THIS QUEST IS INCREDIBLE | Furina Story Quest | Genshin Impact Playthrough


but for real – that ending URGH MY HEART


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33 thoughts on “THIS QUEST IS INCREDIBLE | Furina Story Quest | Genshin Impact Playthrough”

  1. I highly recommend watching the official music video for the song at the end, "La Vaguelette". They hired an actual French opera singer for the song, and filmed it on a gorgeous set with some beautiful gowns.

  2. Nah Lauwick is 100% in the right. If a vital member is prone to being incapacitated randomly, they need a plan B. It's selfish and unfair to the rest of the troop to not want a reliable backup. Imagine if the main tank of a raid had a fit because the raid leader was looking for a sub because the main tank was prone to being bedridden with illness randomly. What about the other people on the raid? It isn't all about the main tank. It's also not like Dulphy hasn't said she's fine and been wrong in the past. Dude's just being a good manager for the /team/ which is his job.

    Also, Furina did everything she could. You're forgetting that if anyone, even one person, even slightly believed she wasn't the Archon, everyone was going to die. Furina worked behind the scenes every day to try and solve the prophesy. And again, also, humans didn't solve the problem. The real Archon and Furina solved the problem. The only thing the humans did was fulfill the prophesy as it was written by putting Furina on trial. And no, she couldn't have taken action sooner to prevent anything.

    Look up the bombing of Coventry in WW2. Sometimes, to avoid tipping your hand, you have to let bad things happen so a larger good can be achieved.

    Wow, did we play a different game? Furina froze up when being exposed because she though her 500 years of suffering were at that moment a failure. She thought at that moment that she had failed and everyone was going to die because she failed to keep up the act. What on earth are you thinking calling her not a hero? Dear God. She suffered for 500 years of emotional agony for the sake of everyone else. Not a hero? I'm actually angry.

    They did recognize her. And were told it wasn't her by a different name being given. The costume wouldn't have fit her, and since Dulphy didn't want a backup, they wouldn't have had a second one.

  3. My answer to why she didn’t do anything was simply because she already gave up on everything BUT her role. She was investigating the prophecy throughout the years, but evidently nothing really came out of it which probably made Furina think that really there was nothing she could do but keep up the role for Forcalors

    Essentially min maxing acting over anything else

  4. Honestly this is the only quest in Genshin that I straight up didn't like, I hated how rude and arrogant paimon and the traveler were here (the part where traveler grabbed furina made me literally say out loud "what the f**k") and the part where furina got her vision wasn't climatic at all, and it just didn't feel right that she was performing again after everything that happened, but in the end just straight up liked it for some strange reason, this quest genuinely made me super uncomfortable and I have no clue what in the world happened during the writing process, but maybe that's just me, even though I saw a lot of people who think the same.

  5. Paimon was extremely insensitive in this quest to the point of seeming forced, she's not like that she always tries to be kind and understand others

    but the part in Poisson was pure cinema

  6. The problem is that Furina can't let anyone, literally anyone, know she wasn't the Archon. So if you are a "God", why would you do only things that mortals would do and not just do god things. That's why everything she did was so muted in scope. Doubt was never an option.
    Not that it mattered in the end anyway. Such is the way of life with someone being manipulated like that.

  7. Ah im so glad you acknowledge how complex furina is written. I do know people don't like how paimon treated furina and maybe how pushy this quest was in putting her in things she didn't want but I also feel like she responded to it all so realistically. To me it felt like it showcases that she can't hide forever that life moves on and its up to her on whether she wants to participate in it.

  8. Hope you feel better soon from the cold georgie!

    Oh and I'm glad that you got a bit of time between doing the archon quest and this one.

    When it first come out in 4.2 most of people, myself included, have done this one right after finishing the other and its a bit jarring seeing Furina getting back into acting right after how much she suffered before.

    It made feel that the Traveler and Paimon's actions were overly rude, but on a second glance its not that bad and even makes completely sense that Paimon acted so childish since she is, well, Paimon.

    As for Furina saying that she never witnessed things before was really weird indeed for her character.

    Maybe its mistranslation issue idk, since I guess the authors were trying to highlight how she couldn't see everything on a perspective other than being the hydro archon.
    That is just my guess.

  9. Glad you decided to play this quest! Furina is my favorite, as you could probably tell by my profile picture.

    She is definitely a flawed character, but that's what makes her so fun.

