The underground area of Chasm has one of the most unique enemy types we have seen so far, and not just that, but they have unique names and grant a special item every time you defeat them, the “Orb of the Blue Depths”. Defeating all nine of these opponents grants us a chance to explore a mysterious secret “Mysterious Letter” hidden in Chasm, that can reveal some new characters and might hint to future archon names and some abyss characters. I hope you enjoy the video 😀
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📌 Timestamps
0:00 Collecting Nine Orbs
1:07 Details About the Orb
2:05 Shadowy Husks and Black Serpent Knights Dialog Observation
4:47 Traveler “Calamity” and Paimon “Fate”
6:26 Dialog of Knights
9:48 Unlocking Secret Room
10:04 Crede Tenebrae Achievement
10:37 Inside Secret Room
10:56 Mysterious Letter
11:12 Revealing the Mysterious Letter
13:15 Writer of letter
13:57 New Hidden Secret Characters
🎵 Music
The Chasm
Mysterious Letter
Orb of the Blue Depths
Shaodwy Husks
Black Serpent Knights
with all we learn and the last two sentences of that letter, I think , to me, the most possible is that this all is referring to the fight between the two thrones meshed with kaenri'ah calamity.
the nails may had dropped as a result of the fight long ago or actually dropped to remove the old civilisations that remembered 1st throne, which I think is the one in the BP. also I think, to me, the second throne that took over may had been the actual abyss, from the void realm. Maybe the real inhabitants of the abyss(not kaenri'ah) are specialized in dark curses and elementals, humans and vishaps seem very harmed by abyss element, so maybe 2nd throne is from the abyss, rulling over falsely (could also be why the archons which are elementals themselves – and the older gods could be a creation of the 1st throne too or of one of the shades like how venti is – find them strong and scary, just a speculation here). the way dain talked of erosion makes me think zhongli's erosion was caused by the curse cast on kaenri'ah back then, where we know by makoto , thry all went to stop what was going in there. since 1st throne was defeated long ago, fake Celestia was probably who dropped it. not sure if this all makes sense, but I think the most possible is the void realm removed the 1st throne and took over. some of the dialogues of the dusks made me feel it reflected that.
the chasm also gave me the impression kaenri'ah was really close by or exactly there because of that nail. what if the nail didn't drop long ago, but it dropped after the curse to suppress kaenri'ah for good? some things still felt off to me.
also in the letter it said "a Pegasus", is most likely referring to the mythological Pegasus. the other names could be of other deities of archons yeah. I wonder if the letter has any other meaning.
Not sure if it’s relatable but while playing the Archon quest
1) Dain is very persistent about “curse” can’t be undone. Yet,
2) Abyss Harold was always “supporting” the Abyss Twin’s actions. Our twin is very stubborn and declared Dainsleif as his enemy no matter what. BUT, at the end, Dainsleif was right and that cost Halfdan’s life.
I can’t follow little details about lore but those are my assumptions
1) inhabitants of Abyss are different than Khaenri'ah (Abyss Mages, Harolds and Lectors, NOT Hilichurls)
2) Abyss Order does not actually listen the ruler of Khaenri’ah, Abyss Prince/Princess but someone else (probably that Princess from BP cutscene)
3) reviving Khaenri’ah is not possible in any way, instead, Abyss Order using our twin to plot against Celestia from on unkown reasons (not related to Khaenri’ah)
There was a Theory from Wei, which goes smth like Celestia having to create a completely new timeline due to Gold's corruption thingy. It was too late for it to stop and it engulfed whole Teyvat. Now, in the New Timeline, they stopped Gold(sort of) and now are trying to stop other calamaties to Happen. They needed smth like a outsider, to correct what happened wrong, that's both of the Traveller's (in the beginning). Then (that's my Theory) somehow THEY destroyed Khaenri'ah by Celestia giving them a Little push. After that they needed to make Sure they stayed to stop further destruction, hence we encounter the Unknown God. After all of that, (Back to Wei's Theory) they sent Paimon to act as a Script of some sort. You remember when Paimon says "Let's explore the Area ahead of us later"?That's cause she wants us to save the Nation first, and then save the other one's, cause the catastrophie is happening later in the other Nation. So Paimon acting as the Fate of the Traveller, and Traveller the Calamaty cause they're working as a Tool for Celestia
or the twin is indeed calamity and the one who truly leads abyss is the tyrant
idk where i read the theory but as they say that the rulers of celestia is not the prime ones or the first one to come, but instead the second ones to come and they took the identity of the first ones, by the letter it reminded me about these. the heavens falls into pieces, which is celestia has fallen into pieces as we saw the pillars in the chasm and dragonspine. and falsehood collapse which means that the lie of the celestial rulers has been exposed therefore leading to their destruction.
