Top Five Things Genshin Impact DESPERATELY Needs (2023)

Having made a video similar to this last year I thought about revisiting this topic after a year of changes and see what else Genshin Impact should add/change to their game.

Check out last year’s video if you haven’t yet!

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45 thoughts on “Top Five Things Genshin Impact DESPERATELY Needs (2023)”

  1. what creates me anxiety: being forced to play daily after playing for 2 years
    i'm not quitting, but i need a break without losing resources – after doing daily stuff, i dont feel like doing any exploration

  2. it's not huge, but they really need to change electro resonance, cuz all the other elemental resonances generally match up with characters of their element

    pyro: ATK
    hydro: HP
    cryo: CR
    anemo: STA
    geo: shield STR + geo RES shred
    dendro: EM

    meanwhile electro is here with extra particle generation for electro reactions; like it kinda goes in line with electro being the ER element with Raiden scaling with ER, and many electro characters being very energy hungry; but it's like, why are all the other resonances direct stat buffs that generally make sense with their "elemental archetype"; they've already retroactively changed hydro resonance, so I think it's about time to change electro resonance to something like +30% ER (possibly also keeping current resonance effect), and it'd be a huge buff even if they made some kinda electro-characters-only caveat for the buff to "balance" it out with all the low-cost bursts out there (though there's less and less of those as time goes on 😑)

    I also think geo should change to some kinda DEF buff, but in order for that I feel like they'd also just have to entirely change how crystalize works/scales and also Zhongli's HP scaling to keep in line with the archons loosely scaling with their elemental resonance; so I think this would be less likely

  3. Read the text on the limited banners. It explicitly states that limited 5 stars can only be obtained from the limited banners and will not be added to the standard pool. If they DID add them, that would easily open them to a lawsuit due to false advertising.

  4. You know, it's kinda obscurely funny, how they already adressed almost all of this problems…..but in their newest project Star Rail.

    Damn, for me as Controller player via PC it really annoys me, that feature with seamless swap of input method was implemened in new Honkai

  5. After playing the hell outta Honkai Star Rail and seeing a few QoL upgrades over Genshin I find them as no brainer and cannot figure out how were they never thought of in Genshin. And then I remember how easy it is to lv up characters in genshin just by holding the resource you want to add and my finger being numb from leveling both my characters and their respective light cones by clicking everytime 1 by 1. Who thought this would be a good idea?

  6. they should add gadgets for QoL in exploration, like grappling hook to reach higher places similar to that yellow thingy in sumeru and not rolling to characters for only exploration advantages like kazuha and scara

  7. I think earlier characters i.e. below patch 2.0, needs to have their own cheaper banner instead of being in the standard banner and having more generousy pity system. Instead of the max 90have it at like 60 and have their own fates that cost only 100 primogems. The blue fate is still quite expensive for pulling older characters in my opinion.

    Honkai Impact 3rd has the character banner where it cost like 280 crystals and the standard at 200. The you have the sp and the expa banners where the sp only cost about 180 while the expa gives you the choice of which character to pull on the guarantee

  8. private servers and mods will be the superior experience than the vanilla genshin once the game reaches a stable state with all the regions and characters out. right now private servers have to re adjust with the pacing of the game updates. but once all the major updates are complete… they can rework the game.

  9. For the 1000th time they legally CAN NOT add limited 5 stars to the standard banner! It says it in every banner description aside from Keqing, Tighnari, and Dehya's rate ups.
    They could make a second standard banner with another name or have weekly rate ups of old 5 stars separate from the usual ones but they can not put a character like Klee on the wanderlust standard banner and have you lose 50/50s to her.

  10. the absolute worst about genshin is that, in all of it's flaws, behind the game there's a really conservative company in regards to maintaining the game more or less how it is and changing only as much as quality of life stuff. The inclusion of a whole new element was a goddamn miracle. They act like their game is perfect and has no issues and there's nothing they should do to keep people playing it. Can't really expect things like a extremely needed Geo complete overhaul, new endgame content (preferably not something as un-fun as the time-sensitive bullshit of spiral abyss), changes to coop system (such as anything remotely fun to do and rewarding to everyone that isn't farming), new weapon types, new elements or new reactions between existing elements, changes to artifact system, changes to resin system or better pity/fate system to standard banner unless player base actually stars to lose interest and drop in numbers, which I think only didn't start happening yet because of Dendro. But you bet that it's going to happen by Natlan or Snezhnaya, because I seriously doubt everyone that is playing will still play the game if they don't keep it fresh.

  11. They shoyld really just bring back labyrinht event and make it permanent, the entire game the only endgame content is just Spiral abyss and if you see the location then compare it with the entire map we have it's like an ant and that is the only place we often comeback unlike other areas even newer one where once you complete it it will be forgettable as always.