    If you want more content with Furina, I believe the only thing left is Clorinde's story quest. She featured heavily in the 4.3 event, and had a small part in the lantern rite event, but unfortunately, those were limited time…

  10. It's a great quest. My only issue with it is how extra rude paimon was in it. Leuwick and the sick girls are in love with each other just sayin, hope that clarifies why he wanted to find replacement for her and i'm personally not seeing it that furina didn't do anything. She was convinced by focalors that she will save entire fontaine if she maintains the act, it's difficult to do something additional to that without exposing yourself. She had done many things but nothing visibly impactful because she had to maintain her act. Stuff like researches and so on which she can do without exposing herself.

  11. Loved this quest personally. I thought it was handled very well. Yes, even Paimon. As someone who had depression and it runs in the family, i noticed Furina was showing simptoms right away. What alot of people don't seem to understand is how self destructive depression is. You make choices that harm yourself and justify them in your head. In most cases you need a third parties push to seek help and I thought that was portrayed well. And i can also say that when I had depression the last thing I wanted was for people to be over sensitive around me. Paimon acting like paimon was actually I think a great choice. Along with that, people treating Furina like a traumatized snowflake really just insults just how strong of a character she is. People seem to forget, she Chose to play that role. Though it may have been painful she persevered.

    Loved the vid. Keep it up.😊

  12. What makes for me Furina archon worthy is her absolute love for humanity (just like other archons) not her powers or status.
    Theory: When people died in poisson we found furina there, near the water(which was still contaminated), as if she wanted to take her own life; since she believed she had failed in her task.
    As you said "furina is full of flaws" that's what makes her the perfect human as focalors says

  13. I've started playing and been enjoying Genshin Impact for about a year now, but I can say the whole Fontaine is on another level… and not just geographically.

    The Archon quest, Furina's story and also, on the side, the Ordo questline, it all made me completely fall in love with the game

  14. Furina feels unique in Genshin because she has both an evolving, developing personality and situation in the world. Unlike other characters who feel completed. I hope there are more Furina development stories.

  15. I don't understand why anyone would think Furina would need to be forgiven for Poisson. All of Fontaine owes its existence to her. Why is she felt to be the cause of the problem in Poisson?

  16. 1:56:01 about that… it has actually happened, but))) in a time-limited event in 4.3. And here we go again. Devs should really solve this problem because it's so annoying that u can't replay old events. Like it's literally right there in HSR like wtf(((

  17. Lauwick was a 100% right, if you suffer from a chronic illness and the only one affected by it it's your self then thought it up all you want, but if that affects other ppl around you then ofc someone has to do something about it, try to thought it up narcolepsy for example and go around town driving and lets see how it goes, justice for Lauwick! 🤣

  18. I really don’t agree with your view on Furina’s role in resolving the prophecy. Furina doesn’t rate herself high enough because obviously she had been living in agony and some self loathing for a long time, and she had a mental breakdown when traveller convicted her of being a fake (which btw I don’t understand how you could interpret that as proof of her not doing enough, at that moment she thought her 500 years of agony was in vain and everyone was gonna die, breaking down was really the only appropriate response for anyone), but being the player and knowing everything, it should have been clear how integral Furina’s contribution was. If every human of Fontaine literally did nothing except putting Furina on trial, a few more people would die sure, but if Furina did anything that might expose her identity prematurely or even make herself too popular that might lead to her not being put on trial, Fontaine would have been no more, and with it the entire Teyvat could’ve sinked (see other archons’ voice lines). In the end Furina was unfortunately a pawn in Focelors’ plan, she was given no other choice from the very beginning, and Focelors had to do that because that’s the only way to deceive the heavenly principles, so it is true she had no control of her fate, but she had to tough it out all the way to the end, which is not something trivial as shown abundantly clear in the archon quests and she did exactly what was needed. Focelors’s plan required strictly only 3 components, 1) Fontainians would be desperate enough to put their god on trial in the face of certain annihilation; 2) Neuvilette becomes sympathetic of Fontainians; 3) Furina kept the show going. If successfully completing a ridiculously difficult task which the carrying out of the entire strategy relies upon doesn’t count as heroic or indispensable, I really don’t know what is.