What?? 11:17 how did you find out? :0
Halfdan's name was based on the quest context. on which after the Lector activates the spell, he jumped on to the center to stop it, only to be done half and the Traveler needs to finish the rest. Hence, Halfdan.
You are the best content creator I have ever seen! Man, Hat's off to you!
Calamity and fate sounds like poetic purpose to me, not actually discerning people – the concept of fate is likely compared to a tyrant because it controls everything, and as fate only brought bad things to the knight, they see it as a always being together with calamity. It'd be interesting to see the CN version of that line.
i'd suppose pegasus is one of the four winds (maybe even dvalin) and the guardian of khaenri'ah is just our twin to the other two, i can't relate in any way
11:16 bruh I got chills… I never thought of a possibility like that… It's an online game, and we have our own worlds, so that's actually a galaxy brain move of them to do this…
The one-eyed statutte seems to me to be the face of Khaenriah's king/priest/leader. Most likely Kayea's grandfather, since he inherited his eyepatch.
holy crap .. i didnt knew diffirent letters were given to diffirent players .. to whoever researched this and arranged it together is a real poggers .. respect .. on the other hand .. isnt guardian mentioned in the letter is Dain? he is captain of guards right? nd Halfdan says "Kaenriah didnt fall .. you are here afterall" to him .. dont know if its simpe "reliance" towards an individual person .. or got a more deeper meaning🤔
That’s odd, other than hoyoverse separating the lines of the mysterious letter, why is it different in other worlds?
I think the writer of the letter, the guardian of Khaenri'ah, could be none other than Dainsleif himself, 500 years ago
Wait a min, catinabluehat, where did Odin come from?
This is insane. This is not GTA or Forza Horizon level. This game not only just a openworld game but old ancient historical greek moonknight and all mythical stories god of war thing. I AM GOING CRAZY!!!!
Morphes might refere to Morfeo, the greek god of dreams, son of Ipno (hypnosis) and Notte (night in Italian), his name also means shape and even in latin "morfo" is the prefix for things related to shape
I wonder why we havent seen any female looking abyss creatures
i don't wanna die before i finish the game
The Chasm Nail…it must be responsible for the Ley Line disorder in the Chasm…
ok but that aside,
it says 'a Pegasus' so it may be referring to simply a winged horse. though a quick search does say that 'Pegasus' is an actual singular figure, rather than a species (like say, a unicorn) Pegasus is a figure in greek mythology.
also, 'Morphes' may be modified from 'Morpheus', much like the game modified 'Beelzebul' (ei's archon name) from 'beelzebub'. Morpheus is also a figure in greek myth.
Omg I think I figured the letter out!! Replace the p in Pegasus to m
Venti is SUS yet again
Cartas misteriosa google traductor:
no como si fuera a ser equipado como el guardián de Khaenri'ah. no como si mi yo destructivo estuviera hecho para ser la lira de barbatos. no como si fuera a volar como un pegaso. no si yo fuera el veloz par de morfos blancos como la nieve. Agregue estos a los de patas de plumas y alados, y de la misma manera, pida la rapidez de los vientos. Y aunque deberías aprovecharlas, amigo, y ofrecérmelas. Sin embargo, debería estar cansado hasta los huesos y agotado por los frecuentes desmayos. amigo mio mientras te buscaba se desmoronan los cielos y se derrumban las falsedades
My theory is that the dark mud is a corruption like rot in the leylines because the "second who came" corrupted the natural order of teyvat. The memories are from the inhabitants of the ancient civilization (before Khanreai) that was destroyed in the chasm. I would not be surprised if the letter was from the electro yaksha to his fellow yaksha after he vanished. Just a few thoughts!
I did some more research and totally think that's what it is! He went to the chasm to defend it from the cataclysm and died there. He wasn't sent to khanreai which explains the first line. The middle lines describe each of the other yaksha (
Maybe Guest from false land and envoy is just Refering to Second who came and the memories were of the soldiers who had the war of Primordial one and second who came because in Before Sun and Moon the followers of the Primordial One thought Primordial won but the shades knew he lost and maybe they refer the Guest from False Land to be Second who came(Present Celestia ruler?)
12:19 it says “soar like a Pegasus”
It is a metaphor
Pegasus is a mythical creature: a horse with wings
Pegasus is a winged horse thingy lol
Before someone reply: oh what if a character constellation is a Pegasus
I know.
IIRC he might be referring to the book "Breeze Amidst the Forest"
My memory is kinda vague about this book, but it tells a story about someone who meets a traveler from afar, they became close companions, but then a great disaster struck and they became separated (and they get cursed but I forgot how exactly)
Genshin lore holy
what about dainsleif being the author of the letter
I feel like the writer might be the electro yaksha and the "friend" might be xiao but idk i might be wrong