gilded Futures for Bleak Hand’s Reach: “join arms with me and recognize your emancipator. I will bring endless prosperity. Absolution from all false judgement. Deliverance and unlimited quintessence. Your savior… Is nigh.”

    Outcomes Entombed In Godly Games: “Queen takes the board. And checkmate is the only possible end to all things.”

    Winter Paradise: “shiver no more, subject. Your mother is here. Seek comfort in my cradle, and be preserved forevermore.”

    Ice mirrors of future past: “There is no eternal reward. No hell. No existence beyond this. Will you lie to yourself that your free will exists?”

    Your hand in marriage, my life in servitude: “the flowers are all dead. Pick one for your sister. The antilife comes for us all, and Teyvat is a poisoned chalice that will be the messiah of all other worlds in the cosmos.”

    Arctic Silence: “you are no different than he who enslaves us all!”

    Poles of the holy: “this world is doomed. You know that, don’t you?”

    Northern lights across a starless night: “I see all love in all beings… But there is no love left, Traveller. All that’s left is PAINNNN!!!”

    Cold cuts from a frigid fae: “My world has been burning since I was a child. And as recompense, its ashes will be frozen for all time!!!”

    blackened soul, frostbitten heart: “that would be truly terrifying, traveler. If I still had my heart,”

    Deluded no more, my truth is law: “the gnosis. The light I once sought to wield is but the tool of a soldier who fights at the behest of others. With this crystal I shall usher in an age of transparent ice… With the purity of my glory!”

    I am the loveless mercy:
    “Do not cry my child. Gaze upon me with dispassionate awe. One day, you will understand- What I do I do for all.”

    Death to the Divine. Glory to The Tsar:
    “Look around you, Traveler! Those whose deaths you were responsible for! The nameless graves littered in your wake! You think they were all your enemies?”

    Snowblade city, a perversion of all things: “I too was once human, innocently mistaking the shape of snowflakes for falling stars… But like the astronomical entities, like the deities that rest on the desolated thrones, snowflakes expire once they touch the ground. It it is on the same earth I build my church. From here, you will know redemption.”

    Fractalled Tears and Diamond Armor: “Your feelings betray you. Especially for your… Sister. If you will not join us, perhaps she will.”

    Absolute Zero>> A new ice age: “The Light has failed us once before, betraying all it held dear. Cold and Dark. Such is the end that must now be pursued instead of a stainless white future. The pale flame is no more. Only the black snowflake remains.”

    The white widow’s bedtime story: “Et Tu, Pierro…? Then fall The Tsar…!”

  3. Oh my God, this is great, with each new soundtrack from Farabi my schizo goes further and further away, when I listen to the music situations start to draw in my head, THIS IS BEAUTIFUL, THANK YOU FARABI, KEEP IT UP.🤩🤩🤩

  4. God damn an 8 minute theme, this is a lengthy one.

    When I heard this I was honestly quite surprised you have taken the more electronic route on her 2nd phase, but I personally don't mind it because edm music my favourite genre ehehe, also that drum pattern I absolutely love it.
    The entire theme is great as well, even tho I am not that much of a fan of the Tsaritsa, I still love this rendition of her theme.

    Once again, keep it up my dude!

  5. I love how Everyone agree that Tsaritsa will be a Bronya Ex-py, and I'm sure Hoyoverse won't do it just like they didn't make Furina a Seele ex-py.

    However, I can't even imagine Tsaritsa without Bronya's voice anymore. Even if Tsaritsa is vastly different from Bronya in looks and vibes, I wish they hire her JP voice actress.

    I'll be honest, I kinda don't like the direction of boss musics HyV all that much. I mean, I like the ideas they proposed like in the Narwhal and Arlecchino's themes, but not so much the execution. I think for example your take on Arlecchino's theme is better than her official one, despite theirs fitting her character quite a lot in Phase 1. I liked their idea to use Dubstep as a motif for Abyss stuff, but I wish they went more on route with Brutal Dubstep instead, something like XKore for example. Maybe there's a bias here too, because I like "Brutal" Dubstep, "Aggressive" Phonk, "Hard" Trance, etc… Don't come with soft stuff in boss battles to my ears, lol.

    IDK, for me, boss music must tell a story, but also fit the possible gameplay happening. For example, Scaramouche's theme is quite fast, but has these calmer, Japanese-like and opera parts, which fit the vibes when you are waiting for windows to attack him, and the Narwhal Theme being slow and ominous fit the fact it's quite a slow battle. Arlecchino's is the worst in that regard. she's quite an easy world boss, being more of a damage sponge than a challenging boss, so I can play in according to the vibes of the music than the battle, yet I can't set my pace around the music at all. There's a "ludomusical" dissonance between her moveset and the music playing, almost like playing Prog trance while fighting a slow boss or playing House while running a race.

    My favorite theme from you, the double-phase Capitano Boss Theme, is the best in this regard. It's the sort of theme I imagine exhausting my stamina all the time trying to dodge his one-hit kill attacks coming one after the other.

  6. II discovered your channel a few months ago and I was captivated by the superb music you created. I already really liked that of the Tsarita and I was wondering if you were going to do a "remake" like some of the others and I see that you have made another masterpiece for us. congratulations and thank you for these beautiful compositions that you make!!!

  7. Honestly got Shadowlord vibes from this from Nier. Almost makes me feel like the inevitable fight will be emotionally charged if it ends up being anywhere near to this. Kudos dude this is really well done

  8. Very cool (pun intended ❄️) second phase, Farabi-san! The mix sounds absolutely incredible, I love how the piano remains the main element but everything that surrounds it makes the track so huge. Really cool drums and synth work too!

  9. FUCK BRO!!! THAT'S…UH…AMAZING! That's awesome! It's no fuss! It was too cool!!!!! Mega agreed, the second part is insane, YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD!!! (and im sorry for my terrible english, im italian, kaka)


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