    Out of all the archon quests so far, Fontaine is probably the most reliant on the personal efforts and sacrifice of “the archon” imao. Saying Furina didn’t do enough is like saying a soldier fighting constantly on the front lines didn’t do enough in winning a war because they didn’t proactively try to take more optimised routes of fighting: there’s a plan from the higher ups, and for all we know any divergence from the plan could have stemmed calamity, if collateral damage was incurred, regrettable as that is, take it to the commander if you think something more could’ve been done, not the soldier that made every effort to follow orders while keeping their conscience straight and did heroic contributions in the battles. Anyways, just rumblings because I really like Furina, not saying she’s a saint and I do agree it’s her many human traits, complexities and probably flaws that make her so likeable. If she was a genius with a heart of iron, could she have done a bit more to limit casualties? Perhaps, perhaps not, we don’t know, but that would just make her a completely different kind of character, certainly not as relatable as she is. But still, I think you are severely understating Furina’s role in the prophecy crisis😅

  19. Thats why focalors says she's "perfectly human" because she's flawed like how humans supposed to be since no ones perfect. Also to the part where you said if she cares why didn't she do anything but only look into the prophecy, I'm thinking that she probably felt after all her futile investigations, if the prophecy is meant to happen it'll happen one way or another even with measures, that's probably what's she's thinking. To be fair, without focalors plan on giving the authority to Neuvillette, even that ship won't be able to save them, the flood will still continue

  20. First and foremost XD if you want to see more of Furina after this, I highly recommend you to play Clorinde's story quest and watch the 2 Musketeer's quest (unfortunately, you can't play it since it was a temporary thing). Neither delve as deep into Furina's character, but she's around a lot during those and you can see some glimpses of the kind of life she has. Also, her relationship with Clorinde and Navia is really cute to watch XD

    30:57 My interpretation of this is that she did close herself off emotionally in the sense that she didn't quite allow people to be close to her. She probably felt sorrow and pain for those who died, but she couldn't allow herself to mourn them. My take on her life was that she had very little private time.

    44:58 She did try, though. She had her informants all across Teyvat and we saw her doing a lot of research in the past. Unfortunately, they didn't touch the subject much, so we don't know the extent of her actions. Also, we do know she didn't take any counter measures right before the prophecy happened, but neither did Neuvillette until the disaster in Poisson, which leads me to believe there might be some bureaucratic paths they had to go through. Fontaine is known to be very inefficient in terms of bureaucracy.

    Again, this is all speculation based on the fact that Neuvillette seems to be extremely competent and he didn't seem to have done anything about the prophecy either (even after the thing in Meropide). Even after proof after proof that the prophecy was happening, he only acted after the disaster in Poisson, which is VERY out of character for him…

    1:56:44 Furina? Selfish?? Furina was probably the most selfless character in the game until Caribert in the last Archon quest. She sacrificed her freedom and her own identity to pose as an Archon, endured 500 years of pain and loneliness, which Focalors and Neuvillette agreed to be torture to her. She didn't even falter for one second, everything to protect Fontaine. Sure it also saved herself, but even so… it was quite selfless.

    I don't presume to know anything about your life and experiences, but I think everyone at some point has to pretend to be something they're not (society has an idea of what normal is that manages to evade every single individual on Earth). So, we all had to portray a role at some point or the other. Now, imagine having to do it 24/7 as a figurehead (everyone's eyes were always on her), with the fate of an entire nation on the line if you falter.

  21. Did you already forget that she couldn't really do anything back then other than "playing the role" because in her mind, anything that could cast doubt on her will immediately lead into the prophecy coming true. People believe Archons to be all powerful, so if they see/hear their Archon "making preparations" for something, do you think they won't begin to wonder? Furina had to live with this mindset for 500 years and she couldn't say anything about it to anyone.

  22. Okay im sorry but I really really don't agree with you on one point. I don't think we can say Furina should have done anything more about the prophecy. She had to follow Focalors' plan perfectly mainly because she knew the godess had a very well-defined plan. Doing anything extra could have aroused people's suspicions and was just that dangerous since the whole plan had to rely on Furina's lie. Furina was human and had to maintain her divine appearance for the sake of all, so she logically chose not to try anything rather than construct clumsy plans that risked revealing her human appearance at the eyes of everyone and thus endangering everyone. Because the Fontanians would have expected divine action on the part of Furina.
    Maybe we just don't have the same reasoning mind but it's just so logical to me. She could only wait for a very long time precisely in fear and suffering for something to happen mainly because she knew she had to stick to the plan.
    I think poisson's people have the right to be resentful towards her given the situation. But I think as players, we must first see what's true : a sacrifice of 500 years that will never be revealed and a poor girl who suffers from imposter syndrome while she and her divine side are nothing more than the heroes of the nation. This quest made me very emotional and made me cry mainly because Furina feels guilty for not having done enough, even though she has already done more than everyone else.


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