TRIPLE BANNER Releasing Version CONFIRMED!! This Is BAD NEWS For F2P Players – Genshin Impact

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So, Do you think Triple Banner is Bad News For F2P Players ???

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47 thoughts on “TRIPLE BANNER Releasing Version CONFIRMED!! This Is BAD NEWS For F2P Players – Genshin Impact”

  1. For people who are saying “oh you can only get one of the three, what if there’s two you wanted?”

    I’m F2P, and it’s easy to get at least 2 5-stars each banner… and that’s just during the banner. If you were really dedicated, you’d be saving Primos for that character in the previous banners.

    A friend of mine saved over 12k primos for Kokomi in less than a week. He’s F2P. I saved over 11k primos in about a week for Scara. And I’m F2P.

  2. How is it a problem if we get faster reruns? I mean, FTPs are disadvantaged by having new characters to pull all the time. And if you want a specific new char. You have to wait 1.5 year sometimes ( Eula ). Hoyo tries to make genshin like honkai impact. Where we already have 4 banners. But they give lots of events and longer times to complete them. Tons of rewards and even free 5 stars. We are at the 3rd genshin anniversary and they still don't give a free 5 star!

  3. Could you specify your sources, cause right now there is no mention of triple banners. There are only leaks about new characters. Not a single Chinese leaker has said anything about triple banners. And even if they come it wont be anytime soon.

  4. After winning Eula, I couldn’t careless more about saving primos, so I don’t worry too much about triple banners or anything Hoyo will put out in the future. Eula is literally the endgame for me.

  5. I don't see this as a bad thing at all, I'm pretty selective about who I pull for so it's nice to have more options. Also if you look at it from a more long term perspective the reruns are gonna happen faster which is good since some characters take forever to rerun rn. I just hope dont get the same 3 four star characters on all 3 banners.

  6. People were saying the same about double banners, how it's bad for f2p and whatever, but double banners were godsend for everybody, especially f2p. Tripple banners will become a must very soon, and after a few patches you wouldn't even remember how you lived without them.

  7. i don't think it'll make too much difference. i have no doubt two of them are always gonna be reruns, and in some cases maybe all three would be reruns. if they were releasing new characters without gap now that would've been difficult to keep up with.

  8. I see this as a total win, im a fully fledged whale on one account(AR 60) and pure f2p on other(AR58) and there is no downside to triple banners at all imo, sure its a downside if u happen to want all 3 characters but half the time u miss out on the characters u want by losing 50 50 during normal double banners lmao, the faster characters appear the faster they will reappear after all(we dont talk about eula tho💀)

  9. I don't think it'll be a problem because "limited" characters in genshin get a rerun. So if you lose 50/50, you can wait for the next rerun; and since there'll be a triple banner, that means the character you want can rerun faster than what we currently have.

  10. Yes and no because you got variety to choose to pull for but the issue is when you wanted all three but you have to pick one because the time to grind primogems. During the time period, you would get enough to pull for one(maybe two if you are very lucky) 5 star character before the banner ends.

  11. While I think triple banners are a good thing, remember this – they all share 4-stars. If they don't increase different 4-star rate-ups on different banners in one phase, getting new 4-stars might turn into hell. I'd know, I still don't have Kaveh despite wasting tons of primos on his debut.


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