  12. FEH actually has a really interesting way of dealing with the 5 star bloating. Every year, they add older 5 star exclusive units to a different pool called the “4 star special” pool. Basically, they’re 5 stars that the game treats as 4 stars, so summoning one of them won’t take away your pity. They also have their own % chance completely separate from everything else, so they aren’t bloating the 4 star pool either. It’s a nice way of dealing with the “too many 5 stars” issue imo. Though it does mean that eventually the 4 star special pool will become bloated too. Which in FEH’s case can be problematic because of Weapon Refines. 😂

  13. They should port some of the QoL changes Honkai Star Rail gets into Genshin imo

    Like craftable artifacts with pre-selected mainstats and stuff. That takes away at least one aspect of artifact RNG

  14. okay, hear me out i know i sound dumb but… genshin should be even more beginner friendly i just picked up the game 6 months ago and i was bombarded with the amount of items and characters present in the game and it just made me feel like i was left behind from my friends who started before me i am now ar 47 and i still sometimes get confused for what materials i should be farming i can not decide that without checking the wiki genshin should restrict some of its world for different ar levels so new players have more time to get used to all the things present in the world of teyvat

  15. It has done its job for being a cash grab game. Now they have moved on to another more flashy games. Sadly to say it will only get worse from now. Every problem genshin has, is fixed, on their newer game, and that new game will have problems, which will be fixed in newer game, rinse and repeat

  16. artifacts: change the % of each stat to the same amount (substat if anything). maybe i misread or smtg but HP/Def have a higher % than other stats to be rolled into
    edit: yes having certain artifacts be on diff days like talent/weapon domains would be good.
    they should do small tweaks/updates (NOT nerfs) to older characters. esp since back then, they were still working out how to do kits. why does Albedo have EM in 1 con? Xiao def?

  17. the thing with characters i like to see,
    Make region banner which has 3 to 5 5star characters of a specific region (such as liyue of inazuma), or perhaps an elemental banner which has 3 to 5 5star characters.
    I wonder if they will ever create a playable character that does not have a vision, one which we can put into our party.

  18. Literally sitting with the new boarders for the astral express crew because of the artifact situation. Im happy to play, and to interact with the characters, but I'm in this awkward spot where any of my built characters clear overworld content too effectively that its not fun to bring them onto teams because it means I don't get to use them as long, but depending on what abyss has, just falls short of regular 36*.
    Im not playing genshin to enjoy the combat, but to see my favorite characters walking around and interacting with one another. After HSR, the world just felt… shallow
    So the fact the only gameplay I have is to farm for better combat is. Well, lets just say I'm taking a break from the game until post fontaine. And this is coming from someone who is a teapot main and farmed out all the achievements I could, and didn't no-life everything like some people

  19. Its been 2.5 yrs. Soon 3 yrs. Genshin aint getting any changes that we will like ever. The games is to siphon money and it has done this successfully. After its story ends it will stay for some more time to take more money and than it will be discontinued.
    I bet my left nut that it wont get any meaningful changes until its end. This vid might be un for u. But its a copius punch in the gut for me.

  20. +1 for the infinite dungeon — in spiral abyss the only thing that would cause "anxiety" is the timer at the fear of completing a floor at 6:59, dunno how you could get anxiety from such boring content, and it's not like it gives a 5* each time you complete it…

  21. Here's a list of reasons why I think they have not moved any limited characters to the standard banner, followed by a proposal that should be able to make everybody happy: It is already hard enough as it is to get the standard character you want (How many day 1 players are still missing Jean? I just got my first Mona recently!) so adding new characters would dilute it too much; the relative lack of power creep means that most of those characters are nearly as relevant now as they were on release; the people who spent hundreds of dollars to get them or thousands to get them c6 will feel bad if they pull them from a future event banner; players seem to think it is literally illegal to move a previously limited 5* character to a standard pool (although nobody has ever been able to tell me which law it is that makes it illegal); and finally, these characters do still sell, even if it is not nearly as well as they did on release.

    So my proposal is to leave the standard pool alone (for now), and to instead make an entirely new banner. This banner will have every character who debuted more than than 3 years ago on it to begin with, and then more characters will get added to it the way Tighnari and Dehya were added to standard: one (final) event wish banner and then they will never have another event wish run again. People will have to pull them from the classics banner. Now, how does the classics banner work? My thought is that it will have the exact same system as the weapon banner, with 2 characters featured side by side, with epitomized path and with the slightly higher odds/earlier pity that the weapon banner has. And another important detail is that the 7 currently available standard characters will also get featured on this classics banner. But the big difference is that it would last for the entirety of each patch, and only change when the patch ends, giving players ample time to pick up the characters they want.

