I just did a trial for her and 😭😭😭😭 on mobile the buttons are so confusing for me and she us so clunky for be maybe later on I'll get her but fr I'mma save for furina and maviuka
People with nuvi shouldn't pull for mualani cz nuvi better pull for herif you like her playstyle but i did her trial 2-3 times but didn't like her playstyle it my personal opinion
if i look at her animations long enough it might make me we- WHALE
Got her in 10 pity in a 5050 😂
I just did a trial for her and 😭😭😭😭 on mobile the buttons are so confusing for me and she us so clunky for be maybe later on I'll get her but fr I'mma save for furina and maviuka
I pulled kazuha and keqing and 2 kachinas in one 10 pull
Sorry, but i went c6 on kazuha just an hour ago
Don’t forget about the beach scene 😅
Easy skip 😅
I alredy found herrr
Got her with 20 pity
Yet my sister says she’s horrible for damage …
People are saying they are getting in 10 pity 20 pity…is that true ?
Nope, still not pulling (I am loyal to my furina)
6th reason: same birthday as me
Well maybe that's a good reason to have her but pyro mommy and CHADpitano have my full attention xP
True that.
But ehe…
I just got Bennett from Kazuha banner and it's fine.
I got her am still surprised I haven't lost a 50/50 and am at ar 54😭 I better not jinx it
I like her but Neuvillette is still better and if you want a waifu then wait for Xilonen xD
Personally I don’t like her design😅 and I’m saving for someone else so
i don't like Natlan characters
Got her 1st try. I did it as a joke, thinking i wouldn't get her, but when I got her, I was laughing so hard.
Got Her after losing 50/50
Seven pulls after. 😀
I spent 30 wishes and got her twice im straight saving the rest of my wishes
gura fans will like this character
She’s cool and all, but…
something about her sickens me
This is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree;
I think she'll look better with a bit more tan. She literally glows brighter than my future.
I would but I just gotta get kinich maybe next time lol
Only reason I don't pull her is her design
She is ugly
Bro just forgot about 3
What should i use as an f2p bc ppl think the ring is op for her but she doesnt use m1s,i use the new event weapon 😅
she do be hot tho
I wished for Kazhua from a very long time and finally got him and I'm very much happy with him ❤
I'm so wet rn i mean-
I PULLED MUALANI JUST NOW :0!! (im a new genshin player)
nah I won't spend a single wish for her
6th reason: in jp her seiyuu is Nao Touyama(my nr 1 <3)
Reason not to pull :
Not enough pulls
People with nuvi shouldn't pull for mualani cz nuvi better pull for herif you like her playstyle but i did her trial 2-3 times but didn't like her playstyle it my personal opinion
Top 2 reasons to pull for Kinich: Sasuke and Naruto. The end 😂❤
Lol 😂 She’s only good to travel in Natlan. Outside Natlan? Bruhhhh can even last for 7sec. Yelan is better for sprint, Furina for walking on water.
She kinda bad ngl