This Is Why Genshin Impact Abandoned Endgame Players…

Recent Genshin Impact controversy reaches an all time high. Who is right? Who is wrong?



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20 thoughts on “This Is Why Genshin Impact Abandoned Endgame Players…”

  1. I find it odd not to categorize Player A as the more fitting type "dedicated", in addition to "casual" and "hardcore". I would be squarely Player A.
    My definition of dedicated player, which would be yours' Player A, would be those that try to nearly min-max most things by following guides and efficient methods, not missing a daily, and the type that 36* star abyss for the rewards.
    A casual player is when capping resin or missing a few dailies is no big deal to them, not maintaining everything, and left exploration incomplete. (say, only around 50-70%) Casual also doesn't necessrily mean being F2P, as Hoyoverse really is aiming to sell character's personality, visual, and playstyles, and not really the power.
    Hardcore's definition however is one that that I fully agree is right.

  2. I consider myself an AB player. sometimes looking up puzzles I've spent an hour trying to figure out lol and whaling out on a select few characters. I do my spiral abyss with characters I like for the most part, but I might have 1 or 2 meta characters in there.

    Honestly, they should make an end game content like spiral abyss that's an actual domain/dungeon…and I would love for it to be like domains, where you could run it Co-Op. I ABSOLUTELY want rewards…this game is incredibly expensive and very stingy with what they give out (for the most part). And I want more characters, more constellations and weapons like so many.

    The issue here is that everything Mihoyo stated angered one side of their fandom. This is not balanced. They should spend one patch making things for casual players, one patch for new players and one patch for old players. keep spinning like this and everyone will be happy. But they wont…because focusing on older players is considered long term investments and they don't want that. they just want to focus on short term goals. Get as many new players to spend as much as possible to "catch up" or go through "fomo". In a year when they want more "end game content", Mihoyo won't care because they aren't spending as much, so they will focus on MORE new players.
    Genshin! the super amazing game, with awesome creators, run by a bunch of greedy jerks :/

  3. Why would Mihoyo add anything new, if people are still spending on constellations and weapons they don't need either way? On the contrary, greater focus on new combat content might just deter new players/spenders to get into the game because the hurdle might seem greater to them (causing 'excessive anxiety' because they might feel they miss more as long as they haven't catched up). imho it's still all about generating new players.

  4. I get that ressources as reward will not be added. But they could make it as a resin regenerator. Lets say endgame lets you regen like 30 resin a day by clearing content, player A&B player would be doing it without creating any FOMO or anxiety as they call it.
    Also, reward could be very low just as Investigation Points that rewards few apples or gray/green artefacts.
    I am really mad they let their dedicated players down by just goimg the easy way and no think around but hey, it's Hoyo.
    In the end, they say thanks for the money C6 and R5 whales, but we dont need this much.

  5. To be honest i dont agree with your take. They could just make a new mode much like the towers in different gacha games, and release like 10 permanent rooms per patch for 50 primo each, which would get more and more difficult each patch, or that each room has a different clear condition like survive, use only certain reactions etc, would help selling new units and that would be just a +500 per patch. Casuals wouldn't mind since its permanent they could do whenever they want, and players that like combat would be pleased. At this point they are just being ungrateful towards the players.

  6. I think you do bring up some interesting points but I think you're also conflating engagement or time investment with what's traditionally considered 'hardcore'. Genshin being a gacha also kind of muddies the waters. Specifically because 'content' in Genshin that isn't readily available to everyone are the characters and weapons. Both of which have very measurable power levels. I'm willing to grant you the point about the hyper invested teapot players or people who don't look up guides but at the end of the day you're not pulling for teapot items or manuscripts of how to build a character. You do have a very good general point though, that motivation (ie rewards) would dictate the life and death of whatever end game content was added. I myself think they could add 3 more floors to the abyss and make them exponentially harder, but without the primos attached I wouldn't be inclined to play, at least not consistently.