    You may ask why I want to make it like the weapon banner, but from the way I see it, lowering the cost to get a 5* on this banner is essential. Looking at my own roster as a player who buys only Welkin and the occasional battle pass, I am only missing 8 5* characters out of 32. I have had plenty of time and plenty of primogems to pick up whoever I want. But a new player is not in a position like mine. They only have slightly more primogems but they have a lot more restrictions simply because they don't have a lot of the roster yet. By placing the older characters on a cheaper banner, they may not get to pick who they want without saving for a long time, but they can advance their accounts more quickly in order to catch up to the rest of us. And for players like me, we've already had ample opportunity to pick those characters up by now unless their name is Eula.

    It would also make pulling for constellations tenable for players who don't invest their funds that way. While I have most of the 5* characters, I don't have a single limited one at c2 or higher, and the two c1s I have were early/accidental. But by putting these characters on a cheaper banner, it can encourage people who just want to build up their accounts and make them stronger to wish, since they could potentially invest in either of the two.

    And it's worth pointing out that although you probably do not want a Qiqi rate up banner, I guarantee there is someone out there who doesn't have Qiqi and who wants her enough to pull on a banner just for her. By putting all these old characters in a banner together, you may find that you have lost Qiqi's 75/25 to Hu Tao, rather than the other way around.

    Feel free if you've read this far to point out any potential problems, because I think any idea is worth discussing in order to refine it further! I think it solves more problems than it creates.

  22. #1 thing Genshin needs for me? A way to guarantee the standard banner characters (if only just the 5* ones). I would literally pay $$$ for a Diluc if I could. But I can't even do that. 😛
    #2 A way to replay story missions if we want.
    #3 Raise the resin cap to 300/day. Once you're north of AR 55, it can take multiple days to level talents and characters at 160/day. It's just a way to make sure you log in everyday instead of a way to ensure progression / playtime is somewhat curbed. That's the thing, you cannot even really buy more resin (you literally can, but not much).

  23. Somethign that has been bothering me for a good bit is the lack of TRUE character demo-ing. When a new character comes around and we get to demo them, we are forced to use only the characters given and with the artifacts that character has been given. Yanfei demos by herself. This makes zero sense to me. It's a nice way to showcase how she can be used wholly on her own….you know, the way no one plays (the only exception being that insane Barabara-only main. We love you). Baizhu, who was only just released, gets Xing and Lisa. Okay, cool. I have both those characters. But maybe I have my Lisa built a certain way. Maybe I want to test Baizhu with burning, not aggravate. Also, where is the fourth character? I will never be playing this game with only three characters. I would love to see how Baizhu fares with my Yae Miko and Kamisato Ayato duo. But the only way for me to know how he will play with my team is to roll enough wishes, get him, build him up completely, and THEN put him in my party to see whether or not I would want to play him. Rolling for characters is already a gamble. We dont need to add my love or dislike to a character AFTER I have gotten them to the gambling as well. Rant over.

  24. As someone who started the game in college when I had time to play basically as much as I want. I probably would agree with you about the more things to spend time in. But now that I’m actually working, the events and story definitely give the right amount of daily play in my opinion

  25. Yeah and please, for PS enable the touch pad to move mouse cursor like aiming. Thanks. Anyways what comes to Gacha and endless gameplay that’s total nonsense. For example LOTR – Rise to War has content up to 24/7 play even if you want. Yes character movement is reduced by “stamina” in it, but it still has a meaning to stay chatting even with people all around if nothing else. I made a ton of friends from it.

  26. I think Honaki 3rd impact has a lot of the solutions to genshin endgame problems. Elysian realm and memorial arena are things that could work perfectly in genshin if done right. Use a Memorial arena to challenge various world bosses with added environmental twists and buffs and debuffs that force players to change up their teams to kill them as fast as possible while using Elysian realm as an endurance mode, pick a team and go through as many random fights as possible with progressively more and more debuffs on the team and see who can get furthest before being worn down (hel they could easily brand it as making excursions into the worst corrupted portions of the world, places where the abyss makes it impossible to survive for more than an hour at most). As far as rewards you just need to tie them to personal progression instead of competitive rankings and you'll be fine.

  27. i like the CODM System, if you missed out Weapon Skin you still can use the For You system that you can choose what weapon but you can't choose what skin. instead of waiting a whole year and that Feature only has 15 Days CD.

    imagine if genshin implement that feature where you can Pick what Banner you want and it has CD like every 3-6 Months or 4-8 Months.

  28. They should be more like bleach brave souls they have a game mode with 50 floors to complete and each one has special rules that forces players to use a specific kinds of characters to clear them or gulf quest that adds up each player score for the day/ week that then ranks the guild totals and rewards them accordingly

  29. i think Genshin needs some sort of raid boss mechanic, it could become the hardest content in the game and require multiple players to clear and you could have a small chance of getting a 5 star weapons specific to the raid boss as well as standard rewards in the form of "X" amount of artifact boxes like what you get from the spiral abyss.


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