  7. I'm kind of a mixed breed lol. I use guides and stuff to support the things I came up with or refine them if necessary. Like I'm not following guides 1 to 1 but I use them as a reference for my own personalized teams. In fact I spend hours just for my personal theory crafting, maybe even more than I spend actually playing the game lol, just because I love to come up with strategies as well as interesting, fun and strong team comps (even if they are niche). At the same time, I don't really care about beating abyss per se, but I want the primos to get even more characters to build interesting and fun teams and to have more to theory craft with xD

  8. Thanks now I know I am A person. Not casual and hardcore but I am between them. love the combat and lore of the game. Combat in genshin in fun to play and somehow I would love they put endgame content that not related to time or similar to abyss. My f2p casual friend who have hardtime to play abyss said that if the contents that not required time/DPS check for combat the game would be less stress (not time gated).But for sure most people going to do it for reward (primogems)/ atleast once for fun. It's will be great if they put enemy in teapot like arena simulator we can put how much level we want like how beta enemy spawn so that we can test our demage for fun .For now I just accepted the game for what it was to avoided lot of copium in future.

  9. I think you are thinking about many of these things incorrectly:
    1. The level of hardcore is not the same as level of invested. I associate hardcore with those who are combat focused, and they min max their units and gear for the best damage output. I associate invested with those who have out the most time and money into the game. You can be very less invested and very much a hardcore player (new F2P player who is combat focused).
    2. It's undeniable that Hoyoverse has neglected the combat potential of this game. They are not getting a majority of players asking them to update the teapot every patch, however they do it anyway. This is because of a combination of being complacent and fear of losing current profits
    3. Rewards do need to be there for any new content played. No need for primogems, just recirculate the current materials. I have proposed how to do it many times (keep a daily multipart dungeon that gives Mora, experience and materials which is free from resin, and this replaces Leyline farming). The game already has this in the code, they can replicate Hyakkun Ikki or labyrinth warriors for this.

    There is absolutely no need to C6R5 (not even C0R1) many units from now on, so I don't get how you are saying that people will keep spending the same amount. A waifu collector only goes for C0, not their weapon and constellations (that is what a combat focused player does). It is logical to see that profits will go down from Hoyoverse because there is no need to get a C2 Raiden or C1 Hu Tao in future, let alone weaker 4 stars coming every patch.

  10. Hard end game content isn't for the bloody casuals it's for the whales and they just alienated their cash cows, good job HoYoMorons.

    Anyone that can't understand this simple truth is a brain dead buffoon!

  11. I agree, I would never do any fighting game mode if there is no primos in it. The only reason I do the abyss is for the 500 primos. I like their combat events because there is always a trick in it like you can choose cards to enhance characters, etc. These events are fun.
    I think Hoyo should just make these events available for the whole patch ( without any rewards after clearinf 1st time ofc) and then add 1 more difficulty hell for these "Hardcore players" so they can get the difficulty they want for the whole patch and then a new event comes next patch.

  12. As a casual dolphin ($2-3 hundred) playing since launch every 2 or 3 days or so I really just wanted somewhere to use my powerful characters. A reason to be powerful. Abyss is a DPS check. The Hyakunin combat event is a KPS check and is miles more fun than Abyss. I just wanted something like that. Time attack on how many mobs I can beat down. Boss rush. Something besides Abyss. Of course put rewards with it but is it really that difficult to do so? If they can add a permanent Hearthstone TCG into the game how can they not add a previous combat event, put rewards into it, make it biweekly reset, and profit from people wanting to get better at it. After that interview, I deleted the game because it truly felt like all the time I have put in and will ever put in to get better characters will only be respected in terms of how many fewer seconds do I want to kill over world hillichurls and pirates. And the average time it takes for casuals is already less than a second. Off to go to another Gacha game

  13. Everyone has their own goals whether casual or “hardcore”. I have my own personal goals which are collecting all the characters, having them at their best potential as possible, and finishing the story. Two of those goals will take me a long time to finish and it’s what drives me to play the game besides the rewards, combat, and adventure.


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